Chapter 2

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Decided to go ahead and publish the second chapter since I'm so excited for this story!

*Suzanna's P.O.V*

"How does the Queen even know who I am?" I questioned quietly. I leaned back slightly against the couch as I worried my bottom lip with my teeth.

"She found records of your application from Circe," Captain Orion explained. I frowned bitterly over the reminder of my application with the former queen. She had practically dismissed me as soon as she met me, saying that I wasn't what she was looking for. When I had asked her what she meant, she had simply ignored me.

"I didn't know she would keep records of the applications," I mused quietly. I shook my head to clear away the thoughts to look at Captain Orion. "I'm sure there are more qualified people that her majesty could hire," I said.

Truth be told, I didn't want to work for Queen Seraphina. Working in such close contact with royalty didn't sound like a good idea especially with the rumors about the woman's temper. I hadn't known much about the woman until she had taken over our kingdom but even her kingdom's people said that her temper had only gotten worse with the death of her husband and son.

"That may be the case but most of the other applicants are men. Seraphina prefers the company of women if she has to spend the day with them," Captain Orion stated simply. "Plus your writing skills are rumored to be one of the best in the kingdom," he informed me.

I pondered over his words as I picked up my teacup once again. I took a long sip as my thoughts clashed together. On one hand, it was clear that they only wanted me because I was a woman writer, however on the other hand they at least knew of my skill because of the rumors of the kingdom.

"What would be required of me being her court scribe?" I asked quietly, already resigned to my fate. I didn't want to work for Queen Seraphina but I really had no other choice. My parents would be furious if they found out I denied an opportunity to work so closely with royalty. Plus one did not simply refuse a queen's interest, it just wasn't done.

"You would keep transcripts of every meeting that she has as well as assist her personal scribe when you aren't busy," Captain Orion said. His eyes were a dark brown, in fact they were so dark they were almost black.

"I could do that," I said slowly as I mused over the job offer. "I would be honored to accept a job as the queen's court scribe," I stated simply.

"Lovely," Captain Orion said as he clapped his hands together. "The only thing is that the queen's personal scribe wants to test you before you start. Your application showed that you are a very capable young woman but the scribe tends to take it upon herself to make sure that all of the staff are up to task," he said with slight fondness.

"You say that like it's a good thing and like she doesn't kick all our asses when she decides to test the guards," one of the guards standing behind him muttered. Captain Orion turned to glare at the two.

"You'll both be running laps around the kingdom for that," Captain Orion said quietly as he turned back around.

"Hardass," the other guard coughed into his hand.

"I've just doubled it," Captain Orion smirked. "I think I'll let Pandora supervise," he said much to the guard's obvious displeasure.

"Who is Pandora?" I asked quietly, drawing his attention to me. The guards seemed to be relieved at losing his attention.

"The queen's head scribe," Captain Orion said with a soft smile. "Most of my guards are a little intimidated by her," he shrugged his shoulders.

"Is she really so intimidating?" I questioned as I raised an eyebrow. I felt a small pit form at the bottom of my stomach at the idea of working in such close contact with such an intimidating woman. I had always been intimidated when working with people but thought of working with an intimidating woman was a little bit too much for me.

"I don't think so," Captain Orion said simply. "They just think she is because she makes them work harder than I do."

"Sure, that's the only reason why," one of his guards muttered. He sighed softly as he rubbed the bridge of his nose.

"What about lodgings?" I asked, trying to turn the conversation away from this Pandora woman.

"You are welcome to stay in the castle or we may be able to put you up in a house at the outskirts of the village," Captain Orion said, seeming to muse over his thoughts.

"I think it would be best if I stayed at the castle, otherwise I would be worried about trying to make it to the castle on time," I said. I smoothed out my dress slightly, staring at my ink stained hands.

"Smart," Captain Orion muttered. "I can't count how often I was late when I first started, it finally got to the point that Seraphina just ordered me to move into the castle," he chuckled.

It was clear to me that Captain Orion had a close relationship with Queen Seraphina. Him calling her by her first name showed that they were clearly closer than I thought. I made a mental note not to get on his bad side in case he decided to report that to the queen.

"When does the queen want me to start?" I questioned quietly.

"She would like for you to start next week if possible?" Captain Orion said questioningly. I pursed my lips in thought as I thought about it. "We'll send a carriage to pick you up in four days if starting next week does suit you."

"It suits me just fine," I said after a moment, earning a small smile from him.

We finished discussing the details of me moving and he finally left. The guards trailed after him and I collapsed on the couch as soon as I heard the front door shut.

"What was that about?" My father asked as he came into the room.

"I just got a job as the Queen's court scribe," I muttered as I let my arm cover my eyes.

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