Safety Net (Calum Hood) - Part 1 *

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requested by anonymous on tumblr

hi friends!!! i just wanted to say sorry for being so mia lately. my week started off kinda shitty in the whole mental health sense but i feel a lot better now so hopefully i'll feel like writing again!!! i know i don't seem to write requests too much but i hope u all like this one!!!

for the sake of things not getting weird later, let's all just pretend you're in your early 20s

Trigger warning: Mentions of abuse


You bounced into the 5SOS meet and greet, beyond excited to finally meet your favorite band. You hoped you wouldn't freeze up and be too nervous to tell them all the things you wanted to, but you suppose you'd only know once you were actually in front of them.

Once you were being led into the room where the band was, you could feel your heart start pounding. You'd only ever seen them in photos up to this point and, honestly, it didn't at all surprise you that you lost your breath when you realized you were now able to say you physically met the four people who helped you through so much in the time you'd been a fan. And all four of them smiled upon seeing your wide-eyed expression as you shyly walked toward them.

"Hi!" they all said in unison while Ashton continued, "How are you?" You breathed out as he opened his arms for a hug, hugging him back tightly.

"I'm good," you managed to squeak out, making them chuckle.

"What's your name?" Calum asked as you went to hug Michael.

"Uh..." you trailed off, "Y/N! It's Y/N!"

"You don't have to be nervous," Michael laughed, squeezing you before letting go so you could hug the next boy – which happened to be Luke.

"If anything, we're nervous to meet you," Luke grinned.

"Come on," you mumbled into his shirt since he was hugging you so close, "You guys meet like, hundreds of people every day."

"That's a bit of an exaggeration," Calum commented with a smile as well as you moved on to him. You wrapped your arms around his waist and his own wound around your shoulders, hugging you tighter than the three boys before him had.

"And that doesn't mean we don't get nervous meeting people," Ashton pointed out, "Opinions can change after you meet a fan in person."

"Not unless you're a dick to them," you mentioned, pulling away from Calum.

"Fair enough," Luke laughed again.

"So do you have anything you want us to sign?" Michael questioned.

"I'd ask if you were famous, but I bought a poster with you guys on it for the sole purpose of having you sign it, so," you shrugged, unfolding the poster in your hand and holding it out to them. Ashton was the first to take it, putting it on the table beside him to sign it nicely for you, while they all laughed again. "Okay," you suddenly let out a sharp breath, "I need to say this before I get too scared and chicken out." The last boy signed the poster, but still held it as you continued talking. "I just wanted to say thank you for...everything, really..." you told them, "Listening to your music and watching videos where you're just messing around has been my source of happiness for the past like, (however many years you've been a fan lmao) years now, and I know you get told stuff like that all the time, but I don't think you guys'll ever really understand how much you've helped me." You voice broke as you were speaking, making you swallow thickly.

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