Chapter 16

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Told y'all things would pick up soon

*Suzanna's P.O.V*

Queen Seraphina seemed to be quite agitated lately. Despite the fact that she had no reason to be as far as I was aware and I was aware of a lot of what was going on in her life. Mainly because she insisted that I joined her whenever she spoke with the portraits of both her husband and son.

Her temper had been rather explosive as of late. Never at me of course, she had raised her voice at me once and then apologized immediately. It had taken her days to get over what she had done and she had showered me with gifts and praise to try and earn forgiveness.

I truthfully hadn't been that bothered by her raising her voice at me. I knew I could be frustrating at times especially when I took a bit to understand what she wanted me to do. I had shrugged it off immediately but even Pandora had seemed upset with her sister for raising her voice at me if the look on her face was anything to go by.

It had been a few days since then and a few weeks since I had cut my hair. Queen Seraphina had taken to helping me with my hair, claiming that it had been so long since she had gotten to do anyone's hair. I'm sure Pandora would have let her do her hair but I allowed her to do my hair since it seemed to please her.

It all clicked as to why she was acting the way she was one day in court. Thankfully it was during a recess where it was only the guards and us in the room when she snapped. I had dropped some of the papers that I was trying to give Pandora and one of the guards said something snide about me being clumsy. I wasn't offended, I knew that I was rather clumsy.

However Queen Seraphina seemed to take the guard's words to heart. She was out of her seat within seconds and across the room just as fast. I watched wide eyed as she stood in front of the guard, shivering at the words that left her mouth.

"What did you just say about my daughter?" The words that left her mouth left me shocked. Mainly because she had called me her daughter but also because she had stuck up for me. The guard didn't seem to pick up on the dangerous edge in her voice because he scoffed.

"She's not your daughter," he said, his voice cutting off rather quickly. At first I thought it was because he realized who he was talking to but then I realized that Queen Seraphina had a dagger to his throat. I felt Pandora's hand on my shoulders and she forced me to turn away.

"If this gets bloody, I will not allow you to witness such a thing," she whispered fiercely. A small noise escaped me but I made no move to face Queen Seraphina and the guard. My mind was still reeling from Queen Seraphina calling me her daughter, something I would probably be processing for a while yet.

"Queen Seraphina, it was one of my men who stepped out of line. Allow me to punish him and sheathe your dagger," Captain Orion spoke quickly.

"He insulted my daughter," Queen Seraphina said simply as if that explained her reaction. Which it didn't because I wasn't her daughter. Why weren't people correcting her on that?

"And you are scaring your daughter," Pandora spoke up, her hand still resting on my shoulder. I shot her a betrayed look at her calling me Queen Seraphina's daughter. She wasn't wrong about me being scared though, my entire body was trembling from fear. I didn't particularly handle any type of violence well especially when it came out of nowhere.

"I'm not scaring I?" Queen Seraphina's voice sounded hesitant.

"She's shaking like a leaf 'phina, just look at her," Pandora's voice was soft, softer than I had ever heard it. "Don't do this to her, don't make her scared of you," she stated. It was a bit too late for that, I was already terrified.

I heard the sound of something fall to the ground before I heard Queen Seraphina's heels click on the ground as she got closer. I went to pull away but Pandora's hand kept me in place. I felt a gentle hand touch my shoulder as Queen Seraphina turned me towards her. Pandora was still touching me but her hand was now resting on my arm.

"You're not scared of me right baby?" Queen Seraphina asked, moving her veil out of her face to look me in the eyes. A small whimper escaped me as I tried to pull away from her touch. A look of hurt crossed her face before she went to cup my face.

"Don't," my head jerked away, my entire body shaking still. She hadn't hurt me but she could if she wanted to. She had just pulled a dagger on a guard for no reason so I would be lying if I wasn't a little terrified.

"No baby, please it's okay. Mommy would never hurt you," Queen Seraphina said as she cupped my face firmly, turning my head back towards her. There was something desperate and wild in her eyes that begged me to believe her. However I was much too overwhelmed to listen to her right now.

I jerked away finally, taking off towards the doors. I managed to get them open after a moment of struggle, fleeing from the room as fear overwhelmed my brain. I just needed somewhere to hide, somewhere I could calm down and think over what happened. My room was the only option that made sense so I hurried there, locking myself in.

I didn't calm down once I was in there, I needed to be somewhere dark and quiet. I hurried to the closet, throwing it open as I stepped inside. I shut the door behind me, sinking to my knees as my entire body trembled as I broke down. Hot tears slid down my face as I rocked back and forth, my brain trying to process what had just happened.

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