Chapter 78

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*Suzanna's P.O.V*

Eventually I tired of covering my ears and trying to ignore Seraphina so I did the smart thing. I covered Seraphina's mouth with my hand, refusing to let her speak now. She was supposed to be my pillow but she kept talking so really I was helping both of us out by covering her mouth.

"You're not being very nice today," Seraphina said, sounding amused with my behavior. I huffed as I looked up at her. I tried to appear more innocent by resting my head on her shoulder. She couldn't ever get mad at me, I was an angel. She said so, she called me cherub a lot.

"You're not nice to me most every day," I retorted, sticking my tongue out. She rolled her eyes as she shook her head. She had given up on trying to get me off her since her dress was all muddy so I was just curled up on her lap. I felt very tiny at the moment, I just wanted to be held all day.

"Okay darling," Seraphina agreed, making me pout. She was supposed to argue, that was the fun of it all. I whined when Kamili got up, trying to will her to sit back down. It seemed I had not developed super powers overnight so it didn't work.

"I am going to get breakfast. You two can just sit here and cuddle each other if that's what you wish to do," Kamili stated. Seraphina chuckled as she looked down at me. I buried my head into her shoulder, hiding my face.

Seraphina stood up, resting me on her hip. I sighed contently as I moved my head to rest it in the crook of her neck. Her perfume was nice, I was going to steal it. Seraphina patted my back gently, cooing over me which only made me regress more.

"This little one needs to change and have a bath so we'll be at breakfast later than usual," Seraphina said. I hummed softly, shaking my head at her words. That was not true, I would not be going to breakfast at all.

"Alright dear," Kamili said. I peeked out as she came over, pouting when she gave Seraphina a kiss. This was my mama, I was not sharing her with anyone. Not even Kamili, who I really liked most of the time. I pushed Kamili away with a huff.

"Suzanna, that's not nice," Mama scolded lightly.

"Not sharin'. Find someone else," I told Kamili simply as I turned to hide my face again. Mama chuckled, sounding both exasperated and amused with me.

"You have to share, sharing is caring," Kamili said. I tilted my head so I could look at her but keep the rest of my face hidden.

"I not care about you, my mama," I said as I stuck my tongue out before pretending to be asleep. You couldn't be mad at me if I was asleep, that was the law I'm pretty sure. Mama rested a hand on the back of my head as she swayed from side to side, clearly trying to turn my fake sleep into a real one. It wouldn't work though, I refused to go to sleep.

"Poor dear, the thought of sharing me must be so hard," Mama cooed as she kissed the top of my head. I whined at her words, burying my face further into the crook of her neck.

"Want puppies," I whined as I glanced up at her. I tried to look over her shoulder but couldn't see my puppies.

"They're mine now," Kamili's voice made me turn my head and I huffed when I saw that Kamili was holding both of my puppies.

"Phoenix and unnamed puppy, bite her," I ordered. Phoenix and the other puppy didn't seem to be interested in biting Kamili sadly. Phoenix just barked as she tried to launch herself out of Kamili's arms.

"What are you going to name this one?" Kamili asked as she held up the unnamed puppy. I tilted my head as I frowned, trying to think of a name. It hit me after a moment and I reached for my unnamed puppy.

"Her name is Kelpie," I said as I tried to pet Kelpie. Mama leaned closer and I got to pet Kelpie. I tried to take her from Kamili but Mama pulled away before I could complete my mission.

"You have to go take a bath darling, let Kamili take your puppies to the dining room and they'll be waiting for you once you take a bath," Mama stated. I whined at her words as I clung to the neckline of her dress, trying to urge her closer to Kamili again. She didn't go closer, instead she tried to go inside.

"No mama, let me go," I whined as I tried to struggle out of her hold. I didn't want to be held by the mean lady who wouldn't let me hold my puppies. My struggles were futile since Mama was much stronger than she looked. I tried to push myself away and get to one of the guards. Maybe they would save me from my mean mama.

"You are so fussy darling," Mama cooed down at me. I whined softly as I tried to squirm out of her hold. She was so good at holding me that every effort was just a waste of energy. I just cuddled up to her as she carried me to my room. I was sulking the whole time and plotting an evil revenge.

As soon as we reached my room, she sat me down. I tried to run past her but she grabbed my arm, pulling me back. I whined loudly, throwing myself down onto the ground dramatically.

"Mean," I said as I smacked my head on the ground. Mama sighed as she pulled me up, letting me go limp in her hold.

"You need a bath young lady," Mama said.

"I not taking one," I huffed at her words.

"You are so," Mama stated after a moment. I shook my head, crossing my arms with a frown. I was so not and she couldn't make me.

Next couple chapters are going to be regressed Suzanna!

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