Chapter 93

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*Suzanna's P.O.V*

I let Pandora carry me back simply because I don't feel like walking. I cuddle up to her, hiding my face into the crook of her neck. She doesn't seem to mind though since she rubs my back, resting me on her hip. I almost forgive her for being so mean to me most of the time.

Once we reach the castle, the entire place is in disarray. The guards are sort of scattered out, seeming not to know what to do now that the king is back. I can see that this news has left everyone very shocked.

"They act like it is shocking that Theron is still alive, the man is impossible to kill," Pandora scoffs as she carries me inside the castle. The hallways are practically deserted for once and it feels so strange to be in the castle with no one lining the halls.

"I don't like how quiet it is," I mutter to Pandora.

"Of course you don't, you are always so loud," she teases, making me roll my eyes. I push away from her, trying to get down. She sets me down and only then I do notice that the blood from her hands and dress has gotten onto my dress.

"Pandora, you got me dirty," I whine as I cross my arms. I start to feel a little small but I don't want to be super small without Mama around. Mama was the one who usually made me feel small.

"Oh poor dear, just go take a bath," Pandora scoffs as she tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear. I jerk away, angry that she is getting my hair dirty with blood.

"You are mean," I say as I stomp off, hearing her follow me. I try to walk quickly but Pandora is much quicker than me yet she just stays right behind me instead of grabbing me. I end up finding Kamili standing in the hallway. She keeps glancing down the hall towards the infirmary, seeming worried.

"Kam," I run to her, giggling when she flinches. I clearly have startled her but I don't really care, I was just happy to see her.

"Hello little Suzanna," Kamili says with a small smile. She crouches down to my level, frowning when she sees the blood on my dress. "Are you hurt?" she asks and before I can respond, she is spinning me around to check me over for wounds.

"Kamili, stop it," I whine as I grab her hands, looking her in the eyes.

"It is from me," Pandora states. I glance back at her and notice she is just standing there, rolling her eyes when she sees me looking at her. I stick my tongue out at her, pressing against Kamili when she moves toward me.

"Save me," I whine, hiding my face into her shoulder.

"Oh you poor thing, is Pandora being mean to you?" Kamili asks. I nod my head, listening to her heartbeat.

"Yes, I am so cruel and mean to the child. She needs to go take a bath," Pandora scoffs. I huff, feeling Kamili gently grab my arms and make me stand back so that she can see my face.

"Pandora is right, you need a bath," she says as she looks down at me. I shake my head, trying to cuddle up to her again. "I'll put bubbles in it," she offers, making me stiffen as I look at her with wide eyes.

"Really?" I ask with a smile, bouncing up and down.

"Yes, really," Kamili says. I nod before I pull away, taking off down the hall to my room. I nearly fall when I stop suddenly, having nearly past my room. I shove the door open, going to find something to change into.

I hear someone clear their throat and I turn around, smiling when I see Kamili. She wasn't even out of breath like I was, she didn't even look like she had ran after me. I smile at her, bouncing up onto my tippy toes.

"What are you going to wear little one?" Kamili asks before she heads to the bathroom, going to start running my bath. I go into my nursery, feeling kind of like a baby but I really like the dresses in there. I pick out a light purple dress, carrying it out of the nursery.

"Found dress," I tell Kamili shyly as I step into the bathroom. She glances at me as she tests the temperature of the water before stopping it. There are already bubbles in it so I undress quickly, stepping into the bathtub and sinking into the pillows.

"Well okay then," Kamili chuckles softly as she rolls her eyes slightly. I giggle when she scoops up some bubbles, putting them on my face. I shake my head which makes them pop rather quickly.

"Don't do that Mommy," I whine softly, hiding my face with my hands. I see her eyes widen before she smiles slightly, relaxing after a moment when I don't say anything else.

"Oh, why not?" Mommy asks as she tries to put more bubbles on me. I squeal, splashing her with some water. She raises an eyebrow as part of her dress gets soaked but it wasn't my fault. It was her fault. She was the one who was being a meanie head to me and tried to get bubbles all over me. If she didn't want water on her, she shouldn't have put bubbles on me.

Mommy helps wash me, focusing on getting the blood off my hands and arms from when Pandora had touched them. I was never going near Pandora again, she got me all messy. Mommy even makes me wash my hair which I don't want to do but I don't want to get in trouble either so I let her wash my hair.

Mommy helps me get out of the tub, drying me off quickly. I go to get some underwear but Mommy grabs my hand, stopping me.

"What do you think you are doing?" she asks.

"Going to get underwear," I mutter, sticking my tongue out at her.

"Do you think underwear is what you should be wearing? I mean someone seems very small right now," she says as she cups my face, making my nose wrinkle up slightly in response. How dare she call me small, I was not small at all. She was a meanie for saying that.

"I am big," I whine to her, pouting when she crouches down to be eye level with me. Stupid heels, I wish she didn't wear them.

"If you have an accident, you will have to take another bath and you will have to do your own laundry and clean up the mess. Whereas if you wear a diaper, it will be much easier to clean you up and you won't have to worry about making a mess or making it to the potty," Mommy says. I pout at her words, realizing that she does have a point.

"Fine," I huff as I stomp into the nursery, hearing Mommy follow me in there. She lifts me up onto the changing table, making me lay back. She seems clumsy when diapering me, almost like she is unfamiliar with doing anything like this. She still does a pretty good job, just not as good as Mama does.

Once she puts the stupid diaper on, which I absolutely do not like wearing, she helps me into the dress. Mommy offers to play with me but I don't really want to play with her, I want to go see Mama. I do agree to play dolls with Mommy, only until Mama comes to see me.

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