Chapter 12

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*Suzanna's P.O.V*

I was absolutely right about starting something that I didn't want to be involved in. I still wasn't sure what I had gotten involved in but the fact that Pandora was constantly unhappy told me that she probably did.

I made the smart decision to not talk to her about it. As much as I had faith in the fact that she wouldn't harm me, I didn't have faith in the fact that she wouldn't make my life much harder. She seemed to make Captain Orion's job much harder just for fun.

Queen Seraphina either didn't notice or didn't care. She hadn't started Court back yet, claiming that she still felt unwell. She had taken to working in her study with only me helping her. I think that was part of the reason that Pandora was upset, she didn't like me being alone with her sister.

It's not as if I had much of a choice in the whole thing. I had protested that I had no experience and Queen Seraphina had simply said it would be a learning experience for me then. It seemed as if she was willing to do anything to spend time with me. I made up my mind to tell her that after a few days. It was more of a joke than anything else.

"Sometimes it feels like you just want to spend time with me," I said jokingly as I helped sort through the parchments of paper on her desk. Anything that kept me up and busy was something that I enjoyed.

"Would it be so bad if that was the reason?" Queen Seraphina said, her hand almost purposefully brushing against my arm as she reached for a quill to write with. I felt my face heat up as her green eyes seemed to stare into my soul. She had taken to not wearing her veil when we were working.

"I wouldn't say it was bad, I just don't see why you want to spend time with me," I said simply as I shook my head slightly to clear my thoughts.

"Why not? You're a very interesting young lady," Queen Seraphina stated as she wrote something onto the parchment in front of her. Sometimes I was tempted to snoop but I managed to prevent myself from doing so.

"I must be since your sister has taken such an interest in me lately," I muttered softly, a small frown on my lips. Whether it was the frown on my lips or my change in tone, something seemed to bother Queen Seraphina.

"You do not like my sister?" Queen Seraphina asked as she raised an eyebrow. I snorted at the question as I debated on answering honestly. On one hand I was terrified of Pandora, on the other hand I was terrified of Queen Seraphina.

"Your sister doesn't seem to like me," I said simply as I finished going sorting through the parchments. I handed the stack of the urgent ones to her as I went to file the others away.

"Why do you think that?" Queen Seraphina asked. I sighed softly as I turned to look at her.

"I don't think anything, I know she doesn't like me. She is always glaring at me especially as of late," I said simply with a small frown. "Still don't know what I did to make her hate me," I muttered as I turned my attention back to filing away the papers.

"You've done nothing cherub," Queen Seraphina sighed. "Pandora is angry with me, it has nothing to do with you," she said.

"So why does she glare at me?" I asked as I turned to look at her, my back resting against the shelves of scrolls.

"Pandora is very protective of me, she doesn't like the fact that I have someone else assisting me," Queen Seraphina said. I frowned slightly as I tucked a loose strand of my hair behind my ear.

"That's ridiculous, it's not like I could ever replace her," I said as I shook my head. The movement of my body against the shelves caused a scroll to fall and I hurried to catch it. I winced when my hand scraped against the shelf, feeling a splinter push into my skin.

"I'm sure she'll appreciate you saying that," Queen Seraphina said with a soft smile. She frowned slightly after a moment. "Are you alright?" she asked after a moment.

"Yeah, just got a splinter," I said as I furrowed my eyebrows while trying to pull the splinter out. It was quite hard to do seeing as I kept my nails so short.

"Come here," Queen Seraphina said. I walked over to her as I continued to scrap at the splinter on my hand. "Let me see cherub," she said softly. I held my hand out to her which she carefully inspected.

Queen Seraphina hummed in thought before she pulled off her gloves. She gently grabbed my hand, her long nails gently scraping against my hand. I shivered at the feeling as I watched her scrape the splinter out.

"There you go darling," Queen Seraphina said softly as she smiled. I returned the smile shyly as I inspected my hand to make sure the splinter was fully out.

"Thank you," I said, surprised that I even managed to form a sentence. Sometimes she made it hard for me to think straight especially when she was so kind to me. I always ended up so flustered and I had no clue why.

"Cherub, you're zoning out on me," Queen Seraphina said as she rested her hand over mine. I felt my cheeks heat up as I stammered for an answer. Hearing her laugh softly, I looked into her eyes before realizing that she knew what she was doing to me. I pouted slightly as I pulled my hand away, refusing to look her in the eyes.

"You're a bully," I muttered under my breath as I went back to working. Hearing Queen Seraphina laugh again made me refuse to look at her.

"You are adorable," Queen Seraphina murmured softly before she went back to working. I decided that I would have to talk to Pandora soon about not working so closely with the Queen, I clearly couldn't handle it.

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