Chapter 86

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*Suzanna's P.O.V*

When I woke up, I felt very hot. I tossed and turned, reaching out to cover my face. I hit my hand on something. It took me a minute to remember where I was and I sat up suddenly. I was still in the crib as I pouted slightly. I couldn't believe that I had willingly gotten into the crib.

I looked down and saw that Seraphina had changed me, presumably after I had stopped crying and fallen asleep. I was wearing a soft pink nightgown that went just past my knees. The back of my head was still a little tender from hitting it on the crib. I rubbed my head as I glanced back, seeing that there was now some padding on where I had hit my head. That would have been a lot more useful before I had hit my head.

I sat up on my knees and pushed at the railing of the crib. It didn't budge which made me huff. I noticed a piece of paper that was on the edge of one of the crib bars and I untied it. I read it, pausing to rub the sleep out of my eyes.

'You have to push on the end of the railing to lower the crib bars,' it read. I recognized the handwriting as Seraphina's. I crumbled up the note, tossing it to the ground as I pushed on the end of the railing, the bars sliding down after a minute.

I climbed out of the crib, my legs feeling like pins and needles are pushing into my legs. I whined as I sat down on the edge of the crib. I rubbed my legs until the feeling faded. I stood up, making my way to the room that was connected to the nursery. I noticed that the regression book had been set down on my bed. I moved over to it, picking it up.

I wasn't sure if I liked this whole regressing thing. It made me actually like Seraphina and it bothered me. I heard a whine from behind me. Turning around, I saw that Kamili was standing there with Kelpie and Phoenix. I squealed as I dropped to my knees, giggling when the two puppies ran to me.

Kelpie started to try and chew on my nightgown, tugging at it. I burst into giggles as I looked at Kamili who seemed amused. I picked Phoenix up, holding the puppy close as I kissed her head repeatedly. Phoenix started to growl after the first couple kisses which made me put her down.

Kelpie immediately pounced on her and the two rolled around with each other. I watched them for a minute before I stood up. I dusted my nightgown off once I stood up. I looked at myself in the vanity mirror, my dark hair was all tangled up and it looked a mess.

"Would you like for me to do your hair sweetheart?" Kamili offered. I pondered her question for a brief moment before nodding my head. I nodded my head because if there was one thing that I had learned while living in the castle, it was that I should take advantage of every opportunity to have someone else do my hair.

I sat in front of my vanity, watching as Kamili picked up my hairbrush from the vanity. She gently started to brush my hair, working the brush through it slowly. I closed my eyes, just accepting whatever she decided to do to my hair. I had noticed that everyone seemed to brush my hair differently.

Pandora had quickly brushed my hair, seemingly always hurried. Seraphina had worked her way down from the top of my hair, taking her time to enjoy the moment. Kamili started at the bottom of my hair and then slowly worked her way up. Kamili hummed while she brushed my hair, humming a song I didn't know but enjoyed.

"Pandora told me that you found the Regression book?" Kamili's voice held a questionable tone in it. I nodded my head as my eyes opened slowly. I was nearly asleep again and I yawned softly, rubbing my eyes slightly. Kelpie had wandered over and climbed up onto my lap. I pet her gently as she nipped at my fingers.

"It was interesting to read," I informed her. "I don't know if I like regressing though, it makes me feel all fuzzy and I feel small and I don't like feeling small that much," I explained all in one breath. My heart started to pound in my chest as I confessed how I felt to Kamili. I never talked about how I felt most of the time, it was just better to bottle it up.

I struggled with my feelings most of the time. I didn't like feeling things, it made me uncomfortable. I wished I couldn't feel most of the time but sadly they didn't have stuff to make feelings go away. I had tried to find stuff but had been unsuccessful.

"Well little you seems to very much like being little," Kamili said as she continued to brush my hair. "You tried to get Seraphina to nurse you yesterday," she pointed out.

"I know." The words felt heavy on my tongue and I frowned slightly. Little me would be great if I just didn't like Seraphina so much, I decided. That was the only problem I sort of kind of had. Plus regressing was so confusing. My head swam with confusion as I frowned slightly.

"You know darling, you can fight regressing as much as you want but I think it will keep happening," Kamili informed me quietly. "If you would prefer it, I can keep treating you like a big girl even when you regress," she said. I glanced at her in the mirror, surprised at the offer.

"Really?" I asked quietly. Her words had made me feel happy and a little small at the same time as well. Probably because she said she would treat me like a big girl. Kamili nodded and I grinned slightly. "Thank you Kami," I whispered happily.

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