Chapter 121

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*Seraphina's P.O.V*

After putting Suzanna down for her nap, I head to my chambers to work on some paperwork. I usually try to schedule it so that I do most of my work when Suzanna is otherwise occupied. She makes it impossible to do work, seeing as she is always clinging to me or wanting me to do something with her. I don't have an issue with that though, she was my baby and I loved how clingy she was.

I manage to do maybe one paper before I feel hands on my shoulders. I tilt my head back, smiling when Kamili presses a kiss to my lips. She hums against it, pulling back when I turn in my seat to face her.

"I see you've managed to escape our baby's clutch. Shame she didn't ask me to hold her for her nap," Kamili pouts, making me roll my eyes. Of course she would think that, she loved showing affection in anyway that she could.

"Rub my shoulders," I order, wincing when she raises an eyebrow and squeezes my shoulders lightly.

"Has the queen lost her manners?" Kamili teases, making me groan. Why couldn't she just do what I said? This felt like revenge for something that I had done.

"Kamili," my voice comes out in a slight whine, making her chuckle as she grabs my chin and presses our lips together for a quick moment. I pout against it, upset that she would distract me in such a way when I have paperwork to do.

"Use your words," Kamili mutters against my lips, making me huff as I pull away.

"Please rub my shoulders you cruel temptress," I ask, earning a chuckle from her as I turn back around. She starts to rub my shoulders as I work, at some points her hands sneaking lower than they should as if trying to slip into my dress.

"You know? It's quite obvious the traits that Suzanna and you share," I state, making Kamili hum.

"Is it?" she asks, sounding amused.

"Yes, it's so hard to care for her. At least she doesn't demand to own a bird of prey though," I say as I lean back in my seat. "She's loud and rambunctious which Pandora loves but she has to say she's a pain in the ass or else everyone will know she has a soft spot for Suzanna. Never stops her from stealing my baby away though," I roll my eyes.

"Is it not worth it though? I mean you can't act like you don't enjoy getting to see her everyday, seeing the questions in her little eyes that she sometimes can't ask because she's such a baby," Kamili says, sighing softly. "I love her so much, she's my baby," she sticks her tongue out at me.

"She's your baby when she behaves, she's mine when she misbehaves," I roll my eyes.

"No, she's actually Theron's baby when she misbehaves. You're just the one she nurses from," Kamili flicks my cheek, my head turning away on instinct. I can't believe that my loving girlfriend has suddenly decided to become a bully.

"Suzanna is rubbing off on you," I pull Kamili into my lap and press kisses against her face, slowly making a trail down to her neck.

"No, she has to get her brattiness from one of her parents so I decided to step up and help her out. She needs someone to blame when she gets in trouble after all," Kamili says as she smiles, earning a roll of my eyes.

"As if she doesn't get away with everything. She rarely gets in trouble," I sigh, making her chuckle.

"I know. You're really lax on punishing her. She's just a baby though so it's not like she can receive much punishment. It hurts my heart to even consider putting her in timeout," Kamili says.

"Well she's met a certain maid that I think will have her hurting your heart much more," I state, Kamili's eyebrows furrowing at my words.

"I suppose you're speaking of Kavita? The maid that Pandora was complaining to me about earlier while simultaneously acting like such a mom that I wanted to laugh," Kamili says. I nod my head, watching her lips purse together.

"Good, Suzanna needs more friends. I hate her only having us old people to hang out with," Kamili states, a rough chuckle escaping my lips.

"Are you calling me old?" I ask.

"If the shoe fits," Kamili says, jerking away when I poke her side.

"You ass, you leave me and my ticklish sides alone," Kamili huffs as she swats my arm several times.

"You can't assault the queen," I say as I grab her hands, pushing her off of me. She laughs, clinging onto me as she smirks.

"I think you'll find that you have no guards to defend you right now Seraphina," she teases, pressing a quick kiss to my lips before pulling away. I roll my eyes, making her huff slightly as she rests her head against mine. I should have known she wouldn't have allowed me to get any work done, seeing as we tend to get carried away with each other.

"I am going to start locking you out of whatever room I am in when I work," I say, making her chuckle as she climbs off of my lap and lets me pick up my quill to keep working. I frown slightly when the door to my room is shoved open, turning to see Orion.

"Can no one let me have peace?" I ask, freezing when I see the look on his face.

"What happened?" I ask slowly, knowing by the look on his face that it's something I won't be pleased about.

"Suzanna ran off," Orion says, the quill in my hand snapping in half at his words.

"You lost her?" I ask slowly, holding his gaze even as I watch him flinch.

"I took her to the market and she ran off, it was so sudden and she's so small," Orion starts to explain and I feel Kamili wrap an arm around me, pressing her lips to my head as she tries to reassure me. Although even she seems to understand that she can't stop me when I fight against her hold to try and get ahold of Orion.

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