Chapter 124

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*Seraphina's P.O.V*

My head is pounding, it's like my brain is trying to break out of my head. I hate the feeling, I wish it would stop.

"You should take some medicine love," Kamili tries to convince me, her hand rubbing my back. I've paced the entrance of the castle about a million times. I wanted to be out there looking for Suzanna but it wasn't safe according to Pandora and Orion. Especially with my state of mind being what it was. Plus I wanted to be here if Suzanna came back.

"I won't, not until she's safe in my arms. It's been 9 hours, she could be hurt and it would be way worse than my headache could ever be," I state, massaging my forehead as I look out over the dark kingdom. I shiver slightly, tightening the shawl that Kamili had draped around me to ward off the cold.

"Come here," Kamili draws me closer, her arms wrapping around me slightly. I frown, biting my lip hard as I stare over the kingdom.

"She'll be fine," Kamili whispers, making me shake my head.

"I don't know...she's my baby. I never wanted her to leave this castle without an escort. She's my baby, she shouldn't be out here in the dark," I say, making her hum in agreement. My heart pounds when I see Theron walking up the path, the sight of the girl clinging to his neck making me suck in a breath and rush to meet him.

"She's okay, something happened that's left her very shaken and I will tell you later but I don't want to make her relive it," Theron warns me, making me suck in a breath, this time it's one of anger. What could have happened that he couldn't tell me about in fear of upsetting her?

I hold out my arms, taking Suzanna when he hands her over. She stirs slightly, her eyes opening as she stares at me. The tiredness in her gaze is what stops me from scolding her from running away.

"My sweet cherub, don't ever do that again. You had me stressed. I think I'm going to go gray so very soon if you keep it up," I tease, expecting a smile but all I get is a tearful look.

"I'm sorry," she bursts into tears, her arms clinging to my neck. I rub her back, looking at Theron with confusion.

"She thought you didn't want her," Theron mouths, making my eyebrows furrow.

"Why on earth would you think that?" I ask, not getting a response from Suzanna as she just tightens her grip around my neck. I sigh, deciding this conversation can wait until she is ready but we will be having this conversation at one point to see why she would ever think that.

"Come on, let's get you back in your room sweet girl," I tell her, making her whine as she shakes her head.

"No," Suzanna argues, clinging to me tightly.

"Suzie, you need to go to bed," Kamili says, making Suzanna whine as she clings to me even harder.

"Wanna stay with you," she whispers into my chest.

"Okay, you can stay with Mom tonight," I say, making Suzanna lift her head up to look at me.

"You mean Mama?" She asks, looking so confused it makes my heart hurt. She also looks a little upset.

"You can call me Mama if you like but you are more than welcome to call me Mom as well. When you're not regressed," I clarify, making her relax slightly.

"I like Mama more, even when I'm big," Suzanna whispers, sounding so shy as she tightens her grip on my dress. I smile slightly, shifting her so she rests on my hip.

"Well then, I expect to be called Mama a lot more often," I say, tickling her sides lightly which earns a squeal from her as she squirms.

"Mama stop it," Suzanna begs after a moment, earning a small hum of me as I slowly stop. I only stop since I know she would probably get upset if I continued. She only allowed tickling for very few moments, I was lucky to be able to tickle her tonight without a fuss.

"Mama's sorry, she's so mean to her poor baby," I murmurs, kissing the tip of her head as I rock her slightly. Theron leans close, his lips against my ear.

"Orion is bringing a prisoner back, he's missing his hand now and bleeding quite heavily but he will survive. No medical treatment should be rendered," Theron whispers as Kamili takes Suzanna's attention. Luckily she was enraptured by the jewelry she was wearing otherwise I think Suzanna would have been trying to listen in on our conversation.

"I want to ask why but I won't simply because I know it will upset me and I am not in the mood to anger tonight," I murmur as I kiss his cheek. He smiles, nodding his head as Suzanna squirms in my arms.

"What's wrong?" I ask, patting her bottom gently before I remember she isn't regressed. I stop as soon as I realize that, earning a huff as Suzanna nuzzles into me.

"Darling, I am more than happy to pat your bottom if you want me to. I just didn't want to overstep," I say, making Suzanna whine again. She's awfully whiney tonight, I wonder if it's because she's been away from me? I hope that that's the only reason why.

"Mama," she murmurs tiredly into my neck, making me rub her back as I start to sway with her in my arms.

"I'm never letting you go again baby. You're mine, forever and ever. For as long as I'm alive I will be there for you, and even after," I assure her, making Suzanna stiffen in my arms slightly as she takes in my words. She whimpers, her hands digging into my skin from how tight she's holding onto me.

"Let's get you two to bed," Kamili says, her hand moving to the small of my back as she turns me towards the castle. I let her guide me, feeling dead on my feet now that I have my baby in my arms. I squeeze Suzanna a little tighter, kissing her forehead as she sighs contently. Oh yes, my baby was never leaving my arms again, that was for sure.

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