Chapter 17

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I was going to put off writing today's update for a little bit but then it accidentally published early when I was starting to write it and I felt bad about that so I decided to finish it as soon as possible.

*Suzanna's P.O.V*

I sat in the closet for who knows how long. My tears had long since stopped but I still feel the tear tracks that ran down my face. I pressed against the back of the closet when I heard the door to my room open. I prayed to whatever god that was listening that the person would just leave. I really wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone.

"Suzanna?" Pandora's voice was gentle and I covered my mouth to avoid making any noise. I could hear her shoes tapping lightly on the stone floor as she walked around my room. After a moment she stopped walking and then I heard the sound of her shoes on the floor get louder. All of a sudden my closet door was pulled open.

"Go away," I said as I turned my head away from her. My entire body was still shaking slightly as Pandora crouched in front of me.

"I know my sister has startled you but she didn't mean to do so," Pandora said as she sat in front of me. She seemed pleased that I didn't try to move away but that was only because my back was pressed against the wall.

"I'm not her daughter, why didn't you correct her?" I asked as I stared at Pandora with a frown on my lips. Pandora had made no move to deny her sister's claims and in fact seemed to play into them a little bit.

"She had a dagger to a guard's throat, I felt it a little more prudent to get her away from that guard then it was to upset her farther by telling her that she was wrong," Pandora informed me. She had a point but I was still very shaken.

"Did you correct her afterwards?" I questioned as I raised my head slightly to meet her gaze, a challenge in my eyes.

"," Pandora shook her head. "My sister hasn't been well since she lost the King and the Prince. She's always wanted a daughter and you came along and she seemed to connect with you almost instantly. I didn't have the heart to remind her that she was wrong," she stated.

"Well I'm not her daughter and you need to tell her that," I said simply, biting my tongue to prevent myself from saying anything else. "I have parents and I don't need her to pretend to care about me," I stated simply.

"Like your parents care so much about you? They haven't written you in a month, every single time before then they managed to make a snide comment some way or another," Pandora said, her voice full of venom.

"You read my letters," I accused as my eyes narrowed. "You had no right to do that, it's an invasion of privacy," I said as tears stung my eyes. I refused to allow myself to cry in front of her, I wouldn't give her that satisfaction.

"It's in your contract that you gave up the right to private letters," Pandora shrugged, sounding way too casual about the whole thing. Like she had done it before. Knowing her she probably had done it before. "Besides, my sister actually cares about you. She's never made one snide comment to you, she cares for you greatly," she continued on.

"You had no right to read my letters," I said angrily as I pushed myself up off the ground. Pandora was on her feet almost as quickly as I was. I had a very bad habit of tears ending up in anger, I hated crying and that hatred just fueled my anger.

"Yes, we've established that I read your letters," Pandora seemed annoyed with my refusal to move on from that specific part of her sentence. I pushed past her, my body trembling with anger as I tried to calm myself. I could feel my nails digging into my palm to the point that they drew blood.

"Get out," I said simply, keeping my back to her.

"I can't do that, we need to continue talking," Pandora stated.

"Get out," I repeated as I refused to look at her, standing in front of my dresser. Pandora made no move to leave and I tried to ignore the anger that formed a pit at the bottom of my stomach.

"Are you done?" Pandora asked simply which only seemed to make the anger spark up. It was like a lighter being held next to fuel and I swept everything off of my dresser. The vase that sat at the back of it hit the ground with a loud crack as it shattered on the stone floor.

"Get out," I screamed as hot tears leaked from my eyes. I sank to the floor as I heard Pandora's shoes tap against the floor and then the door shut. I took deep breaths as I tried to calm myself down.

I knew it wasn't my fault that I had lost my temper. It was as if Pandora had managed to push every single one of my buttons all at once. Perhaps it was because I was still on edge because of earlier but I could help how I reacted.

I was startled out of my thoughts by cold liquid touching my legs. I realized that in my anger I had pushed my still full inkpot to the floor and the ink had spread across the ground. It was now soaking into the bottom of my dress but I couldn't bring myself to care.

I only moved because I realized my journal had fallen into the ink. I picked it up, setting it on the edge of my dresser as I surveyed the mess still sprawled around me. There was no saving the vase that now littered my floor, the shards ranging from small to tiny. I moved to my door, locking it as I sank back to the floor. My body pressed against the door as I bunched my dress up around me.

I realized after a moment that a piece of the vase must have cut my leg when it broke. It had left a decent gash on my leg but I couldn't bring myself to care. I just felt so numb at the moment and I had no clue what I was going to do now.

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