Chapter 67

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*Suzanna's P.O.V*

When I woke up, I still felt really sleepy. The sun had started to set so I had been sleeping for a while clearly. My face was sore from how hard I had been sleeping and Phoenix was sitting on the floor. My room was surprisingly clean for her being up to her own devices the whole time that I slept.

My eyes flickered to the door and I pouted when I saw Pandora sitting by the door. She was reading a book, how very boring of her. She was about to move to number three on my list of people to assassinate just because she was being boring right now. The third person would be nobody and if you were doing worse than nobody on my list, then you were doing a bad job.

"Well hello sunshine, nice to see you awake," Pandora said when she saw me looking at her. I huffed at her words, flopping back and turning over onto my side to face the wall.

"I hope this is just a dream and you're not really here," I said, making Pandora chuckle. I felt the bed dip and I turned slightly, giggling when Phoenix crawled up to lay next to my head. She licked my face, covering it in drool.

Her tail was going a million miles a minute, smacking me in the arm the whole time. I eventually had to sit up or else my arm would be bruised from how hard her tail was wagging. I picked her up, holding her up in the air so she could lick my face but couldn't whack me with her tail.

"She was throwing a fit while you were sleeping, she seemed very upset that you weren't awake and playing with her," Pandora said. I nodded, petting Phoenix gently with a small pout. It wasn't my fault I was sleepy, I still kind of felt sleepy cause my mind was all fuzzy.

"Is not my fault, is your mom's," I muttered as I pulled Phoenix close, holding her with one arm as I rubbed my eyes with my free hand. My whole body still felt tired and I considered just laying down to go back to sleep. However I sat Phoenix down on the floor, getting out of my bed and going over to Pandora.

Pandora raised an eyebrow as I pushed the book out of her lap, letting it fall to the floor as I climbed onto her lap. She huffed slightly but didn't object, letting me sit on her lap. I rested my head on her shoulder as she ran a hand through my hair.

"You are a brat," Pandora said. I rolled my eyes at her words, moving my head to look at her.

"Your mom says I'm spoiled thank you very much," I corrected her usage of the word brat because I was not a brat. I wasn't spoiled either but I preferred the word spoiled over the word brat.

"She's very much right. You got two puppies, I never had any," Pandora said.

"Cause you like cats," I rolled my eyes. "Seraphina told me all the cats here are yours," I said as I stuck my tongue out, a very mature reaction on my part.

"Damn Seraphina and her selling out my secrets," Pandora said as she frowned, seeming annoyed with Seraphina for tattling on her. That was all Seraphina's fault, she was the one who told. It wasn't my fault at all.

"Yeah, go be mad at her and not me," I said simply as I cuddled into her, resting my head in the crook of her neck. She smelled nice, her perfume was sweet but wasn't too sweet. It didn't hurt my nose to smell her perfume like some people's, namely my mother.

"I will," Pandora said as she ran a hand through my hair again, smoothing it out. "You missed dinner sleepy head, do you want to go get something to eat?" she asked.

"No, you go get it for me," I retorted. Pandora chuckled as she nudged my legs off her lap. I huffed as I stood up, wanting to collapse back into her seat once she got up. She lifted me up onto her hip, carrying me out of my room. I didn't care if she carried me, it was actually quite nice of her to carry me. Plus Phoenix was trotting after us, trying to bite the guard's legs.

"You're coming with me because I'm not getting food for you only for you to be fussy and say that you don't want it," Pandora said, making me shrug.

"I would never do thats 'dora," I muttered into her shoulder as I looked over it. I was so going to try and find a way to blackmail her so that she had to carry me everywhere. That was how the world worked. I got my way no matter what.

"You would so," Pandora said as she flicked my leg lightly. I smacked her shoulder with a pout as I leaned back to look at her. She stuck her tongue out at me and I tried to flick her in the face. "Nice try," she said as she grabbed my hand.

"Mean," I huffed, making her roll her eyes.

"I haven't been mean to you at all. You flicked me," I whined.

"Are you two arguing already?" Seraphina asked. We were by the kitchens and she had just exited the dining room.

"No," Pandora and I said at the same time, making both of us look at each other.

"Save me," I whined as I reached out to Seraphina. She took me from Pandora and rested me on her hip. I played with the edge of her veil, the fabric was just so thin and smooth.

"Poor baby, I should have known Pandora and you would get along eventually," Seraphina cooed.

"No, we not get along," I whined at her words. If Pandora and I were getting along then hell must have frozen over.

"Sure you don't," Seraphina chuckled softly as she patted my back. "Let's get you some dinner and you can tell me how much you and Pandora don't get along," she suggested, making me nod in agreement.

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