Chapter 56

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*Suzanna's P.O.V*

Pandora was a lot faster than I thought. Every single time I angered her I forgot how truly fast she was. However my will to never lose to her is what kept me ahead of her. Also the fact that I did shove some guards into her path. I apologized after I did it but I was looking out for myself so sometimes people had to be sacrificed for the greater good.

I did finally manage to lose her around our fifth lap around the hallways. Only because I could slide into small gaps and hide behind a pillar. My face was practically touching the stone of the wall even with it being turned to the side so I just held my breath.

Once Pandora had run past, I carefully slid out of my hiding spot. It was easy then, to find the room where she had stored the alcohol by asking the guards. I noticed a guard had taken the initiative to follow me. That was fine, he couldn't stop me even if he tried.

The guards served a purpose now and that was to help me. They didn't realize that they were helping me but they were. I shut the door to the room behind me, locking it tightly. Pandora had made the mistake of leaving the alcohol on the counter, in my reach and with glasses just sitting on a shelf. So I may have mixed a whiskey glass with tequila and whiskey and then downed it.

Was it a pleasurable experience? No. Did I want to throw up as soon as it went down my throat? Yes. I did however struggle through drinking it just because I could. My throat burned the whole time and my eyes watered but I managed to finish the glass as quickly as I could.

I repeated the process another two times before my head started to feel fuzzy. It was like everything was in slow motion, everything being just me. Like when I dropped a glass and it shattered on the floor because I couldn't catch it.

I sat in a chair, draped over it as I stared up at the ceiling with a small frown on my lips. There was a light on the ceiling that seemed to swing, the candle on it not flickering. I watched it for who knows how long. My eyes narrowed as I kept an eye on it and I squealed when a hand rested on my head. I looked up to see Draya and reached a hand up, touching her face.

"The light was swinging," I muttered softly.

"No darling, your head was just moving," Draya said simply as she looked up at the light. I looked up too and I guess she was right. My head had just been the one moving. "How much have you had to drink?" she asked.

"One of Pandora's drinks and then three glasses of tequila and whiskey mixed," I muttered. This was a state of life that I could live in, my entire body felt like it was buzzing. "How'd you get in? The door was locked," I said.

"One of the doors was locked. The one right next to it was not," Draya said as she chuckled softly. "Have you ever been drunk darling? I don't think you have," she said.

"I have not," I said simply as I turned over to lay on my stomach, resting my head on the arm of the chair to look up at her. "Is that why my body feels like there's bees trapped inside me?" I asked. "Are the bees trapped inside me? Am I just a million bees in a trench coat?" I asked with a frown.

"You're not wearing a trench coat," Draya pointed out. I gasped at that as I looked down.

"Someone stole my trench coat," I said as I curled up. "Now I'm just a million bees with no trench coat," I whispered sadly.

"Okay darling," Draya sighed as she looked down at me, a small smile on her lips. "Come here," she said as she crouched down in front of me, holding her arms out. I rolled out of the chair, laying on the stone floor in pain for a moment before sitting up and resting my head on her shoulder.

"I feel no pain, I am invincible," I whispered as I used her arms to pull myself up.

"That's not true, you are not invincible," Draya said, standing up and wrapping her arms around me. I whined at the close contact, trying to free myself by going limp. All that did was make her drop me down into the chair.

"I am invincible," I said simply as I turned around in the chair, standing up and stepping over the back of it. Both the chair and I ended up tipping over but that was fine. I couldn't feel pain now. I could just feel a slight buzzing feeling from where I had slammed my knees into the stone. My knees also felt slick with something so I stopped to look at them and saw blood.

"See? You're not invincible," Draya said as she frowned lightly while trying to look at my knees. I huffed softly as I wiped the blood away, my knees looking a little torn up and my hands were now covered in my own blood.

"I'm fine, can't feel it," I said as I pushed myself up, standing there with a small grin. Draya sighed as she grabbed my wrist, not wanting to touch my bloody hands for some reason.

"Let's go see Seraphina darling," she said. I tilted my head at the offer, letting her lead me out of the room. I was still thinking about the offer of seeing Seraphina when we ran into her. The guard that had been following me for a bit was with her, apparently he snitched on where I was.

"Suzanna, what happened to you?" Seraphina asked as she saw the blood on my hands. I wiped it off on my dress as I held my arms out, letting her hug me. I jumped up, knocking both of us to the ground as I wrapped my legs around her waist.

"I'm invincible," I whispered in her ear as I let her keep holding me, pressing my head against her neck.

"Suzanna," I heard Pandora's voice and whined.

"Panda is a stupid," I muttered as I huffed softly.

"Today is going to be so fun," Seraphina muttered as she sat up, gently rubbing my back. I smiled at that, today was fun. I would continue to have fun today even if Pandora tried to stop me.

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