Chapter 76

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*Suzanna's P.O.V*

I managed to fall asleep after a while. My mind hadn't stopped with the images of the people screaming or burning so they had followed me into my sleep. It was not a fun experience and my sleep was still quite fitful. The only thing that kept me in bed were my two puppies that laid with me.

When I woke up again, light had started to fill the sky. The sun was just barely cresting over the horizon and it was quiet. Phoenix licked my hand as I got out of bed, whining at me for leaving her in the bed. The other puppy still slept, having tucked itself up against my pillow at some point during the night. It was amusing to me, their personalities were so vastly different it seemed.

"I know, you probably need to go outside," I whispered, picking the puppy up. She nipped at my arms and face, showing her displeasure at being carried around. She seemed to much prefer walking which didn't make sense to me. I glanced at the other puppy who I would have to name and picked her up as well. She didn't really react to being picked up, falling asleep again after a moment.

I crept out of the infirmary, not surprised to see guards outside of it. My feet were bare but I knew the puppies would probably have to go potty so I trudged on anyway. It had rained during the night so I carefully sat the puppies down in Seraphina's private garden. It was the farthest away plus the guards would only stand by the doors instead of following me into the garden. If it wasn't for the stupid shrubs and fence that surrounded her garden, it would have been a brilliant escape place.

I sat down in one of the garden chairs, watching the puppies play. Phoenix had pounced on the other puppy when I sat her down and so now the two were taking turns chasing each other. I rubbed my eyes, still feeling kind of tired at the moment. I rested my head on the glass table, feeling the rain water that had gathered on it against my skin. It was just so nice and refreshing, I couldn't help but nod off again.

When I woke up again, the sun was much higher in the sky. It was warm now and the side of my face that had been facing the sun felt hot. I simply turned my head to rest it on the other side, yawning slightly. I lifted my head to check on the puppies and found that someone had given each of them a bowl of food and a bowl of water.

"Who gave you two that?" I asked. I was a bit worried about people feeding my dogs after what happened yesterday.

"I did," Seraphina's voice nearly made me jump out of my skin and I let out a small startled noise as I lifted my head up. I turned to look at her, pouting slightly at her meanness. "Did I startle you cherub?" she asked.

"No, the fact I nearly jumped out of my skin and yelled was just a coincidence," I said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes slightly when I turned my head away, looking at my puppies as if to ask them 'Do you see what I deal with?'.

"The sarcasm isn't needed Suzanna nor is the rolling of your eyes," Seraphina said simply as she sat down on the chair next to me.

"I wasn't even facing you. How would you know if I rolled my eyes which I totally did not do," I said after a moment, the words slipping from my tongue with practiced ease. Why would I ever admit to doing anything? It was so much easier to just lie about it.

"You're a terrible liar. I should know, I've said the exact same thing you did all the time when I was younger," Seraphina said. I huffed at her words, puffing my cheeks up with a small frown on my lips.

"Well that was you and I resent the accusation of me being a liar. I could sue you for that, that's called slander," I said as I turned my head to face her. I was surprised she wasn't wearing her veil since my brain hadn't processed she wasn't wearing it earlier. "Where veil?" I asked, pouting slightly.

"I do not always wear it, especially when in my private garden," Seraphina said. "You know that Suzanna, you've seen me take it off plenty of times," she stated.

"Yes but I like you more when you wear it," I stated, making her blink in surprise.

"Why is that?" Seraphina asked, seeming almost amused by my words. I pouted slightly as I looked at her, huffing softly.

"Because I don't like looking you in the eyes when you talk," I said matter-of-factly as I reached over, putting my hand in front of her eyes. She laughed softly, shaking her head.

"And why is that?" Seraphina asked.

"Because I don't and I'm not answering anymore of your questions," I said. She pushed my hand down gently, raising an eyebrow as she looked at me. I looked away quickly, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Oh don't be that way Suzanna," Seraphina chuckled as she leaned closer. I pushed her hand away when she tried to rub my back, trying to squirm away. "You should still be in the infirmary," she said after a moment.

"No I shouldn't," I retorted quickly.

"Yes you should. You were poisoned yesterday," Seraphina said. I huffed as I got up to walk away, glancing back at her.

"No. I don't like doctors and you can't make me stay," I stated before walking off. I had my chin tilted up in the air and because of that, my new puppy tripped me. She got up and ran off after that while I sat on the wet ground pouting.

"Are you alright?"  Seraphina asked.

"No! I'm going to throw myself out a window. Seraphina my nightgown is all muddy," I whined as I got up, turning to look at her. She chuckled softly as she held out her arms to me.

"Come here cherub," she cooed. I went to her, letting her pull me onto her lap as I pouted. Puppies were evil, maybe Pandora was right to be a cat person.

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