Chapter 123

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Trigger warning: Attempted sexual assault

*Suzanna's P.O.V*

My hands still hadn't stopped shaking, not fully at least. They were still shaking lightly, a tremble in them that seemed to haunt me. I squirm slightly, a small frown on my lips as I huff slightly. I nibble my bottom lip, upset that my body was betraying me.

I missed everything about Seraphina. The scent of her perfume, the sound of her heartbeat, the touch of her hands as she held me, the sight of her smile as she swept me up into her arms, and... the taste of her milk.

My cheeks flush at the very lost thought, upset that I could even be thinking about such a thing when I wasn't regressed. I grumble at my stupid thoughts, trying to think of anything else that could keep my mind busy. My thoughts wander to Phoenix and Kelpie, wondering if they would miss me or hate me forever for leaving them.

I hadn't planned on leaving them, I really hadn't, but they were big puppies and there was no way I could have ran and carried them! So I had to leave them for now but I planned on going back for them. I hoped they would forgive me when I did but a part of me doubted that the puppies would be so forgiving.

I crawl into bed, my last thoughts about them as I fall asleep. Exhaustion had been clawing at my brain so I let it take me, a small sigh of contentment escaping me as I hugged one of the pillows close to my chest. My eyes darted to the door, making double sure I had locked it before I drift off to sleep.

I stir slowly, a yawn escaping me as I open my eyes. I blink tiredly before realizing that the door was cracked, light shining in through the crack into the now dark room. My body tenses and I jerk up, thrashing violently when I feel a hand grab around my throat.

I open my mouth to scream, feeling the hand tighten around my throat to the point it cuts out my ability to speak. Still I thrash around, trying to fight off the man that is on top of me.

My nails scratch against his skin, my feet kicking out against him as I feel his other hand move to slide up my thigh and under my dress. He seems to be distracted by the money pouch I had tucked under the fabric so I use it as my opportunity to escape.

"Get off," I manage to get out, my voice quiet as I thrash under him. My body burns from his touch, fear and anger the overwhelming feelings in my mind. Fear of what is happening and anger that he had the audacity to touch me.

I manage to kick my legs up, kicking him in the balls. He grunts as I feel his grip around my throat. I manage to break free, rolling off the bed and onto the floor. I scramble to the door, nearly falling.

I'm almost out the door before I feel a hand around my ankle. I fall just short of the door and a cry escapes me.

"Help! Help me," I scream, my voice sounding so unlike me. I've never been so scared in my life, the fear that is running through me as I kick out with my other leg. My scream tears from my throat, adrenaline the only thing that is keeping me from passing out from the fear.

"Hands off," the voice is clear, calm and yet cold. It's the best sound I've ever heard at the moment.

The hand around my ankle still tries to pull me closer and I watch as my savior steps around me, a sword in his hand which he quickly raises. It's without a second thought that he brings it down, the sword slicing through the man's hand.

"Oh shut up, you're lucky it's just your hand. I could have done worse but you deserve to suffer for much longer," King Theron says, rolling his eyes as he turns his attention to me.

"Hi Princess," he says as he smiles at me. I can't help but squirm away, my back hitting something hard. I tilt my head back, looking at Orion who offers me his hand. I ignore it, looking between King Theron and him, as well as the man who was laying on the floor with his severed hand. I could barely see his face but I could see the fear as he realize he had royally fucked up.

"Come on Suzanna," Orion says, his hands sliding under my arms as he hoists me up. I flinch from the contact, shying away slightly from him as I stare at him with wide eyes.

"Sorry darling, I do try to keep the violence away from little ones but I felt like it was only appropriate he lose at least one hand," King Theron says as he sheathed his sword.

"How did you find me?" I decide to ask, feeling Orion adjust me so I'm sitting on his hip and his hand is on my back to support me. I appreciate that because if he held me like Seraphina or Kamili usually did, with his hand on my bottom, I would have probably freaked out after what just happened.

"A pretty girl wearing a moderately nice dress who goes into a seedy tavern? Most people would notice and rumors spread, also you're very noticeable especially since every single guard that could have been was pulled from their posts to look for you. On top of that all of the guard dogs are very familiar with your scent and are quite good at tracking," Orion explains, making me furrow my brows.

"But Seraphina doesn't want me," I whisper in confusion, earning a noise from King Theron.

"Of course she wants you silly girl, she would burn this very kingdom to its bones if that's what it took to find you," King Theron says, coming over to me. I stare at him, tears burning my eyes as what had just nearly happened sets in and I burst into tears, reaching for him.

"Come here baby, I've got you," he reassures me, taking me from Orion as he carries me down stairs, leaving Orion with the man. That's all I could think of him as, the man. I didn't know his name and I hoped I would never learn it.

"Close your eyes," King Theron orders, his hand pressing on the back of my head as he tries to tuck my face into his shoulder. He's not quick enough and I see that the tavern is empty, except for the barkeep who is tied to a chair. His face is blood and I notice the dark bruises that spot it, making me gasp as King Theron presses my face into his shoulder. I let him, deciding maybe it's okay to let him make the decisions for now. I tuck my head into his neck, deciding that I feel safer in his arms than I've felt since I left the castle.

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