Chapter 69

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*Suzanna's P.O.V*

I had woken up early in the morning, mostly because Phoenix was biting me. She had made a mess of my room while I slept and I would definitely have to clean it up in a little bit. For now though, I picked Phoenix up and carried her out of my room. The guards started to follow me but only one actually walked with me.

I made my way downstairs, heading out the nearest door outside. I set Phoenix down and she took off running around. I shivered as the cold feeling of the morning dew on my feet made me have to keep moving in order for my feet to not get too cold.

"Would you like me to get you some shoes?" the guard offered. He seemed sort of amused that I hadn't thought to bring any shoes.

"Please," I said quietly, making him nod. He left, another guard taking his place as soon as he went inside. It seems they still didn't trust me not to run off. That was a fair thing for them to do but I wouldn't run off until I had my other puppy. Plus I couldn't run off while they were little, I would have to wait until they were big.

Phoenix had decided to start digging up the flowers and so I had to try and chase her away from the flowers. She took it as a game and tried to bite onto my nightgown. She managed to get a hold of it and started trying to pull me to the ground with her. I pouted at her as I bent down to pick her but she just took off.

I huffed as I crossed my arms over my chest, looking after her. I heard the guard from before laugh and turned to see that he had come back outside. He offered me the shoes that he had gotten for me and they were my sandals. They were not suitable for puppy chasing but they would do for now.

"Thank you," I said as I took the shoes and slipped them on carefully. I was definitely going to fall, I already knew that. The grass being wet from morning dew and the fact these shoes were too big for me guaranteed it.

Still, I took off after Phoenix who was just running around me in large circles. She was taunting me, I just knew it. She took off with a small bark and I ran full speed after her. She suddenly stopped and I was running so fast that I didn't have time to stop. I stumbled over her and she yelped as I slipped out of my shoes and fell.

"Okay, well that was on you," I said as I fell to my hands and knees. I turned to look at her and she was looking at me like it was my fault that I tripped over her. The guard which had been following me paused for a moment, clearly choking back laughter as he offered me his hand. I huffed at the offer as I turned away with a small frown.

"What happened now?" Pandora said, her voice sounding further out. I tilted my head back to see her and noticed that she was on the other side of the garden. She was already ready for the day which was weird because it was still early in the morning. Like the sun was just starting to rise.

"The dog tripped me," I pouted at Phoenix who barked at me. She had been holding one of her paws up in the air like it was hurt and it made me worried about her. However she took off walking just fine when she saw Pandora which made me huff. "You faker," I muttered with a pout.

"Well hello puppy," Pandora said as she picked up Phoenix. Phoenix licked her face as she held up her paw like she was injured. "Oh, are you hurt?" she cooed as she looked down at the puppy in her arms. Phoenix was good at faking being hurt apparently and perhaps I needed to learn from her. I could fake being injured for sympathy just as well as she could.

Phoenix quickly got bored of Pandora and tried to squirm down. When Pandora sat her down, she ran off just fine. I was still sitting in the grass, not feeling like getting up at the moment. Pandora walked over and held out her hand which I smacked away.

"Don't want your help," I huffed as I pushed myself up. She was on both of my lists at the moment so I didn't know how I felt about her. I wanted to have her killed but she was also one of my favorite people. So it was easy to just be mean to her.

"Okay, well then I'll leave your ass on the ground," Pandora said as she went to leave. I latched onto her leg, wrapping my arms around her leg so she couldn't move. I was dead weight on her leg so she couldn't move. "You don't want my help but you won't let me move?" she asked as she looked down at me.

"Stuck here," I said simply as I looked up at her. My head was resting against her leg as I looked up at her. Her dress was kind of scratchy, I didn't like the feeling of the fabric on my arms but I was not letting her go.

"I am not going to be stuck here. Unlike you, I have stuff I do early in the mornings," Pandora said as she tried to step away. All she succeeded in doing was dragging me with her. "Let go Suzanna," she huffed.

"No," I said as I tightened my hold on her leg.

"Help me," Pandora ordered the guard who stepped towards me as if to help her. I clicked my teeth together warningly as I looked up at him.

"I bite," I warned, making him step back after a moment. I grinned at the fear on his face as I looked up at Pandora who huffed.

"Get up," Pandora grabbed my arm and pulled me up. I only let her pull me up because her grip was tight on my arm. "You can come with me," she said simply. I nodded my head, looking at Phoenix who was still digging up the flowers.

"Come on Phoenix," I said and she ran over, covered in dirt. She followed me as I clung to Pandora.

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