Chapter 40

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*Suzanna's P.O.V*

I feel that I had the worst luck ever. Sure I had made it past the hedges but who knew that the Royal grounds would have little gopher holes. I ended up twisting my ankle and falling, trying to ignore the pain in my leg as I pushed myself up. One of the guards had managed to catch up to me and pulled me to my feet.

I swatted his hands away, trying to ignore the pain in my leg. Pandora was a lot faster than she looked and she was right on his heels.

"Didn't get as far as you did last time," she teased before she noticed the look of pain on my face. "What happened?" she asked, immediately becoming concerned.

"I twisted my ankle," I muttered with a small frown on my lips. Pandora sighed as she moved past the guard, placing one arm behind my leg and the other in the middle of my back. She suddenly picked me up and I squirmed in surprise. "A little warning next time," I huffed as I glared up at her.

"I could be making you walk, stop complaining," Pandora said simply. I pouted as I rested my head against her shoulder, letting her carry me back to the gazebo.

"What happened?" Draya was at Pandora's side immediately when she realized what had happened.

"I twisted my ankle," I said simply as I kicked my leg out slightly. A twinge of pain shot through my leg and I quickly regretted doing that.

"You should look where you're going," Draya said.

"Oh yes, let me look at a hole in the ground," I retorted as Pandora sat me down inside the gazebo, on a little couch.

"I'll go get some ice," Pandora said. I turned my body, resting my legs on the couch. Seraphina was by my side almost instantly, helping to elevate my injured ankle with a pillow.

"There are holes in the ground?" Seraphina asked. I nodded my head slightly as I grunted in pain when my leg moved. "I will have the guards fill them," she murmured.

"Shouldn't you keep them? I mean they seem to do the job of keeping me stuck here pretty good," I retorted.

"I don't want you injured," Seraphina said softly. She gently ran her fingers through my ponytail, gently humming as she sat behind me. I rested my head on her lap with a small frown on my lips, staring up at her.

"I don't like you a lot of the time," I said simply. Seraphina nodded her head with a small hum of disappointment. "But when you do that to my hair it makes it very hard to be mad at you," I groaned as I closed my eyes.

I didn't know how long I laid there but when I woke up, it was much later in the day. Before the sun had been overhead but now it was at the horizon. I whined as I turned over, burying my face into my pillow. I heard a small chuckle and sleepily sat up, seeing Seraphina.

"Not a pillow," I said sleepily as I rubbed my eyes with the back of my hand. Seraphina gently pulled my hand away and I pouted at her with a small frown.

"You're going to hurt yourself rubbing your eyes like that," Seraphina said simply. I whined as I leaned my head on her chest, burying my head into her chest to hide from her. She couldn't find me if I couldn't see her.

"Am tired," I said simply as I squirmed slightly. Seraphina sighed and I felt her lift me onto her lap. I nuzzled my head into the crook of her neck, huffing when she stood up. She rested me on her hip and I didn't even try to move away. I was simply too tired to move away from her.

"I'll carry you inside," Seraphina said. I snuggled into her as she carried me out of the gazebo. I was too tired to try and walk. My ankle hurt still and I found the need to cling to her for some reason.

"I want to sleep again," I slurred sleepily. My fingers slipped into my mouth, a small whine escaping me. I just felt so little, so small right now.

"You slept all day silly girl, it's time for you to get up," Seraphina said as she patted my bottom. I whined unhappily as I kicked my leg out slightly, a small cry escaping me. "Oh my darling, what on earth is wrong??" she asked.

"Sleepy, bed now," I said simply. Words were too hard right now. I just wanted to not talk, I wanted to simply sleep.

"What about eating?" Seraphina asked.

"Used to not everyday, can do again," I said softly. Seraphina paused at that and I heard a door open ahead of us.

"That is a very concerning thing for you to say to me little one, should I be watching to make sure that you eat?" Seraphina asked softly.

"No, I sneaky," I shrugged as I leaned back. Seraphina's grip tightened on me and she carried me inside. I grumbled when she patted my bottom and carried me up the stairs. I didn't fuss even when I heard Pandora approach.

"She's letting you carry her?" Pandora asked softly after a moment.

"I 'eepy," I murmured around my fingers as I opened my eyes to peer at her.

"Yes you look eepy," Pandora teased as she reached over to touch my face. I grumbled and kicked out towards her, kicking her in the stomach. "Rude," she muttered.

"You're rude, I no like Panda," I muttered as I turned my head back into the crook of Seraphina's neck.

"You two are both rude," Seraphina said as she rolled her eyes. I heard the door open and huffed as I was laid down on the mattress. She tucked me in and I whined softly, rolling over to bury my face in the pillow. I grumbled slightly when I heard the door shut, a small frown on my lips. I fell back asleep pretty quickly.

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