Anywhere With You (Harry Styles) - Part 1

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basically it's a differently worded version of runaways (it's a jamie follese imagine somewhere in book one) which no one read anyway so it's chill


"Why is it that whenever I can't find you, you're always out here?" you heard someone ask, their shoes moving the gravel beneath them. You tilted your head back on your forearms to watch the Prince you worked for coming toward you.

"Probably because you haven't learned to check here first," you mentioned as he laid down on the grass beside you.

"Fair enough," he chuckled.

You and Harry had known each other for practically your entire lives. You were about the same age – he was just a few months older – and you grew up in the castle together. Your mother got a job at the castle as a Candler a few months after you were born as a way to be able to provide for you after your dad left, and you would often – once you were old enough – help her make the candles as well as walk around the castle when she needed to light or blow them out.

Harry didn't have many friends outside the castle – sure, there were the servants and his older sister, but he didn't really have anyone his age until you. You were told that your only 'duty' – so to speak – in the castle was to simply be Harry's friend. And you happily obeyed until the two of you got older.

You were still Harry's friend, of course, but you were now acting as his servant as well. Though your work was mainly attributed to making sure Harry's needs were met and he made it to whatever he had to do that day on time, you did also continue to help out with candle making. The castle hired a new Candler after your mother had passed – although you knew how to do it, the Queen insisted that you only needed to be with Harry, so that was what you did.

But things changed with him not long after that...

You were both in your 20s now and, while you were still as close as you were when you were kids, you couldn't deny the fact that you had feelings for him. You'd had a crush on Harry since you were 6-years-old, but the fact that you still felt the same nearly 20 years later...? You didn't know what to do.

Though, the day he told you he was engaged to be married kind of made that decision for you.

Princess Eloise was a nice and respectful girl...around other people. But to Harry – and especially to you – she was the worst. She was incredibly rude and threw a tantrum in the same way a toddler would when she didn't get what she wanted. She demanded that Harry spend less time around you and when he told her that wasn't an option, she immediately began insisting on firing you.

And that was what led you to where you were now – lying on the grass in the garden and looking up at the stars.

You weren't exactly sure how long you were outside before Harry came out, but you knew it hadn't been too long because the moon was still in the same spot. You heard him sigh as he copied your position and put his arms behind his head so it wasn't directly on the ground. It was silent between you two – a comfortable one – for a few moments until it was broken.

"I'm sorry she's so awful to you," Harry murmured.

"I'm sorry you have to marry her," you scoffed jokingly, making him laugh again. You heard him take a deep breath once his laughter had calmed down.

"Have you ever thought about running away?" he asked you randomly, making you turn your gaze away from the stars and onto the side of his face.

"Running away?" you wondered where the question had come from.

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