Chapter 49

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*Suzanna's P.O.V*

Goddess was my new favorite animal. Mainly because she was laying on top of my legs so I couldn't get up. She kept groaning when I scratched her ears, seeming to enjoy it since she leaned into it. I had almost forgotten that Seraphina and Pandora were right outside the kennel until Goddess got up.

I went to follow her, only for the gate to open as soon as I was standing up and being jerked out of the kennel by my arm. I looked at Pandora with wide eyes, rubbing my shoulder in shock as she had physically removed me from the kennel. Plus it had hurt with how hard she had jerked me.

"You stupid, foolish girl," Pandora said. Her words hurt my feelings, I hadn't done anything wrong. The doggy had wanted me to pet it.

"Didn't do nothin'," I muttered as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"You're not doing nothing nearly got you killed," Pandora stated. "Most of these dogs are not nice dogs, you would have been torn to shreds." Her voice was firm and I refused to look her in the eyes.

"Note said she had good temperament," I whispered, ducking my head when Pandora stepped even closer. She was scaring me, I didn't like people being in my face.

"With her handler, not with random girls that enter her kennel," Pandora said. I gulped softly as she leaned her head down, her lips right next to my ear. "If you ever do something so stupid again, I will personally insure that you never even think about touching one of these dogs again, am I understood?" she asked sternly.

I nodded my head, feeling tears fall down my face. My head felt all fuzzy now and I couldn't sort my feelings out. I just knew that I wanted to cry and so I did.

"Pandora, that is enough," Seraphina's voice was stern, sterner then I had ever heard her be before. I sniffled softly as I looked at her, going to her when she offered me her hand. I took it quickly, hiding my face into her shoulder. I just needed my Mama right now, I wanted her to hold me.

"Is it? She could have gotten killed," Pandora said. She didn't make a move to come over so I assumed I was safe with Mama for now.

"Yes she could have. That is beside the point. You've overstepped your bounds when you get to the point where you are in her face and threatening her," Mama said as she squeezed my hand gently. "Suzanna will be punished for going in the kennels and ignoring directions to leave it but you had no right to call her stupid," she stated firmly.

"I most certainly did Seraphina. That's what she was for daring to enter an unknown dogs' kennel," Pandora argued. "Do you not care that she could have died?" she asked.

"Of course I do!" I had never heard Mama sound so angry. "To imply that I don't care is so far off base. I love Suzanna, she is my daughter. I however know that getting in her face and making her cry won't teach her anything," Mama said.

"Oh? Then what will you do? Have a talk with her?" Pandora asked. "That's worked so well in the past hasn't it?" she asked, clearly referring to something I didn't know about. I could see Mama tense though so I assumed Pandora had messed up.

"Go take a walk Pandora, as your Queen I order it. Come talk to me when you're not being a bitch," Mama said after a moment, her voice shaking.

"Listen to your sister Pandora, you've overstepped," Grandma said. I turned my head, having not realized that she was standing there.

Pandora threw her hands up in the air in frustration before she stormed off. I sniffled quietly, making Mama squeeze my hand.

"Let's go talk huh butterfly?" she asked softly. I nodded my head, following her as she led me back into the castle. My thoughts felt like they were wrapped up in a fluffy blanket as Mama led me into the closest private room.

Once we were in there, Mama shut the door and took her veil off. Her hands wiped underneath her eyes for a second before she looked at me. Her green eyes seemed stern but there was also an emotion that I couldn't quite decipher in them.

"I am not pleased with your decisions today Suzanna. You completely ignored my orders to leave the kennel," she stated as she sat on the bed in the room. "Come here," she whispered.

I went to her, expecting her to scold me some more but she just pulled me onto her lap, holding me close. My head rested on her shoulder as she held me close, her body trembling slightly.

"I sorry Mama," I whispered.

"I'm sure you are cherub," Mama whispered as she kissed the top of my head. "You will still be getting punished, just for disobeying direct instructions," she stated.

"What 'bout seeing doggies?" I asked softly. Mama chuckled as she tightened her hug on me, her hand resting on the back of my head as she held me close.

"Those charts aren't always accurate for how a dog feels about strangers. Those dogs are used to seeing guards in armor and dealing with them. They're not used to little girls that want to cuddle," she whispered.

"No doggies?" I asked quietly as I lifted my head to look her in the eyes.

"Tell you what darling, I'll have the guards put stickers on the charts for dogs that you can cuddle with," Mama offered. "If they have a sticker then those are dogs that you're allowed to cuddle with, if they don't have a sticker then they're not nice doggies," she informed. I nodded my head, content with that. A part of me wondered what my punishment was but another part of me was more curious.

"Aunt Panda hurt your 'eelings?" I asked softly as I wrapped my arms around her neck, letting her hold me close as she rocked me gently.

"Yes, she did. She was out of line for calling you stupid and threatening you," Mama said. "Your decision was foolish but that's why you have me, I'll keep you safe and teach you right from wrong," she informed me simply. I nodded my head, resting my head on her chest as I listened to her heart beat.

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