Chapter 50

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*Suzanna's P.O.V*

I laid with Mama for a bit, letting her hold me and rock me. She seemed still upset so that made me upset. It took a while for her to feel better and when she did, she gently tapped my bottom.

"'es?" I asked when she did that, making me lift my head to look her in the eyes.

"Don't think that I forgot about your punishment," Mama said simply. I whined, pushing my face into the crook of her neck. I had been hoping that she had completely forgotten about my punishment.

"How 'bout no punishment and I get ice cream?" I suggested with an innocent smile.

"How about you get your punishment and no ice cream?" Mama suggested. I shook my head, frowning at that. I wanted ice cream, she was being a meanie by not giving me any.

"No," I said as I crossed my arms over my chest. "Want ice cream," I pouted.

"And I don't want to have to punish you so it looks like we both lose," Mama said simply. I huffed at that, moving to get off of her lap. She held me still so that I couldn't get up.

"Ice cream," I repeated as I shoved at her chest, trying to get up.

"Stop it Suzanna," Mama said simply as she held my arms still. "Since you seemed so eager to see the doggies early, you'll be in charge of feeding and cleaning up after them for the next month. Perhaps then you'll rethink the idea of disobeying me," she suggested.

I thought about what she said for a moment, my eyebrows furrowing. What did she mean by cleaning up after them? The doggies already looked very clean when I saw them.

"It means you have to pick up their poop," Mama said as she looked at me. My nose wrinkled at the thought and I shook my head.

"No thank you," I said as I tried to get up again.

"That is your punishment, you chose to not listen so you get to suffer the punishment," Mama stated sternly.

"No," I whined as I pouted. "You can't make me," I huffed.

"Every day you choose not to do your punishment will be a day that you have to sit in your room, grounded," Mama said firmly.

"That's not fair," I muttered softly.

"That is totally fair," Mama stated. "You'll do your punishment one way or another," she said.

"Mean," I said simply as I turned around so that my back was to her. I may still have to sit on her lap but I wouldn't look at her.

"I'm not punishing you because I'm mean, I'm punishing you because you did something very dangerous. I don't know what I would do if you got hurt," Mama whispered as she kissed the top of my head.

"Mean," I repeated simply with my arms crossed over my chest.

"You may think that I am mean but I am punishing you so that you don't repeat your actions," Mama said firmly. "I love you Suzanna, I always will. However I can't allow you to do dangerous things with no consequence," she stated.

"No cuddles for you," I informed her as I went to get up. She let me this time and I turned around, sticking my tongue out at her. Mama sighed softly with a soft smile as she rubbed the bridge of her nose.

"That's fine," Mama said with a soft chuckle. There was a knock on the door and I frowned as I looked at her. "Who is it?" Mama asked softly.

"Pandora," the voice was soft. I huffed as I heard her voice, looking at Mama.

"Come in," Mama stated. I pouted at her words as I sat down on the bed next to her, pressing against her. I wouldn't cuddle her but I wanted Pandora to see that Mama was my favorite person right now.

Pandora entered the room, looking a lot calmer and more reasonable now. She seemed shamefaced which seemed to be a good sign since she hadn't called me names yet.

"I apologize for getting in your face and threatening you Suzanna. I also apologize for calling you stupid," Pandora said after a moment. I looked at Mama who was looking at me.

"It's up to you baby if you want to forgive her," Mama informed me.

"I forgive you if you get me ice cream," I said after a moment as I looked at Pandora. She smiled softly and nodded her head.

"I can do that," Pandora said. Her eyes went to Mama and I could see the hurt in her eyes. "I was out of line Seraphina, I apologize," she stated.

"You think?" Mama asked. "You implied that me having a talk with Suzanna would end the same way that it did with Malik. The talk which he ignored and went to war and died," she said, her voice breaking at the last word. I held her hand, squeezing it gently as she looked down at me.

"I didn't mean to imply that," Pandora said softly. "I wasn't thinking Seraphina, I would never have said something like that intentionally. I was just hinting at the fact that Malik never listened to you, he was his father's son. I completely forgot that you two had a talk before he went to war," she said gently.

"How did you forget? It was one of the biggest rows we ever had," Mama said, sounding bitter.

"I was a bit busy at the time, Orion was going to head out to war. I wasn't focused on you fighting," Pandora said.

"You sometimes say things Pandora and they unintentionally hurt me," Mama said slowly.

"I know 'phina, I know. I'll watch what I say closer now," Pandora promised as she crossed the room. I pouted at her but Mama didn't seem to mind her coming closer.

"You better," Mama stated with a soft sign. "I've never felt so hurt before," she said as she got up. I wanted to pout at that but Pandora was already hugging Mama. That wasn't fair, she was my Mama. Pandora didn't need to hug her at all.

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