Broken Love (Ashton Irwin)

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inspired by a convo me and catelyn had!!!!!!

and since the convo was about ashton i decided to keep it about ashton lmao

Warning: Some swears


You always thought the day you met your soulmate would be the best day of your life – that no other day could possibly beat it. You wondered if you'd run into them at school or work or while on vacation and if you'd know it was your soulmate even before your tattoo burned to signify it. You wondered what their little quirks were and hoped they'd love all of yours. You wondered if you'd live up to the image of yourself they'd been building up in their own head or if they'd be disappointed that your hair wasn't the color they'd been picturing.

But none of that happened

None of that happened because your soulmate was already taken; Your soulmate was already marrying theirs.

You'd never been so close to getting sick in public in your entire adult life. You were a friend of the bride after meeting her through your sister being her college roommate, and the first couple years you'd known her, she didn't have a soulmate. So when a name finally came up on her wrist, the two of you bonded how both your soulmate's names were Ashton. 

The day she told you and Sienna that her soulmate proposed, you were so excited for her, and were eager to help her plan the wedding. You thought it was strange that you had never met Ashton in the three years before they got engaged, but you were a sucker for stories where soulmates lived happily ever after, so you decided not to question it.

What did get you questioning it, however, was the day you finally saw him.

You and your sister were sitting in the ballroom of the wedding venue, waiting for the ceremony to begin. There were a few last-minute things going on – finishing touches on the flowers laid across the alter, curling the ends of the ribbon draped on the backs of the chairs – and you were content with just watching it all happen. But when you noticed movement out of the corner of your eye and looked over, you felt like your heart stopped beating.

The wedding planner brought the groom out to show him where to stand, and you were watching him nod while you just sat there in amazement – how had Tara failed to mention that her soulmate was Ashton IrwinYou picked up your elbow to nudge your sister, but while she was looking at you, Ashton finally looked out at the chairs in front of him. 

Both yours and his eyes met and you honestly felt like you were going to throw up. Your wrist started feeling hotter and hotter until it reached the equivalent of an almost unbearable searing burn. You didn't even wait to gauge his own reaction – you just abruptly stood up and rushed out of the room.

"Hey, where are you-" Sienna spoke up, only cutting herself off when she realized you were already gone.

She looked over to see what you'd been looking at, only finding Ashton's eyes still on you. She furrowed her eyebrows – why did looking at him make you leave? – and got up, quickly following after you.

Ashton's POV

Ashton honestly felt like he was on some sort of prank show or something. He had no idea what was going on, but the sharp, stabbing pain he felt around the tattoo on his wrist gave him a pretty good idea

Before she was out of sight, he ran after the two women. He turned the corner just as the black-haired girl went into a room, following her to it. He didn't go in though – he just quietly approached the door and listened from the hallway, not wanting to alert either of you.

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