Chapter 29

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This chapter is even longer then the last one so I ask again that you please comment. This chapter sits at 3,701 words (not including this part)

*Suzanna's P.O.V*

I was thankful that when Queen Seraphina came out of the bathroom with a wet washcloth that she didn't bring up the fact that I called her mommy again. I could tell that she wasn't going to let me live it down. I could only imagine how much worse it would be if Pandora found out that I had called Queen Seraphina that.

"Let me see your face darling," Queen Seraphina said as she sat down on the edge of my bed. My face was still half buried into my pillow so I simply scooted my entire body closer to her. She tsked softly as she lifted my head, gently wiping around my eyes with the washcloth.

"It's cold," I whined as I tried to pull away, pouting when she held me in place by tightening the grip she had on my chin.

"It's going to be cold Suzanna," she said, sounding slightly amused at my pouting. I knew I was being a bit dramatic but I didn't like the cold water. It was supposed to help with how sore my eyes were but it just brought my attention back to how much I had cried and how childish I had acted.

"Doesn't mean I have to like it," I muttered as I stared at her with a pout. She rolled her eyes at my pouting, continuing to wipe around my eyes. My eyes fluttered closed and I felt the washcloth be pressed against my eyelids gently.

"Your hands are bleeding," Queen Seraphina said softly and I felt her hand move from my chin to touch the back of my knuckles. I pulled away with a small whine escaping me. I looked down at my red and bleeding knuckles, noticing small bruises starting to form. I hadn't realized that I had injured them until now.

I vaguely remembered hitting the wall of the closet a few times but my memory was never that good especially during a breakdown. Queen Seraphina reached over, a small frown playing across her lips.

"I'm fine," I said as I looked down at my hands. The blood was still trickling down my fingers, dripping onto the blanket that my hands rested on. Her hand rested over my own, covering my knuckles from view. I looked into her eyes after a moment.

"I'll need to get some disinfectant and some bandages, the last thing you need is an infection in your hands," Queen Seraphina said as her thumb gently stroked the back of my hand. I nodded my head after a moment as I pressed my lips together to keep from speaking. Neither of us broke eye contact as her thumb continued to press against the back of my hand. The warmth of the skin contact was the only thing keeping me from delving back into my thoughts.

I was really drawn into the moment. The sweet smell of Queen Seraphina's perfume seemed to surround me, entrancing me in a way I didn't know possible. Her dark green eyes glittered in the candlelight of my bedside table, an emotion I wasn't quite familiar with showing in her eyes. I took a soft breath, trying not to think too much about it.

Queen Seraphina seemed to be relishing the moment. Her hand, normally clad in gloves, was soft and gentle as she lifted my hands up. She pressed a kiss to the back of my hand with a small hum, drawing my attention to her.

"This isn't to happen again Suzanna. I regret that I was short with you but you need to work with me if I am to understand what is going on. I can not read your mind, I can only work with what I have and what I had today was you being rude to a close friend and her daughter. Why?" Queen Seraphina asked. I pursed my lips, turning my head to avoid making eye contact with her.

"I just was, you can punish me if you wish," I said simply, my jaw ticking slightly as I tensed. It was inevitable, she would eventually tire of me and throw me away. It was what always happened.

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