Chapter 39

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Two chapters for the night!

*Suzanna's P.O.V*

When I reached the gazebo, I let go of Pandora's hand and just stood there. She gently grabbed my elbow, leading me into the gazebo. I pulled away and sat down on the steps, sitting in the sunlight.

"Just let her sit there Seraphina, she needs the sunlight after so long trapped in a room," Pandora said softly. I think she was trying to keep me from hearing what she said but I didn't really care.

I casually scanned the garden to see where the guards were all located. They were spaced out enough that there were gaps in between the hedges but there was no way that I could have gotten through the gaps without being within arms reach of the guards.

"You look happy," Seraphina said as she sat next to me. I scooted away slightly as I continued to look around the garden. "You're still angry at me," she said simply.

"No, I'm angry at the sun for shining," I retorted sarcastically. "Obviously I am still angry at you," I said simply.

"I hope to get you to forgive me for one day but I won't apologize for wanting to keep you safe," Seraphina stated.

"You've already said that you won't apologize so I'm going to keep being angry at you," I said simply.

"Fine, I'm sorry that I want to keep you safe," Seraphina said simply. I turned to look at her, flicking her in the forehead. Her veil offered some protection but I still found it satisfying to do. "You've spent too much time with my sister," she stated.

"It was fun, I should do it more often," I said as I moved to flick her in the head again. She moved away and I ended up losing my balance when I leaned more forward to do so. I ended up falling against her, my head resting on her chest. Her hand moved to the back of my head and she gently combed her fingers through my hair.

"I could get more used to holding you close darling," Seraphina said. I flushed as I pulled away, crossing my arms over my chest.

"It won't happen again, I just lost my balance that is all," I huffed as I crossed my arms, a small frown on my lips. Seraphina's hand chased my head when I moved, still gently playing with my hair. "I'll never forgive you," I said simply.

"You shall forgive me eventually," Seraphina stated.

"You're awfully set on me forgiving you, maybe I would if you let me go," I stated.

"I need to keep you safe, it's a big bad world out there," Seraphina said.

"I think you're more dangerous than the big bad world," I whispered softly as I looked at her.

"I would never hurt you," Seraphina stated softly.

"You already have Seraphina, you already have," I said simply as I looked away, my eyes straying to the hedges.

"No, no I haven't. I've kept you safe, you need me," Seraphina said.

"Do I? Do I need you or do you need me?" I asked sharply. Seraphina's head jerked slightly at my words and I could tell I hurt her.

"You remind me of her, I can't let you go," she whispered softly. "Her name was Savannah, she was such a little thing. Smallest baby I ever held," she murmured. I took a deep shuddering breath as I looked at her.

"Do you even like me for me? Or do you just see your dead daughter in me?" My voice cracked when I asked that question. It hurt to ask it and even though I hated her for keeping me here, I had to know.

"I see a daughter in you but not her, never her. You remind me of her in the way you used to look at me with eyes filled with happiness, with joy. But you are so very different. I love watching the way your face lights up when you write, the way you twirl your quill when you're thinking. The way you used to subconsciously reach out to keep contact with me," Seraphina said softly.

"Why do you see a daughter in me though? I don't think we're much alike," I said simply, clasping my hands together and twisting them slightly.

"Not in our mindsets but in the way your face is shaped I do see you as my daughter. You have the same cheekbones and the curve of your nose. Your mindset is more similar to my husband's, he was also stubborn," Seraphina chuckled softly as she leaned back slightly.

"I do not think I am so stubborn, you seem more stubborn than I do," I said simply. Seraphina chuckled as she got up, heading deeper into the gazebo. I watched her closely as she poured a glass of wine that was sitting on the table. Pandora was obviously enjoying a glass, leaned back against the railing of the gazebo. She raised her glass in the gesture of a toast with a small grin. "Am I right?" I called to her.

"Right about what?" Pandora asked.

"About the fact that Seraphina is stubborn," I said simply.

"She's been that way since she was a child," Draya asked. I flinched at her suddenly talking, turning around quickly to look at her.

"A warning would be nice," I said as I put my hand over my pounding heart.

"I am sorry darling," Draya asked as she leaned down, pressing a quick kiss to the top of my head.

"You do not seem very sorry, you seem amused," I said as I pouted, watching as she walked past me to steal a glass of wine from the table.

"I am always amused most especially when I startle children," Draya said.

"I am not a child," I huffed softly with a small frown.

"Everyone is a child compared to me," Draya asked. I rolled my eyes as I pushed myself up, looking at the three women.

"Don't," Pandora said simply.

"You already know what I'm going to do," I said as I turned and darted for the hedges.

"Damn you child," Pandora called after me. I giggled as I managed to dodge the guard when he lunged towards me, quickly making a run through the gaps. I did love a good chase.

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