Chapter 15

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*Suzanna's P.O.V*

I was impulsive, I knew that. I had always been impulsive when it came to things. So when the brilliant idea of cutting my hair came to mind, I obviously decided to do it. I used a knife, one that I had stolen from my father before I left,  to cut my hair. My hair went from being down my lower back to being just above my back. It wasn't even but I didn't really care.

Only after the fact did I really think about what I had done. I had never cut my hair this much before and it felt so much lighter. I ran my fingers through my hair to fluff it slightly. I decided for just this once that I would leave my hair down for the day. A big part of me wondered what Queen Seraphina was going to say about it. My mind turned to Queen Seraphina as I made my way to breakfast.

Queen Seraphina seemed to be quite pleased with the letter from her mother which was quite a drastic change from how she had seemed when she first got the letter. However she also seemed to be distracted at the same time. Not too distracted to give me attention, she spent quite a bit of time with me still.

Queen Seraphina also seemed reluctant to let me go back to work. It wasn't that she didn't want me around, I knew that much at least since she spent most of her free time with me. It just seemed like she preferred to keep me to herself. In fact, the only reason that I got to go back to work was because Pandora bartered with Queen Seraphina to allow me to return. I didn't know what Queen Seraphina wanted in return but Pandora seemed fine with whatever it was.

Speaking of Pandora, I actually managed to beat her to breakfast for once. Perhaps it was because the sun was still coming over the horizon but I would take any win that I got. I managed to get my breakfast rather quickly and also got a glass of water. Just because Queen Seraphina wasn't around to see didn't mean that she wouldn't find out.

I managed to get through a good portion of breakfast, downing the rest of my water right as Pandora sat across from me. I only looked up when she remained silent, noticing that she was studying me.

"You cut your hair," Pandora said, her dark brown eyes showing clear interest.

"I..yeah," I nodded my head as I subconsciously ran my fingers through it. Only just now did I consider that it might not look as good as I thought it did.

"It's uneven," Pandora noted dryly, making me frown slightly. "Would you like for me to make it even?" she offered suddenly. I blinked in surprise at her offer.

"That would be nice," I said simply. Pandora nodded as she stood up before pausing to look at me.

"Are you done with breakfast?" she asked, seemingly changing the subject all of a sudden.

"Yeah, I am," I nodded my head. I had managed to eat most of my biscuits and gravy as well as some bacon.

"Good, come with me," Pandora said as she turned quickly and left. I took my plate to the sink before joining Pandora at the entrance of the dining hall. She led me down a twisting maze of corridors and up a few flights of stairs.

Wherever she was leading me was clearly way out of the beaten path of most people. Most of the halls on the upper levels were vacant except for a guard or two. The door she led me to was in the middle of a deserted hallway. She turned the doorknob and stepped inside, inviting me to follow her inside.

It became quite clear that the room was her private quarters when I stepped inside. The room was decorated with bright, dazzling colors much like many of Pandora's outfits. Pandora guided me to a chair in front of the vanity, letting me sit down as she dug through one of the vanity drawers.

"Do you even know how to cut hair?" I asked her curiously, suddenly realizing that she may not have any clue of what she was doing.

"I cut Seraphina's hair whenever she wants it to be," Pandora answered as she pulled out a pair of silver scissors. She also grabbed a small brush that didn't seem to be used.

"Do you also do her hair sometimes?" I questioned curiously as I admired myself in the mirror.  The dark red dress that Queen Seraphina had picked out for me complimented my brown skin perfectly. I could see why it was a color that she wore often.

"Sometimes I do indeed do her hair, most of the time she refuses my offer," Pandora asked as she started to brush through my hair. "She says I baby her too much, tis not my fault she's the baby of the family," she muttered with a frown on her lips.

I was slightly amused about her muttered complaint about Queen Seraphina. It was quite clear that Pandora took being the older sister very seriously. I pondered what my life would have been like if I had sibling as I watched Pandora trim the ends of my hair to make it more even.

"What made you decide to cut your hair?" Pandora questioned after a moment of silence.

"Just wanted to cut it, figured it was the one impulsive thought that I should allow myself to follow," I answered. Pandora remained silent at that as she continued to work on my hair. She was rather light handed with the brush as she hummed softly.

I admired my hair in the mirror once Pandora was done, continuing to do so even as there was a knock on the door. Pandora's hand brushed across my lower back as she walked past me to go open the door. Pandora's voice was hushed for a moment before I heard the sound of the door shutting.

I turned my head slightly, surprised to see Queen Seraphina now standing in the room. She approached me, a small smile on her lips. I was surprised to see her without her veil before I noticed that Pandora was holding it.

"You cut your hair," Queen Seraphina said. I flushed as I realized how close she was to me. She moved her hand to cup my face. A small noise escaped me as her thumb brushed against my jawline gently.

"Do you like it?" I managed to stammer out as I tried to look into her dark green eyes. I felt like if she could look into my eyes then she could see my very thoughts.

"You look adorable," Queen Seraphina said with a small hum of approval. A small grin appeared on my lips that was reminiscent of hers.

"I think I'm going to be sick," Pandora muttered, making me roll my eyes. She always found a way to ruin any sweet moment.

Things will start picking up soon, I promise.

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