Chapter 22

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Y'all ain't gonna like this chapter.

*Suzanna's P.O.V*

I didn't know much about escaping but I felt like going to my room first was a bad idea. If I managed to escape then I could always come back I suppose but my mind was really on proving Pandora wrong. That would be far more satisfying than anything else that I could do.

The first thing I decided to do was just act as normally as possible while also managing to avoid Pandora looking for me. The longer I stayed out of her sight the better chance I had to get out of the actual castle itself. Once I made it out of the castle then I would have to worry about getting off of the grounds.

It was quite easy to get past the guards, I just had to act like I was holding parchments close to my chest. It wasn't uncommon for me to be sent around the castle to deliver them so that worked quite well for me. Once I made it past the first couple sets of guards, I dropped the act and just took off running down the halls.

A few of the guards seemed concerned but none of them came after me. I ended up slamming into a side door, opening it and stepping inside. It was a gated garden that was covered in thriving plants. I caught my breath as I made my way down a row of plants, the vines of the plants catching along my legs.

I could feel the thorns prick my legs as I paused to remove the vines from my legs. I managed to get them off to minimal damage to me and the plants. My dress was ripped in some spots but I was fine with that. I moved towards the back of the garden, eying the iron fence with a small frown.

I hopped up, wrapping my hands around the fence bars as I tried to pull myself up. I quickly realized that I did not have the upper body strength that I thought I did and ended up just having to let myself back down. I ended up just using the gate to the garden that was like three feet to my left. Kind of embarrassing but at least no one had seen me so it was a win in my books.

Now I just had to get out of the castle walls. It sounds easy but to be honest there were a lot more guards out here then there were in the castle. I decided to just go for it and took off running, having to hold the skirt of my dress up slightly so that I didn't trip on it.

I was nearly in the clear so I was quite happy. All I had to do was get out of the castle gates which were only a good fifty feet ahead of me. Suddenly, something tripped me and I hit the ground hard. I could feel the copper taste of blood in my mouth from hard I had bit my tongue as I pushed myself up, scrapes running across my arm.

I looked up, my eyes landing on a guard who had stepped closer and tripped me. Blood was still welling up in my mouth and I managed to keep myself from vomiting at the taste.

"What the hell did you do that for?" I asked as blood trickled from my mouth.

"Captain Orion said that you might try and escape," the guard said as he pulled me up. I reacted before I could think, spitting blood in his face. His free hand came up and my head snapped to the side at the stinging feeling across my  face.

"Bastard," I hissed as I kicked, my foot landing right between his legs. He ended up crumbling and another guard seemed to want to step in after that.

"What the hell is going on here?!" Captain Orion's voice boomed across the open space. The other guard snapped to attention as I heard the crunch of boots on gravel. I turned to face him, blood still trickling down my face. His eyes widened as his gaze flickered from me to the guard still on the ground.

"Captain," the other guard greeted, saluting Captain Orion who ignored him. He stepped closer to me, wiping the blood off of my chin with his gloved hand. The white glove was now stained red across the palm.

"Motherfucker," he hissed as he turned to the guard on the ground, pulling him up by his shirt. "Do you realize what you have done? Do you realize that you might die because you can't follow one fucking order?" He asked quietly.

"You said to stop her if she tried to escape," the guard replied, his voice still laced with pain.

"I said to make sure to stop her and more importantly to make sure that she wasn't injured," Captain Orion said as his free hand balled into a fist. "The Queen will want your head for this, I want your head for this," he stated.

The guard said nothing, clearly realizing that Captain Orion wasn't one to be reasoned with. Blood was still trickling from my partly open mouth and I watched it drip onto the grass at my feet, slowly staining it red.

"Orion, I think...I think I'm gonna pass out," I warned as I felt my vision start to darken. My legs buckled underneath me and I heard something heavy be dropped on the ground as arms wrapped around me before I hit the ground.

"Fuck, this is not good," Captain Orion muttered as my vision continued to fade in and out. I hadn't realized until now but I realized that the cheek that the guard had slapped had been cut by a rock, the hot crimson blood trickling down my face.

Captain Orion moved me inside, using his jacket to help cover me. He kept me tucked close to his chest, carrying me bridal style. I heard the sound of heel clicks once we got inside and I didn't bother to even open my eyes to see who it was.

"What happened?" Pandora's voice was soft, extremely dangerous.

"Pan, I love you and I promise an explanation later but right now we need to get to the infirmary before Sera sees this," Captain Orion said urgently as he kept walking.

"I want him dead Ori, dead before word of this spreads through the castle," Pandora said softly and I heard Captain Orion mutter his agreement. That was all I could remember them saying before I let sleep take me.

Any future chapters y'all want to see?

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