Chapter 54

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*Seraphina's P.O.V*

Suzanna was not in a pleasant mood today. I mean normally she had an attitude but her choosing to ignore me after agreeing to scribe today was different.

Suzanna only did it when she thought I wasn't looking but the way she rolled her eyes when I talked was mildly infuriating. It was like she couldn't fathom that I could speak about things and be serious about them.

Suzanna also seemed to despise most of the nobles that attended my court. The way she watched them closely, her eyes narrowing when she didn't like something that they said. She didn't like most of the stuff they said based on the dirty looks she gave them.

"Can I leave now?" Suzanna asked me in one of the gaps between meetings. She wasn't asking me though, she was looking at Pandora.

"You agreed to scribe today so no," Pandora said as she rolled her eyes. Between the two of them, I was surprised that neither of their eyes had gotten tired from them constantly rolling their eyes. They were a bad influence on each other and they didn't even realize it.

"Walk off a cliff Pandora," Suzanna said quietly before she leaned back in her seat, the quill twirling between her fingers. It seemed she was mad at both of us today which was a change from her normally only being mad at one of us.

Suzanna didn't seem to realize how much of my day revolved around making sure she wasn't too far away from me. I couldn't stand the thought of being away from her, she was my baby. I needed to keep an eye on her.

I couldn't handle the idea of another loss after Theron and Malik. Suzanna had become my whole word ever since I had noticed her. The way she smiled or the way she avoided eye contact when talking to people, it was so much like my dear Malik.

I had always wanted to give Malik a sister and now I had found one for him. However he was gone now so he wouldn't have the chance to meet her. He would have loved to have a little sister though, I just knew it.

Pandora spoke nonsense sometimes about Suzanna not being my daughter. She was wrong though, Suzanna was my daughter despite whatever Pandora said.

I could see the resemblance to me in her facial structure and her eye color was almost a carbon copy of Therons. She just had to be my daughter because if she wasn't, what else did I have?

I had Kamili and I loved her. She was the woman of my dreams. However the love for a partner was much different than the love of being a mother. I needed to be a mom, I needed someone to need me.

Being a mother was more important to me than being the queen. I would have given it all up if I could just have my husband and son back. That wasn't possible though so I would simply hold Suzanna as close as I could.

I was thankful for the veil I wore at the moment because it hid my tears and how I was feeling. Showing weakness to people as ruthless as the nobles never ended well.

I turned my head slightly when a piece of parchment hit my arm and I noticed Suzanna trying to act way too casual. It might have been believable if she was actually writing but just pushing her quill against the page with no ink on it wasn't something that could fool me.

It was the oldest trick in the book. I had done it myself when I was supposed to be doing homework and that was over two decades ago. Realizing how long ago that was made me feel old.

I tore my thoughts away from how old I felt, watching Suzanna out of the corner of my eye. She ripped off the edge of the parchment and balled it up, flicking it at me. I swatted it away before it hit my arm and watched her sit up straighter, staring down at the parchment in front of her like her life depended on it.

"Pandora, could you get me something to drink?" I asked after a moment.

"Don't I always get you something to drink?" Pandora asked simply as she rolled her eyes. I think she did that a lot more than she realized. "What do you want 'phina?" She asked.

"Surprise me," I shrugged my shoulders. "Get Suzanna something to drink as well please," I stated.

"No actually, my plan was to let her die of dehydration," Pandora retorted. "I don't like her though so she's getting water," she said, purposefully speaking louder so Suzanna could hear her.

"Choke and die," Suzanna said simply. I sighed as I rested my head on my hand, not caring if it wrinkled the fabric of my veil.

"Children, the both of you," I muttered as I stood up, smoothing my dress out. Pandora huffed as she left the room, purposefully shutting the door behind her a lot harder than she needed to.

I walked over to Suzanna, noticing that she was avoiding looking in my general direction. "The next time you want to flick parchment at me, make sure you don't act so suspicious," I said simply.

"I have no idea what you are talking about," Suzanna said as she looked up at me. Her brown eyes glimmered in the light, looking almost hazel.

"Sure you don't," I said as I moved around her desk, scratching her back lightly. She pressed her back against my nails, moving so that my nails scratched her upper back.

"I really don't, maybe you're seeing things," Suzanna stated as she twirled the quill between her fingers.

"Okay, so I was just imagining you flicking parchment at me?" I questioned curiously.

"Yes," Suzanna said as she rolled her eyes. I shook my head.

"You and Pandora are a lot alike," I muttered, my words clearly bothering Suzanna.

"You take that back, we're nothing alike," Suzanna said when she comprehended what I said and she stood up, glaring at me. I had to hold back a laugh at how adorable she looked.

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