Chapter 36

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*Suzanna's P.O.V*

I had framed my Mother's letter in one of the picture frames that Pandora had given me. I had taken to reading it everyday as it was really the only thing that I could do. I still didn't have anything to write with and my only other option was to play with the stupid stuffed toys that Seraphina had given to me.  I knew the letter almost by heart now.

'Dear Queen Seraphina,

I am honored to receive your letter. Truth be told I thought I would be getting a letter from you for bigger reasons. I know that my daughter is quite useless but I am honored to know that she can be of some use to you. Whatever your reasons for wanting to keep her close, it is surely better than her following that pathetic writing career that she had planned out. I will of course honor your request of letting you know if she ever shows up and I will report to you immediately.

With all respects,

Zoya Gaidh'

The letter was short and it had managed to cut me deeper then anything my mother had said before. Could I even consider her my mother with how she spoke about me? It was like I was nothing to her. Was I anything to anyone at all?

I spent most of my days after the letter just sitting on the bathroom floor, refusing to move or eat unless Pandora force fed me. She was so gentle with me, making me eat and then holding me when I inevitably broke down. It was only two days after I got the letter that she decided to interfere.

Pandora had laid me onto a mattress, covering me with a blanket for the night. I didn't go to sleep, I hardly ever slept since I had read the letter. I was simply playing with the edge of the blanket, chewing on the edge of my blanket. It was the only thing I could do to keep from going crazy.

I heard the door open and laid still, barely opening my eyes to see who entered the room. I knew it was Seraphina and Pandora immediately. I had spent too much time around the both of them not to recognize the both of them just by body language.

"Why have you brought me here Pandora?" Seraphina asked. She wasn't wearing a veil and she was holding a candle which lit up her face.

"Because you don't realize what you are doing and I will not allow you to keep hurting that girl," Pandora hissed, her voice rife with anger.

"How am I hurting her? I haven't even been in the room with her since the other day," Seraphina said. I watched at Pandora took a deep breath before she slapped Seraphina. The sound was quite loud and I had to stop myself from flinching at the sound.

"You deserved that. What you did the other day to her was cruel. Giving her a letter from her mother that said that she was useless," Pandora said. "You want this girl to see you as a mother, you certainly aren't acting like one," she stated.

"This was our agreement, she won't see me as a mother unless she has nowhere else to turn," Seraphina said. "And don't hit me again," she stated.

"I'll hit you as many times as I damn well please when you are acting so foolish," Pandora said. "Our agreement was that I would try and drive her towards you, I can not do that when you are being so incredibly cruel. I should be the one that's being mean to her if you want her to go to you but you're not even spending time with her. How is she supposed to learn to care for you?" she asked.

"What am I supposed to be? At the first chance she gets she'll try and run," Seraphina said. "She is my daughter, I love her more than life but I can not get close to someone just to lose them again, I refuse," she stated.

"You have nothing to lose if you don't get close to that girl. You want to be a mother to her, start acting like one because the way I see it, I am more of a mother then you," Pandora said. "Make up your mind soon Seraphina because if you're going to play hot and cold with her now that she's here, I will help her escape," she threatened.

"You wouldn't," Seraphina said softly, her voice low in anger.

"I would because you don't get to be indecisive now that she's here, you said you wanted to be her mother so fucking act like it," Pandora said simply before she left, having to wait for the guards to open the door. As soon as they did, she was out of the room and shut the door heavily behind her.

Seraphina stood there for a moment before she walked over to me. I closed my eyes and felt the mattress dip as she sat down. Her hand cupped my face gently and I felt the shadow of her fall over my face.

"I have been so unfair to you haven't I cherub," she whispered softly. Her thumb stroked my cheek for a little bit. "I deserved that slap, I should never have let you see that letter," she murmured. I had to fight not to move away from her as she bent down, pressing a kiss to my forehead.

She sat in silence for a bit before she got up, taking her candle with her. Along with taking her candle, she also took away my understanding of the situation. She wanted me as her daughter but was scared to lose me so she wouldn't get close?  I was so confused and didn't want to ponder over such things this late into the night.

I simply curled into myself, continuing to chew on the edge of the blanket. I wondered what this meant for me now and decided to try and figure out the situation tomorrow. Pandora may be able to give me some insight for what was going on so until then I would just lay here in silence.

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