Chapter 115

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*Suzanna's P.O.V*

My face was still burning from calling Seraphina Mom. I had never thought about calling her that, at least not when I wasn't little. I had thought names like that had to be preserved for when I was little.

However Seraphina hadn't seemed to mind that I had called her mom. She hadn't seemed mad or upset or anything like I thought she would have been. In fact, she was rather understanding about it. She had held me for a while before going to a meeting, something that I was still sulking about. She had said I could stay with Pandora or Kamili or Draya but I hadn't wanted that. I had kind of just wanted some alone time.

Once she left, I went to my room. I stripped down, planning on taking a shower to think about my thoughts. I climb into the tub, submerging myself under the water as I close my eyes. The darkness overtakes me, leaving me with only my thoughts.

I had called Seraphina....I had called her mom. And that was a strange thing because I didn't normally like that word. I didn't like the word Mom or Mother....Mama was fine, Mama was different than the other two. Mama didn't have bad memories behind it like Mother or Mom did. Mom was a vicious word, one that held darkness behind it.

However, that darkness didn't carry over to Seraphina. Using Mom with Seraphina was a word that was light, and was a happy word for once. I surface for air, taking a few deep breaths to catch my breath and my thoughts scattered like leaves in the wind.

I didn't know about calling Seraphina Mom again though. I kind of liked the idea, a part of me wanted to call her Mom again. However, I didn't know if she would like that. She hadn't been angry but she hadn't said I could call her Mom again. I wipe the water off of my face, opening my eyes as I sigh.

Having someone nice to call mom did sound rather good. However the thought of rejection was also just as scary. I mean what if she said no? I would hate that...I just wouldn't even ask, that way I couldn't be rejected.

I wash my hair, working my fingers through the tangles that had formed in it. I wince when I get shampoo in one of my eyes, trying to wash it out. My eye is watering and I'm glad no one can see me at the moment. I scrub my face with the washrag before washing the rest of my body off. Once I'm done doing that, I reluctantly get out of the bath.

I grab my towel, drying off before I leave the bathroom. I dress in a black dress, one that is flowy and looks sort of like a funeral dress. I like it though I decide, twirling to make the dress fluff up around me. I stumble into the bed, plopping down onto it and laying back. I groan when there is a knock on the door, sitting back up.

"Come in," I call after a moment, crossing my legs so that my dress settles in a way that I'm not exposed. I huff when the door opens and reveals Pandora, making me cross my arms over my chest as I stare at her.

"Not excited to see me?" Pandora asks, sounding vaguely amused. I can see the corners of her lips quirking up in a smile, one that disappears when I throw a pillow right at her face. She just steps to the side and avoids it, sighing softly.

"Can you go far away? Like to another world," I ask with a smile, putting my hands under my chin as I bat my eyelashes out innocently.

"I wish I could throw you in the dungeon," Pandora says with a small huff escaping her, rolling her eyes when I stick my tongue out at her.

"You can't though, Seraphina likes me too much," I inform her as I smirk at her, happy that I had won the battle.

"Yeah, I hear you like her a lot too. You must since you called her mom," Pandora says, making my face go blank. She wasn't supposed to know about that! That was supposed to be a secret between me and Seraphina! No one else was supposed to know, least of all Pandora who would bully me about it.

"Fuck you," I say, standing up. I try to stalk past her, upset that she would tease me about such a thing. It wasn't her job to know such things! I hated her for knowing such things. I couldn't believe that she was such a meanie to tease me!

"Oh don't be like that! I think it's adorable that you like calling her mom. Does that mean that you'll start calling me Aunt soon? Or would Auntie better suit you?" Pandora asks as she grabs my arm so that I can't storm past her. I shoot her a glare, my eyebrows furrowing in anger.

"I'm never calling you that," I huff, glaring at her, a small frown on my lips as I turn away from her again.

"Oh come on, it's not fair if Seraphina is called Mom and I don't even get a title," Pandora states, seeming rather amused at my upsetness.

"I will never call you aunt and I don't even know how you heard that I called Seraphina Mom! Is nothing a secret anymore," I glare at her, stomping my foot in anger.

"Nothing is ever a secret when it comes to Seraphina. She was bragging about it to all of her guards and maids and to our mother and to Theron and Kamili," Pandora lists, making my face burn. I couldn't believe that Seraphina would do that! It wasn't that big of a deal! Why did she have to tell everyone?

"Pandora, shoo. Get out," Draya's voice catches my attention. I stick my tongue out at Pandora who gives her mother a dirty look before leaving. Draya turns her attention to me and a shiver runs down my back as she smiles. "So....about the new titles," she starts to say, making me curse my luck as I facepalm and turn around to run off, whining when she grabs my arm to stop me.

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