Chapter 33

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*Suzanna's P.O.V*

When I finally got over throwing myself a pity party, I got up and moved across the room. I tested the windows and they were locked as well. More like bolted closed and there was no way I could get through the metal bars that crossed over the windows. Even if I could break the glass there was no way that I could have fit through the bars.

I didn't bother checking the nursery, I doubted that there was anything that I could use to escape in there. My next idea was to go through the drawers and closets but there was nothing in there but clothes. Probably things that Queen Seraphina picked out so I definitely wasn't going to wear them.

I found nothing that I could use to escape so my next plan of action was to trash the room. I flipped over the mattress of the bed seeing as I couldn't actually flip flip the bed frame. I still managed to scoot it like an inch over from where it originally was. I knocked over the nightstands with a hard shove. Wooden things were so much heavier than they looked.

I considered breaking the windows but I didn't want to do anything to injure my hands. I moved over to the toy chest and although it was petty of me to destroy such nice things, I was being held prisoner. I knocked over the toy chest and dollhouse, breaking both of them by stomping on them. A small part of me felt bad but another part of me was just so angry.

Once the adrenaline had worn off, the room was a complete mess. I had enough energy to stumble back to the door to sit in front of it but I was asleep as soon as I hit the floor. My head was pressed against the wall in an awkward angle since I wanted to be alerted if I was awoken.

When I woke up, my neck hurt and I found myself resting on a mattress. I looked around carefully and noticed that Pandora was sorting stuff into drawers. I also noticed that the door was left open just a bit. I scrambled up, rushing to the door. I didn't glance at Pandora but I found it odd that she didn't yell at me to stop.

Once I reached the door and opened it, hurrying to get away. I was stopped by a guard who grabbed my arm. I tried to pull away but the other guard stationed outside the door grabbed me to prevent me from moving as well.

"Sorry Suzanna, we figured that you would try and make a run for me," Captain Orion apologized as he moved from across the hall to me. I thrashed against the hold of the other guards as a scream escaped me.

"You're a bastard, I hate you. Fuck you," I screamed as the guards had to move to restrain me. They were gentle about it, clearly they had been instructed to. I tried to bite the guards but couldn't get close enough to do so.

"Get her back in the room," Captain Orion said as he waved his hands. The guards pushed me back into the room, shoving me just enough that they could close the door in my face. I screamed even louder in anger as I pounded on the door.

"You're not going to get out, don't even try it," Pandora said simply. I turned to look at her, feeling my anger rise when I saw her just sitting there.

"You played a part in this, don't even act like you're innocent," I managed to get out without screaming. Screaming wasn't going to help me right now, I needed to get as much information as I could before she left.

"I never claimed to be innocent Suzanna, I simply said that you won't get out of this room and that is true. As long as you continue to act like this my sister has no problem keeping you locked up," Pandora stated.

"She has no right," I said as I kicked the door as hard as I could.

"She has every right, you signed a contract that allows her to do this. My sister is very good at making contracts so that people don't realize what they're getting into," Pandora said.

"What does my contract say?" I asked, feeling a small pit of dread start to form in my stomach.

"That for as long as my sister employs you, you must do as she says," Pandora stated. I shook my head at that, starting to pace the room.

"That can't be true, I would have read that in the contract," I said simply as I looked at Pandora who shrugged.

"My sister is good at hiding stuff in the legal words of contracts, always has been," Pandora said simply. "I can get you a copy of it if you would like," she said.

"Of course I would like that, I don't want to be here any longer then I have to be," I snapped simply as I crossed my arms over my chest. "How long am I employed?" I asked.

"Minimum five years or earlier if my sister chooses to fire you," Pandora stated.

"I'm not living this for five years," I said as I threw my hands up in the air, continuing to pace back and forth. "There has to be some way out of here," I muttered.

"Well you're welcome to keep trying," Pandora said. "I've been instructed to inform you that until you settle down then you won't be allowed to leave the room," she stated.

"Even though you're just the messenger, you did have a part of this and I want to hit you," I warned her, turning away to grab a pillow that had ended up across the room. I pushed my face into it, screaming loudly into it.

"I understand your anger but don't hit me," Pandora said as she rested a hand on my shoulder. "Sorry Suzanna, I must follow my orders as she is my queen and my little sister who I love," she stated.

"I hate you and your stupid family," I said simply as I removed the pillow from my face. "Isn't anyone going to fix this room?" I asked, trying to change the conversation.

"So you can mess it up again?" Pandora asked. "No, no one will fix the room so sleep on your mattress on the floor or sleep in the nursery," she said. "A room you left conveniently untouched," she stated.

"I left it untouched because I refuse to go in there," I said. "I will be planning an escape," I stated.

"And I will stop you or the guards will," Pandora said simply as she went to leave the room. "Open the door," she said. The door opened a slightest bit and even though it was fruitless I still rushed for it. Pandora was much quicker though and the door was shut as soon as I reached it.

"I fucking hate you," I said as I banged on the door.

"You'll learn to love me Suzanna, I'm your only contact with the outside world besides my sister," Pandora said from the other side of the door. I groaned as I rested my head on the door, slamming my fists into it as I screamed again.

"I may not be able to escape but I can sure annoy you," I said as I screamed again.

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