Chapter 71

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*Seraphina's P.O.V*

Suzanna had quickly been taken to the infirmary, her body twitching with pain. She kept putting her hand over her chest, where her heart was. I didn't know much about what had happened but I knew that wasn't a good sign. She had thrown up twice more before even reaching the infirmary and I saw the looks exchanged between the doctor and my mother.

"Tell what is going on," I said, grabbing my mother's arm before she could enter the infirmary. In my rush to follow them to the infirmary, I had left my veil off. I wasn't concerned about anyone seeing my face, I was concerned about the fact that my daughter had most likely been poisoned.

"Do you truly wish to know?" Mother asked as she held my gaze. Her brown eyes met my emerald ones. "Once you know, that information will burden you," she said, her words holding a whisper of a promise.

"I do not wish to be in the dark when it comes to the fact that my child has suddenly fallen ill," I retorted, my words sharp. I didn't have much patience to step around the facts, I needed those to decide my next course of action.

"She was poisoned, Sera," Mother's words held no sense of comfort. She knew that there was no comfort to be had with those words. "Aconite," she stated and her words sent chills down my spine. My knees hit the ground, my world feeling like it was crumbling around me.

It was not the first time someone I loved had been poisoned. It was not the first time someone that I knew had ingested aconite. It was my second encounter with it being both at the same time though. Malik had nearly died from aconite poisoning at ten. He had had it injected and ingested at the same time. He had nearly died in my arms and somehow had managed to hold onto life.

"They tried to take my son with it and now they've come back to try and take my daughter?" I asked, my eyes burning. With anger or tears, I could not tell at the moment.

"Sera, she's a strong girl. She can get through this," Mother's words fell on deaf ears as I pulled myself up, my nails digging into the stone wall as I stood up. I walked past her, entering the infirmary. Suzanna was laying behind a curtain, her dress having been cut off. I could already see where the needle had pricked her arm. The area had a red circle around it.

Suzanna was already fading out from reality, her body shivering and convulsing with pain. It was a terrible thing to have to watch yet I stood and watched as the doctors worked. There wasn't much they could do except keep her comfortable and hydrated.

I turned and left, a frown on my lips. I heard Pandora trailing me but I didn't once glance back at her. I had something to take care of, something deeply personal and my sister couldn't stop it. You didn't get to try and kill both of my children and live. That wasn't how life worked, that wasn't how I worked.

"Shall I go fetch those that had been around her this morning?" Pandora asked. I gave a single short nod, my eyes burning with anger.

"Fetch them, I shall handle the kitchen staff," I said simply. Pandora hesitated a moment, clearly not wishing to leave me alone. I had a temper and everyone knew that. Orion had taken her place beside me, walking beside me. He was an intimidating sight to most.

The door slammed open as I entered the kitchen and Issac looked at me. He could see the anger in my eyes and quickly backed off. My eyes scanned the kitchen, looking for the woman who had served Suzanna tea. She wasn't automatically guilty because of that, she was looking guilty because she wasn't here.

"The woman who served tea to Suzanna, where is she?" I questioned Issac who looked around.

"Beth? I don't know," Issac muttered with a frown. He was purposefully averting his gaze out of respect but I could tell he wasn't lying, he always ran a hand through his hair or fiddled with his watch when he was lying.

"Find her," I instructed Orion who nodded. He was out of the kitchen in seconds. The castle was on full lockdown at this point, Pandora would have made sure of that. I left the kitchen shortly after, my ears listening for any sound. I found the woman trying to climb through a window. If she fell it would have surely been death. I was tempted to push her but let the guards grab her for me.

She and a man who looked similar to her were detained and shackled. I could see it in their eyes that they had been the ones to do it and so I simply watched them, waiting for one to break.

"Why have you detained us, your majesty?" the man asked. Lawrence was his name and I could see he struggled with showing me any respect.

"You poisoned my daughter," I said, continuing before they could retort. "You can deny it, say there's no evidence but I know it was you. You were both working here when my son was poisoned as well," I stated.

"So were many people," Beth said. Her eyes held determination, a fire in them. I liked when people had fires, they were so easy to douse.

"Yes but I know it was you. You should have chosen a different method," I said simply. "I remember the day Malik got ill, Lawrence had been lingering about and grabbed him before he could get on Theron's horse. I was thankful then but I should have known better. And you served him tea, didn't you Beth? By the time we had realized he had been poisoned, you had disposed of the evidence," I stated with a small tilt of my head.

"You have no proof," Beth repeated.

"I don't need proof. I know it. Just tell me why," I ordered. "Tell me," I repeated, my voice quiet and dangerous as I stepped closer to Beth. I wasn't so surprised when she spit in my face, in fact it was rather amusing.

"You are not fit to rule. I should have poisoned you," Beth said. I rolled my eyes, moving quicker than a snake as I grabbed a handful of her hair and jerked her head back. It was a bit unfair to do this to people who couldn't fight back but neither of my children had ever fought back against them.

"You should have Beth. Because I am not a nice woman," I whispered. "I would see you hung for this if I didn't want to torture you," I said. "I have a beautiful flower garden, you know? I would so like to see what aconite does to someone who receives no medical treatment," I said quietly, watching the fear grow in her eyes.

Queen's Obsessionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें