Chapter 111

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*Seraphina's P.O.V*

I slowly start to wake up, feeling Kamili groan when I start to stretch out. She lets out a noise of complaint, pushing herself against me as she wraps her arm around my waist.

"Kami, you have to let me up," I say as I press a quick kiss to her forehead, making her eyes flutter open. She smiles when she sees me looking at her, frowning after a moment as she looks around.

"Where is Suzanna?" Kamili asks, going to sit up. I stop her by grabbing her arm, making her turn to look at me with wide eyes.

"She's fine. I just put her in her crib, in the nursery right down the hall," I start to say, being cut off when Kamili pulls away and gets up.

"Our baby can't be alone," Kamili says, sounding a tad bit dramatic as she walks out of the room. I sigh as I follow after her, knowing that she knows where the new nursery is. She is the one who helped design it after all.

"She ran off in the middle of the night! It's not safe to have her just wandering the castle," I state. "It was a solution for the night and besides, we have the nursery already set up so why not use it?" I question as Kamili opens the nursery door.

Of course I'm not surprised to see Suzanna still asleep, her thumb in her mouth as she sleeps peacefully. Although that is ended rather quickly when Kamili lowers the bars of her crib, lifting her up out of it.

Suzanna fusses at suddenly being moved. She settles down once Kamili has her in her arms, resting Suzanna on her hip as she coos over her baby. At least that's what Kamili is currently calling Suzanna.

"Oh my baby, Mama is so mean to make you sleep in your crib. You're so little," Kamili coos to Suzanna who is drifting back to sleep in her arms.

"Well I didn't feel like baby proofing our bedroom in the middle of the night," I retort as I walk over and smoothe some of Suzanna's frizzy hair out of her face. Suzanna's eyes flutter back open, staring at me with confusion and sleepiness in them.

"Milk," Suzanna says, reaching out for me as best as she can without removing her thumb from her mouth. Her other arm reaches around Kamili so both of her arms just kind of sticking out as her head is resting on Kamili's shoulder.

"You're thirsty already," I coo as I reach to take her, Kamili reluctantly turning towards me so I can take Suzanna. I walk over to a rocking chair, bouncing Suzanna slightly as I sit down.

Suzanna wriggles closer to me as I start to pull my nightgown top down. She latches on, making me wince as I have to adjust her slightly as she starts nursing. She settles down as she nurses, the sleepy look in her eyes fading as she lays there and nurses.

I take the chance to check her diaper, trying my best to not disturb her but I still get a small whine from her.

"Oh yes, mama is so terrible and mean for checking your diaper. I'm just soooo mean," I say, earning a small nod from Suzanna as she keeps nursing. She's clearly not fully awake, based on the fact that her eyes keep closing and she keeps jerking her head up to stay awake.

I glance at Kamili, seeing that she is watching Suzanna and I. Particularly she's watching Suzanna nurse, a familiar look in her eyes. She constantly told me that I had that same soft, shutoff gaze when I saw mothers and their children because I was jealous of them. I could see it in her eyes right now.

"Do you want to change her and get her dressed for the day?" I ask Kamili, watching her snap herself out of staring. She gives me a guilty look, making me smile. Kamili had expressed wanting to breastfeed Suzanna as well, she had even gone to the doctor for it. She just hadn't started producing milk yet so I could see why she was jealous and still a little upset.

"Of course," Kamili says softly as she walks over, crouching down by Suzanna and giving her a quick kiss on the top of her head. Suzanna giggles, unlatching as she reaches out to grab onto Kamili.

"Hello there sunshine, you're so happy to see Mommy," Kamili says as she lifts Suzanna up, holding her up in the air for a moment as she inspects her face before covering her face in kisses. Suzanna bursts into giggles as she tries to squirm away.

"Oh giggles, you're so giggly," Kamili says as she carries Suzanna over to the changing table. Somehow she has a much easier time with laying Suzanna down to change her than I did last night.

"Oh so you behave for Mommy but not Mama?" I ask in fake shock as I gasp, fixing my top and standing up. I see what truck Kamili used to soothe Suzanna, having popped a pacifier into Suzanna's mouth to keep her quiet.

"Mommy," Suzanna babbles to Kamili as Kamili changes her into a fresh diaper, fussing when she's wiped but other than that she wa perfectly well behaved.

"Starting to think that you have favorites," I mutter, quiet enough that only Kamili can hear me.

"No, Giggles would never have favorites," Kamili says as she finishes taping the diaper up, lifting Suzanna up and holding her close. She covers Suzanna in kisses again, earning squeals and babbles from Suzanna.

"Come on sweetheart, Mama is so mean so we'll be going to Mommy's room and doing her makeup," Kamili tells Suzanna, acting as if I'm not there. I huff at her words as Suzanna lets out cooing noises around her pacifier. It nearly falls and Suzanna immediately starts to cry when it comes out of her mouth.

Luckily the pacifier lands between sort of Kamili's top, trapped between the two of them. Kamili grabs it and pops it back into Suzanna's mouth. Suzanna sniffles for a little bit, settling down as Kamili carries her out of the room.

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