Chapter 77

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*Suzanna's P.O.V*

I cuddled up to Seraphina, my head resting on her shoulder. Her perfume smelled nice and I closed my eyes, feeling quite tired. I sighed contently as she rocked me. I was not going to get up, she couldn't make me. She was stuck with me now.

"Are you going back to sleep baby?" Seraphina asked and I shook my head slightly. I was so comfortable but I wouldn't fall asleep. Otherwise it would give her what she wanted and I didn't want to give her what she wanted.

"Not tired," I stated, yawning after a moment. It wasn't a tired yawn though, certainly not.

"Okay well if you're not going back to sleep then we have to eat breakfast," Seraphina stated. I shook my head, pouting slightly as I stared up at her through my eyelashes.

"I don't want to eat breakfast," I muttered. I still didn't feel so good but I didn't want to let her know that. She would just make me go lay down in the infirmary. If there was one thing I didn't want to do it was be stuck in a room with doctors.

"Can you try to eat something sweetheart?" Seraphina asked. Her tone of voice was so gentle and sweet it made me feel small. I shook my head, shrinking away when she tried to look me in the eyes.

"No, go away," I said as I pushed her face away with a pout. I heard her chuckle as she shook her head slightly while rubbing my back.

"You're the one sitting on my lap," Seraphina pointed out which made me huff softly. So what if she had a point? It was an annoying point for her to have.

"Don't like you. Where Kamili?" I asked as I lifted my head up. I crossed my arms over my chest as I looked at her impatiently.

"She was getting ready when I left," Seraphina said matter-of-factly. I wasn't sure if I believed her but for now I would let it drop.

"My name was mentioned," Kamili's voice made me turn around. I climbed off Seraphina's lap, going over to Kamili as she walked over to the table. I wrapped my arms around her neck and she chuckled softly as she patted my back. When I didn't let go after a bit she tried to pull my arms off her neck.

"No," I whined as I buried my face into her neck. Kamili sighed as she rubbed my back. She stopped after a moment and lifted me up with both of her arms as I continued to cling to her.

"You are spoiled," Kamili cooed as she sat down in the chair after a moment. I was sitting on her lap and I shook my head in disagreement.

"Am not," I argued, pouting at her mean words. I was not spoiled, how dare she say I was spoiled? That was absolutely not true. I just wanted to have my way all the time but that didn't make me spoiled. Maybe she was the spoiled one for saying that.

"Are so," Kamili said. I stuck my tongue out at her as I pouted. I was not spoiled and I turned to Seraphina who raised an eyebrow when she saw me looking at her.

"Seraphinaaa tell her I'm not spoiled," I whined as I looked at the woman. She was supposed to protect me from meanies and Kamili was being mean.

"Well darling, you are kind of spoiled," Seraphina agreed with Kamili making me pout. I climbed off Kamili's lap, throwing myself dramatically onto the ground. I was not spoiled and it was rude of them to say that. I would just lay on the cold and wet ground until they said I wasn't spoiled.

"I disagree and that means you're wrong," I stated. Phoenix ran over to check on me, jumping on me with her muddy paws. I whined as she got mud all over my nightgown and on my arms. "Stop working against me," I pouted slightly.

"She's a puppy Suzanna, she's going to jump on people," Seraphina chuckled. I huffed as I pushed towards Seraphina, the puppy turning her attention to Seraphina. I giggled when Phoenix jumped onto her, getting her dress all muddy.

"It's just what puppies do dear," Kamili said when she saw Seraphina shake her head. Seraphina rolled her eyes at Kamili's words, sighing softly.

"You're supposed to work with me, not against me," Seraphina huffed. I was still laying on the ground and I didn't have anything to throw at Seraphina to make her attention turn to me. If I had a rock I would have thrown it at her legs but I didn't so I just ripped up some grass and tossed it in her direction. It didn't even touch her but still managed to get her and Kamili's attention.

"Why are you throwing grass at Seraphina? That's not very nice," Kamili said, a small smile tugging at her lips.

"Not trying to be nice, pay attention to me," I stated.

"Well it would be easier to do that if you weren't lying in the mud," Kamili said. I huffed as I sat up, looking at her with annoyance.

"Okay, I'm not laying in it anymore. Give me attention now," I demanded as I made grabby hands towards Seraphina.

"You can come over to me, I will not be holding you though sweetheart. You are all muddy," Seraphina said. Her words made me pout before an idea hit me. I scrambled up, hurrying to her before she could get up. "Don't you da-" she was cut off as I plopped myself into her lap.

"Too late, already in your lap," I stated smugly. Seraphina huffed as she looked down at me, not looking amused at my actions in the slightest.

"You are trouble," Seraphina stated as if it was a fact. It was not though. I was not trouble, she was incorrect. She was the trouble.

"No," I disagreed, burying my head into her shoulder. Whatever else she said I blocked out, covering my ears with my hands and just saying. "I can't hear you" over and over again.

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