Face Your Fear (Damien Haas)

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word count: 2217
requested by: none
warnings: apiphobia/melissophobia (fear of bees), panic attack
au type: you're a youtuber, smosh cast
summary: you're part of smosh and are about to face your fear
inspired by: "Olivia Faces Her Fear of Butterflies" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NsO290mTwlk
authors notes: i'm terrified of bees and wanted to write this after watching olivia with butterflies and the way shayne helped her. this is obviously a very "personal to the author" imagine, so i just decided to use this selfish ass idea as my birthday post for this year. i know that a lot of people have this phobia too but i understand if you don't like how specific it is and don't want to read it, and i hope to see you back on the next imagine! 💖
other parts: none


"Guess what! It's time for spooky stuff!" Ian opened the video as he drove you to an unknown-to-only-you location.

"That almost rhymed," Sarah laughed from the front passenger seat.

"Can someone tell me what we're doing yet?" you asked from the seat behind Ian, "And why I'm the only one here with this stupid blindfold on?"

"I'm so glad you asked, Y/N!" Ian said obnoxiously, "We're introducing a new series on this channel!"

"You know we love you so much, Y/N," Sarah told you.

"Then why am I blindfolded?!" you whined, hearing her laugh again.

"Because we want to help you face your fear!" she continued.

"My fear of being blindfolded and taken out to the middle of nowhere and murdered?"

"Yep!" Ian chirped, "Everyone, this is the video where we finally murder Y/N!"

"This is also the last video the three of us will ever be in," Damien finally spoke from the seat beside you, "Because we're definitely idiots for murdering someone and then posting the evidence to the internet."

"As fun as that sounds, we're not actually going to murder anybody," Sarah said, "This is about a different fear of Y/N's."

"The one where I never know what it's like to find love because I'm incapable of being loved at all?" you wondered, "Too late; I already came to terms with that one a long time ago."

"No, Y/N!" she laughed, no one noticing the way Damien looked at you, "We're helping you face your fear of bees!" The group took note of the way your body immediately tensed up.

"Is that just gonna involve looking at photos and not actually being in a room with them?" you swallowed.

"Uh..." she held out the squeak, "Which answer will make you feel better?"

"The one that's not the truth," you sunk down in your seat as much as you could with the seatbelt on.

"Why don't you tell us why you're so afraid of bees then?" Ian suggested.

"When I was a kid, my dad was trying to get rid of a nest but they attacked me instead," you answered, "Not that difficult to understand why I don't like them if you ask me."

"Well, you know they only attacked because they were mad," Sarah said, "But if no one bothers them, they're gonna leave you alone."

"So you're gonna bother them by having me walk into the room they're in?" you frowned.

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