Chapter 118

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*Suzanna's P.O.V*

I follow Kavita, deciding that she is my newest and bestest friend. Something that is a hard title to get but I decide that Kavita clearly deserves it since she likes upsetting Pandora like I do! So clearly we were meant to be friends.

Kavita glances back at me, making me smile at her so that she knows that I like her and that we're best friends. Why else would she let me follow her?

"I don't think you're supposed to be following me around," Kavita says, making me frown and furrow my eyes.

"Who is going to stop me?" I ask as I put my hands on my hips, looking at the nearby guards to make sure that they know that I don't like them and that they can't stop me from following Kavita.

"I could stop you," Seraphina says, making me furrow my eyebrows and turn to look for her. I flinch when she steps out of the shadows. Had she just been following me? It wasn't nice of her to scare me! I didn't care if she followed me, I didn't want her scaring me like that ever again.

"Not nice, Kavita's my new friend," I whine to Seraphina as I step closer to her, letting her tuck my hair out of my face as I pout at her. She presses her thumb along my cheek, making me huff as I pull away when I'm tired of her touch. I mean I'm not really tired of it but I don't want to seem like a baby to Kavita.

"Is she?" Seraphina asks, seeming to look at Kavita for confirmation. I frown at the question, giving Seraphina a dirty look. Of course Kavita would agree with me, I don't know why Seraphina bothered to ask.

"Yes, your majesty," Kavita says as she bows her head slightly and drops into a curtsy, making me frown. I huff as I glare at Seraphina, upset that she was making Kavita act all proper like. She wasn't supposed to do that! Kavita was fun and Seraphina was making her act all boring.

"Go away Seraphina, you're making Kavita be boring," I inform Seraphina who raises an eyebrow. I watch as she puts her hands on her hips, not seeming very happy with my words or my tone.

"Suzanna, this is my castle. I am allowed to be here and to speak with one of my maids and to you, my personal scribe," Seraphina says, ignoring my glare at her. I pout slightly, whining when Seraphina pulls me close. "You're being fussy, do you need a nap?" Seraphina asks.

"Noooo," I whine, upset that she would even dare suggest a thing. I didn't need a nap now or ever. Seraphina tilts my head up, ignoring the fact that I clearly am not happy with her.

"I think you do little one," Seraphina disagrees as I shut my eyes, trying to ignore her by doing that. That way she couldn't make me take a stupid nap. But now that my eyes are closed, I don't really want to open them again. I do though when someone tugs on my arm, freeing me from the mean Seraphina. I look at who pulled me away and smile when I see Kavita.

"Naps are boring and lame, you shouldn't take one," Kavita informs me, making me nod in agreement. She was right, I shouldn't take a nap. Although my eyes feel heavy now and I would like to cuddle up and sleep but Kavita is right, they are boring and I don't want her to think I am lame.

"Are you sabotaging my attempt to get my daughter to sleep?" Seraphina asks, not sounding happy but also not sounding angry. She just seems mildly annoyed at most which I find funny. I like annoying her, it was just so much fun!

"No, I sabotaged nothing. I'm sorry you're just not good at getting people to do what you want," Kavita says with a fake smile on her lips, making me giggle as Seraphina sighs.

"I am quite good at getting people to do what I want. I do it almost every day," Seraphina says as she puts her hands on her hips, seeming annoyed by the fact that Kavita had the audacity to say that she isn't good at doing her job.

"You're still not very good at it," Kavita shrugs her shoulders, smirking when Seraphina lets out a noise of annoyance.

"I want to fire you already," Seraphina states, making me glare at her. I step closer, smacking Seraphina's arm slightly. Seraphina grabs my wrist, pulling me close and tilting her head down. I can't see her face but I can tell that she isn't happy with me or my behavior. My heart drops when she doesn't let go and I stand there, a frown on my lips.

"Let go," I whisper, trying to free my arm. She doesn't let me though, making me look at her with pleading eyes.

"Do not hit me Suzanna," Seraphina says sternly, making me nod in understanding. She lets go of my arm and I quickly retreat to stand by Kavita.

"Wow, you gave up way too fast," Kavita comments, making me look at her with confusion.

"What do you mean?" I ask, making her grin.

"I mean she didn't even threaten a punishment, I wouldn't give up until then and even then I wouldn't give up. It's too much fun being in trouble," Kavita says, making me look at her with confusion. Getting in trouble wasn't fun at all, what was she talking about?

"Do not encourage her to get into trouble," Pandora says, making me huff when I spin around and see her. I retreat to Seraphina just so that I'm farther away from Pandora, sticking my tongue out at Pandora as Seraphina wraps an arm around me.

"Why?" Kavita asks, interrupting Pandora before she can speak again. "Actually I don't care," she says.

"Don't interrupt me when I am trying to speak," Pandora says.

"Mmm, I'll do what I want Lady Pita, I mean Pandora," Kavita says.

"What exactly does Pita mean?" Pandora looks to one of the guards, one who jumps to speak before she gets mad.

"It means pain in the ass, my lady," the guard says. Pandora hums, turning her attention to Kavita who just smiles.

"Come with me," Pandora orders, making Kavita step closer.

"No thank you, you can kiss my ass," Kavita says before turning and flouncing off, giving up when Pandora starts to follow her and taking off running with a laugh.

"I like her," I tell Seraphina who presses a kiss to the top of my head through her veil.

"I can tell, now let's get you ready for your nap," she says, making me whine as I lean against her.

"No," I protest but don't pull away when she starts leading me down the hall.

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