Chapter 96

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*Suzanna's P.O.V*

"Do you want a paci?" Mama asks as she gets up, holding me against her hip. She pats my bottom as I shake my head, burying my face into her neck as I suck on my thumb even harder. Why would I want a stupid paci when I could just suck on my thumb? My thumb was much better than some dumb paci.

"Mamamamamamama," I say around my thumb, squealing when she tries to set me down on the bed. I was not going to be put down! How dare she even try to do that to me!

"Mama has to get dressed," Mama informs me, earning a small pout from me as I look at her with puppy dog eyes. She didn't have to get dressed, I liked how we were laying against each other with skin to skin contact. It makes me feel super little and so tiny that I never want to leave her side.

"Give her to me," Mommy says as she holds out her arms. I whine as Mama hands me over, squirming to get comfortable as Mommy holds me. She is not as good as Mommy is with holding me plus she was wearing a nightgown which meant I couldn't cuddle up to her and enjoy her warmth.

"Mommy mean," I mutter, glancing at Mama as she freezes. She glances at Mommy, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

"Mommy?" Mama asks which makes me giggle. Mommy wasn't her mommy, she was my mommy who I wasn't going to share with Mama.

"She just started calling me that last night," Mommy says as she tickles my sides. I squirm and squeal, trying to get away from her mean tickles. I don't want to be tickled, I want cuddles and lots of them.

"Ahh," Mama nods her head but I don't understand why. My attention turns to Mommy when she tries to set me down. I whine, falling to my knees as I cling to her legs. She did not just put me down! How dare she!

"Do you want to wear one of Mama's dresses?" Mommy asks as she looks down at me even as I try to cling to her leg but also kick her at the same time. She was a meanie head who needs to hold me.

"Suzanna," Mama catches my attention from where she is sitting at her vanity. I turn my attention to her, looking at her with wide innocent eyes. She can't punish me if I act like I've done nothing wrong. I haven't done nothing wrong. I'm an angel, she says so all the time!

"Brat," Mommy says as she bends down, lifting me up. I squirm as she forces fabric over my head, letting out noises of protest until the dress is over my head. She tries to guide my arms through the sleeves but it takes forever to do that and I can see her eyebrows furrow like she doesn't know why.

"Let me try," Mama says as she walks over, now wearing a light green dress that fell down to her ankles. She reaches in through the sleeve, grabbing my hand. Now we were holding hands, this was great! Mama pulls her hand away after a moment and my hand chases after it, stopping after it comes out of the sleeve. Mama had made my hand appear! That was magic.

Mama does it again with my other hand and I smile excitedly as I show Mommy. She chuckles as she rests me on her hip, bouncing me slightly.

"I see baby, I see," Mommy coos as she kisses my hand. I giggle as Mommy sets me down, looking at my hands. How on earth had Mama made them appear? She knew magic and hadn't told me? What a meanie head.

Mommy picks me up after a little while, having to look for me since I cleverly hid under the bed. She manages to pull me out by my foot but I still have no idea how she found me.

"Poor baby, you can't hide from your Mommy," Mommy lifts me up, holding me in the air. I gurgle my defense, telling her that she was wrong and that I was not hiding. Mommy hums as she nods every once in a while.

"Oh is that so? I did not know that?" Mommy says as she pats my bottom. She carries me out of the bedroom and I cuddle into her, not wanting to look around. I like the dark, it is so comforting.

I hear Mama and Mommy talking but I don't want them to. I try to reach over and push Mama away from Mummy but without looking I can't find her. I don't have to find her though because Mama grabs my hand, kissing my hand gently. I whine as I curl my hand up while trying to pull away.

"Oh you don't love Mama anymore? You're leaving me for Mommy?" Mama asks which makes me nod. I hear Mama chuckle as Mommy suddenly sits down and I peek out of my hiding spot, smiling when I see that we are outside in Mama's garden.

"Garden," I mumble as I stick my thumb back in my mouth. Mommy chuckles as she turns me around and has me face the table. There's a tray of food there already and I have oatmeal. Oatmeal wasn't my most favorite but it was okay.

Mommy scoops some up, pulling my thumb out of my mouth. I open my mouth, accepting the spoonful just so I can go back to sucking my thumb. Mommy keeps feeding me oatmeal so I don't even have the chance to go back to sucking my thumb.

Mama gives me some apple slices which I happily grab, stuffing them into my mouth. Mama frowns when I do that and I pause, tilting my head to try and figure out why she was upset. I hadn't done anything wrong had I? Did she want one? I try to give her one back but she shakes her head, smiling slightly.

"What? Scared of a few germs?" Mommy asks Mama who rolls her eyes and shakes her head lightly. I go back to eating my apple slices. Adults are silly, they just didn't know how to share like I did.

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