Chapter 114

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*Suzanna's P.O.V*

Mama has changed me into a new diaper, laying me on her bed after she was done. I watch her as she goes to the bathroom, looking after her with a small pout. I kick my legs slightly, managing to wriggle to the edge of the bed. I lean off of the bed, slowly crawling off the bed. Once my knees hit the ground, I crawl quickly to Mama's dresser.

I open one of the drawers, starting to pull Mama's clothes out. There's a whole bunch in here and they would look so much better all over the floor. I giggle as I throw some of her dresses as far as I can, watching them land in a pile on the floor.

I use the dresser to pull myself up, tugging open the drawer and nearly falling back with just how strong I was. I throw most of those clothes out,
trying to get them all over the room. Then I could use her drawers for whatever I wanted. They would be all mine and Mama would just have to deal with it.

I finish emptying out the drawer, opening the next one. My eyebrows furrow as I find a letter tucked into her clothes. Was it a love letter? Maybe Mommy had written it for Mama. Or Theron could have but I didn't think he would. His and Mama's kisses weren't like Mommy and Mama's. They weren't as sweet. Maybe they were angry kisses...but I hadn't seen Theron and Mama argue yet.

I plop down on the floor, smoothing out the crumpled letter. My thumb slips into my mouth as I try to start reading it, having to lean my face close to the floor to be able to read the neat and cursive handwriting.

'Dear Queen Seraphina,

It has come to our attention that our daughter may not be serving you as well as she can. I mean she is rather useless. It would be of no surprise to us if she was failing you miserably. That is why we understand if you need to throw her away. If you do though, then don't expect for us to accept her back. She will be on her own if you ever throw her out. Please let us know so that we can express our disappointment and disgrace.

Zoya and Jivan Gaidh'

My heart drops as I read the letter, a small frown crossing my lips. I completely slip out of my headspace as tears stream down my face. My hands are shaking as I stare at the letter. Tears fall down onto the letter as I sniffle, my heart shattering as I reread the horrible words.

"Zanna," Seraphina snaps me out of my thoughts as she turns me towards her, cupping my face. I stare at her with wide eyes, my entire body shaking. I collapse into, heaving sobs escaping me as I press my face into her chest. She hums softly, rocking me slightly as she holds me close.

"They hate me, what have I done wrong?" I whimper into her chest, finding it hard to breathe with how much my chest aches. It was like my heart had been stepped on and crushed. I knew that my parents didn't particularly like me but I thought most people's parents didn't like them. I had just never known how much they hated me...

"You've done nothing wrong my sweet girl. You are an amazing girl, a sweet angel who doesn't deserve to be treated so horribly. That's why I hid their horrible letter where you weren't supposed to see it. I needed to keep it for now so I can write several strongly worded letters to anyone who may become business partners with them, warning that they'll be cut off from the major trade centers," Seraphina says, making me furrow my eyebrows in confusion as I look up at her.

"If anyone trades with your parents or helps their business, I won't let my traders work with them. Which means they lose a lot of money. So they won't help your parents," she says simply, making me nod my head as she wipes my tears away.

"Do you love me?" I ask after a moment, furrowing my eyebrows as I look up at her.

"Of course I love you," Seraphina says as she holds my face, pressing a kiss to my forehead. "You are my darling girl, my little writer, my best scribe," she says, making me smile slightly. I was her best scribe? I hadn't known that...

"Really?" I ask after a moment, a small smile on my lips.

"Of course my dear, of course you are my best scribe," Seraphina says as she cups my face, covering my face in kisses. I giggle slightly at her affection, trying to turn my face away and avoid her kisses.

"Nu uh, you can't avoid my kisses. I would be a bad mother if I didn't smother you in love," Seraphina says, making me shake my head as I try to lean out of her arms. I pause when I see the clothes I had thrown all over the floor, glancing at her nervously.

"You will be helping me pick them up and refold them," is all she says, making me relax slightly. That didn't sound that terrible, I could do that. I smile slightly as I cuddle into Seraphina, letting her hold me as she rocks me slightly.

"You rock me like I'm a baby," I huff, making her narrow her eyes as she looks down at me.

"I'm pretty sure that you're wearing a diaper which I think makes you my baby," Seraphina says as she cups my face. I shake my head, disagreeing with that thought.

"Not," I disagree, making her narrow her eyes.

"Mmm, I'm pretty sure that the baby in my arms is my baby," Seraphina says as she covers my face in kisses, ignoring my squeals of protest.

"Mom, stop it," I squeal, making her stop. I only realize what I've said after the fact, seeing the way her eyes widen. My cheeks burn and I immediately bury my face into her chest, just letting her hold me tight as I try to take in what I had just called Seraphina.

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