Chapter 62

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*Suzanna's P.O.V*

Trying to process emotions was hard. It was like no matter how much I thought it over, I couldn't sort out my feelings to make sense. They were just jumbled together, like a puzzle or my handwriting when I was tired.

I eventually decided just to go to sleep. The sun had set and the moonlight shining through the windows made me think that it was quite late at night. I got up from the vanity, moving over to my dresser.

I slipped my dress off, letting it fall to the floor. I changed into a loose top, one that fell to my knees. It was an old shirt I had bought years ago. It was just a long shirt which should make it a dress but it wasn't a dress in my mind.

I made my way over to the bed, my feet scraping along the stone floor. I was going to have to get something like a rug to pad the floor because it was cold at night. I fell onto my bed, scooting up to the top of it. I wrapped the blanket around me as I tried to get comfortable.

I ended up laying on my stomach, one leg sticking out from underneath the blanket. I managed to fall asleep after a while of tossing and turning.

When I woke up, my heart was pounding in my chest. It was still dark outside and I couldn't remember why I had woken up. I just knew that whatever I had just dreamed about was terrifying.

I slipped out of bed, feeling the sweat clinging to my body. I slipped my shirt off and let it fall to the floor. I moved to the bathroom as I turned on the water. I picked up a washcloth from the counter before stepping into the shower. The cold water hit my skin.

I stood there as I scrubbed my body with the washcloth and soap. I moved to soak my hair in the water before scrubbing it with soap. My hands were lathered with soap by the time I was done.

I washed my hair out after a moment, running my fingers through my hair to get the knots out. There were quite a few and the ones I couldn't get out I decided I would try and brush out or just cut them out.

I got out of the shower, drying myself off with a towel before stepping over to the dresser. I dressed in a pair of shorts that clung to my legs and a simple top that I had made from an old dress I had cut up.

I ran a brush through my hair, just a quick few brushes to make it look somewhat presentable. I hadn't bothered to dry my hair so it soaked my top. I didn't care though, I was just trying to get everything done.

It was the middle of the night but I wasn't surprised when I opened the door and guards were standing there. Of course Seraphina would have guards around my room at all times. Very smart of her, I would just have to up my plans if I wanted to escape.

"Where are you going?" One of the guards asked, making me pause to look at him. The guards never really spoke with me as they barely seemed to tolerate me.

"To explore," I said simply as I shrugged my shoulders and kept walking. I heard the guards sigh as they moved to follow after me. I couldn't tell if they were happy to finally be able to move or annoyed that they had to follow me in the middle of the night.

It was easy to pick rooms to explore. If they had guards in front of the doors then those were the first ones I went to. Usually I got turned away pretty quickly but it was always worth a shot.

The next rooms I tried were just at random. If they were unlocked then I would knock and then enter. If they were locked I would knock and then would plot about coming back to unlock the door.

One room I happened upon towards the end of my wandering was a music room. There were numerous instruments in the room and I paused. We were in the inner part of the castle so the guards didn't bother to come in with me. There were no windows to the outside and I knew all of the doors probably already had guards outside them. They were surprisingly good at their job which sucked for me.

I huffed softly as I looked around the room, debating on leaving to go explore somewhere else to annoy the guards. However my eyes landed on the piano and I made my way over to it. It was almost like I had to go over to it. The only reason I thought like that was because my parents had forced me into piano lessons. I had actually liked piano lessons but the teacher I had was horrid to me.

I sat down at the piano, going over my scales slowly. I was rusty at playing that was for sure. After a few minutes of playing my scales, I gasped when a hand touched my shoulder. My hands froze as I turned, letting out a breath of relief when I saw Pandora.

"You're up late," she said. If she noticed how startled I was, she didn't comment on it whatsoever.

"I couldn't sleep," I muttered as I turned my attention back to the piano.

"Well I don't think playing the scales is going to make you want to go to sleep," Pandora said.

"Well I don't really know how to play anything else. Besides, playing the scales always made me want to fall asleep in my piano lesson so I thought it would work now," I stated.

"Well it doesn't look like it's working so budge over," Pandora said. I huffed as I scooted over, surprised when she sat down next to me. I had assumed she was just going to shove me off the bench.

I watched her curiously as she started to play, listening to the sound of the piano. She started off playing Moonlight Sonata and I ended up starting to fall asleep when she was playing Nocturnes. My head rested on her shoulder as I started to drift off to sleep, my eyes closing. Pandora didn't move, continuing to play until I was fully asleep.

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