Chapter 21

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*Suzanna's P.O.V*

"Is there something you need 'dora?" Queen Seraphina asked as her free hand moved to rub my back. Her nails gently scraped down my back and I sighed contently as I laid  my head back on her shoulder.

"Something urgent has arisen with a few of the mayors, they requested to speak with you," Pandora spoke, her eyes looking between both Queen Seraphina and I. I turned my head slightly to avoid her gaze, a small huff escaping me.

"Is it urgent?" Queen Seraphina asked as her hand moved up my back to smooth out the strands of hair that had escaped from my updo. I leaned into her hand with a small frown on my lips as I let myself get comfortable. I was like a cat, now I was comfortable so I wasn't going to get up.

"They said it was," Pandora replied as she turned her attention to her sister. "Perhaps it has to do with the soldiers that went M.I.A," she stated. Queen Seraphina hesitated for a moment before she nodded and went to get up. I let her do so but I didn't want to have to get up and go to work now.

"I will go see to them then," Queen Seraphina said as she moved to the hidden cubbyhole, reopening it and putting the book back before she locked it and stood up. She picked her veil up off of her desk, draping it over her head before she started to pin it into place. "You shall stay here with Suzanna," she said simply.

"What?" Both Pandora and I spoke at the same time, the shock clear in both of our voices. I stood up quickly as I smoothed out my dress.

"That's not needed, Queen Seraphina," I said simply as I bowed my head.

"Of course it is, you two must learn to get along at some point," Queen Seraphina said as she finished pinning her veil into place. "I see the way you two glare at each other when you think I'm not looking," she stated.

"Yes but my job is to accompany you," Pandora said, clearly not wanting to be around me just as much as I didn't want to be around her.

"Come Pandora, you're normally so much more maternal then this with people. Are you scared that you two are too similar to get along?" Queen Seraphina asked, sounding greatly amused.

"Of course not, we're nothing alike," Pandora denied, a frown on her lips.

"Then you won't mind staying with her until I return," Queen Seraphina said, a little too cheerfully. Pandora sighed when she realized that she wasn't getting out of it and we were now stuck together until Queen Seraphina came back.

"You're lucky I love you Sera or else I would have walked out on you years ago," Pandora stated simply. Queen Seraphina simply nodded her head before she left the room.

"Don't I get a say in anything anymore?" I asked with a frown on my lips as I flopped down on the couch. I lay sprawled across it, too upset to care about sitting properly.

"When my sister makes up her mind, she's rather set on it," Pandora said as she moved to sit down on the couch. "Move your legs," she ordered.

"No," I said, huffing when she moved my legs herself. My lower half was now laying off the couch and I glared at her.

"You're rather annoying," Pandora said.

"Your mother," I retorted absentmindedly, freezing when I realized what I had said. The look on Pandora's face showed me that there was no chance that she hadn't heard what I said. The frown disappeared after a moment as her lips quirked into a smile.

"That's no way to speak about your grandmother," Pandora teased, making me glare at her. "That reminds me, Seraphina needs to send her a letter soon," she muttered more to herself than me.

"Why?" I asked as I scooted to the edge of the couch, turning around as I tucked my dress closely against my legs as I flipped around so I could lay upside down with my upper body dangling off the couch. My dress stayed closely tucked seeing as I curled my legs up to keep the fabric in place.

"Because she's going to be quite miffed that she's got another grandchild that she's never been able to get things for," Pandora stated as she rolled her eyes at my antic.

"That's nice, all my grandmother ever gave me was an eating disorder," I said casually as I stared at the wall across the room. I only noticed that Pandora moved when she pulled me up, staring at me concernedly.

"Are you alright? That was something very serious to just casually mention," Pandora said as her eyebrows furrowed.

"Of course, I'm fine," I waved off her concern as I tried to ignore the blood that had rushed to my head now returning to its normal flow. "When can I leave?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

"The room?" Pandora asked, still reluctant to just let my words go.

"The castle. I don't want to stay here forever and I'm not the Queen's daughter," I said. "You're lucky I haven't tried an escape attempt already," I informed her.

"You won't be leaving, not for a while at least," Pandora stated. "My sister is quite attached to you plus your escape attempts would be for nothing. The guards have been ordered to stop you from escaping if you try," she informed me. I frowned at her words as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"They couldn't stop me if they tried," I huffed as I got up, watching Pandora tense. Her eyes darted to the door and I rolled my eyes as I paced back and forth.

"Those guards are better trained than you think," Pandora said as she relaxed, her eyes still watching me closely.

"If they're as observant as you then I think I would be fine," I said as I sat down on the arm of the couch, my leg bouncing slightly.

"Stop doing that," Pandora said.

"Doing what?" I asked innocently, a small grin on my lips.

"I need a drink," Pandora groaned as she looked towards a cabinet. I hesitated for a moment and as soon as she got up to go to it, I took my chance and darted out of the study. It wasn't even because I wanted to escape honestly, it was just the challenge of it all.

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