Chapter 35

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Had to hurry and finish this off my hotspot because my wifi went out because of snow. Hope you all enjoy!

*Suzanna's P.O.V*

I had given up on escaping. My nails were worn down and bloody from trying to pry at the windows all morning. It didn't work, the window glass was thick. On top of that, there was just no way that I could get out of the room without being seen by a guard. Plus the kingdom in general had guards stationed all in it. I would need to get out of the castle grounds without being detected to even have a chance to get out of the kingdom.

I ended up soaking my fingers in water in the bathroom because of how much they hurt. Pandora hadn't been back since she brought me breakfast. I had only picked at it, pushing it around to make it look like I had eaten some of it. It was a fun little trick that I had learned a while ago.

After that, I kind of just plotted my revenge for once I escaped. I wanted to poison Seraphina or to at least orchestrate her death. My thoughts had turned quite morbid as I laid on the floor, kicking the door occasionally to annoy the guards. There was nothing else to do, I didn't even have anything to write with.

The boring monotony of being locked in a room was going to drive me mad, I could tell. I could already feel that I was in the beginning of becoming mad. What other option did I have besides staring out the windows all day or annoying the guards? I guess I could have played with the toys that Seraphina had put in the room but I felt like if I did that then she would be winning. I couldn't let her win.

The silence was only interrupted by Pandora coming back. I heard the door unlocked and got up, planning on trying to slip past her again. However she slipped inside and shut the door behind her so I didn't even have a chance.

"You seem to be an expert at not letting people escape. Not the first time you've held someone hostage? Is that how you got your husband?" I asked sarcastically, throwing myself backwards onto the stone floor. My head hit the ground and I hissed in pain.

"Actually it was a drunken night where we got married," Pandora informed me. She rolled her eyes as she walked over, reaching her hand out to me. I swatted it away, rolling away as I pushed myself up.

"I don't need the help of someone who is keeping my prisoner," I said simply as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Fine you brat," Pandora said simply. "I came to ask what you wanted for lunch," she informed me.

"I'm the brat for being mad at you, the woman who is keeping me locked up in a room for a child," I stated. "Nothing, I'm not hungry at all," I said as I walked over to the window, pressing my hands against the glass.

"I'm not keeping you locked up, Seraphina is doing that. I am simply taking care of you while you're trapped in the room," Pandora informed me.

"Whatever you say," I said simply as I continued to stare out the glass. "Can you get me writing stuff, I need something to do Pandora," I begged, hating the way I sounded. I didn't want to beg but I was so used to being able to write everyday that not being able to was driving me close to the edge.

"I can't do that," Pandora stated. I frowned at her, my eyebrows furrowing slightly.

"Why not?" I asked.

"Seraphina wants to be the one to give you things," she said simply.

"I don't want anything that she can give me," I said simply. I turned away, glaring at the window. I slammed my fist into it, the glass vibrating slightly. I turned to look at Pandora and she walked over to me. I flinched away when she raised her hand but she just grabbed my hand, looking at my nails with a small frown on her lips.

"You are injured, should I go get you some bandages?" she questioned, looking at me with concern.

"No, I want your sister to see what she caused," I said simply. Pandora sighed softly as she looked at my bloody nails again.

"At least let me disinfect them," Pandora said softly.

"Why do you do this, act like you care?" I questioned softly. She raised an eyebrow, frowning slightly.

"Because I do care for you Suzanna, very much," Pandora said softly. She pulled away when there was a knock on the door. The door opened after a moment and Seraphina entered the room.

"Get out," I demanded as I moved to go towards her. Pandora grabbed my arms, pinning them behind my back. I struggled against her hold but apparently Pandora was much stronger than I was. She easily held me back as I glared at Seraphina.

"You're angry with me," Seraphina said simply.

"No of course not, why would I be angry?" I asked sarcastically.

"I have my reasons, Suzanna," Seraphina said softly. "You may hate me now but you will grow to love me," she stated.

"You can't do this, I have rights. I have a family who cares about me," I screamed, thrashing against Pandora's hold. I managed to free one arm but Pandora managed to still keep me held back even when I elbowed her in the stomach.

"Your parents agreed to this Suzanna. They didn't even ask why I wanted to keep you here, they don't care," Seraphina said simply.

"That's not true, they do care about me. They suck at showing it but they love me," I said, trying to convince both her and myself. Seraphina pulled a letter out of her pocket, dropping it onto my bed before she left without another word. Pandora let go of me and I stumbled over to the letter, picking it up.

It was my Mother's handwriting, I knew it because I had learned to write while sitting with her everyday. Seraphina's words rang true now that I read what my Mother had written. It was true, they really didn't care.

My ears rang in the silence and the only thing I could feel was Pandora hugging me as I fell to the floor. Her sweet words were whispered into my ear as I sobbed silently, shaking in sadness as I continued to sob for who knows how long.

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