Chapter 104

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*Suzanna's P.O.V*

Seraphina was so mean to me. She made me get out from under the bed. Well she didn't make me cause she's not really my boss and can't really make me do anything but she tried to make me. I only came out though cause I wanted to see Kelpie and Phoenix. I was sure that those traitorous dogs would be asking for my forgiveness now.

Seraphina also made me put on pants. I didn't want to wear any pants, they were so boring. I made Seraphina help me put them on since I didn't even want to wear them. My part of helping consisted of me laying on the bed and sticking my legs straight out.

"You are spoiled," Seraphina informs me as she tugs the shorts up my legs.

"Am not, I just don't like doing things if I don't have to," I inform her as I sit up, grabbing the edge of the shorts and pulling them up some more so they hug my waist properly.

"Okay, brat," Seraphina says as rolls her eyes as she tugs my shirt down since it has ridden up slightly. She lifts me up onto her hip and I don't protest since I don't really want to walk.

"Take me to my doggies woman," I order. Seraphina gives me a look and I decide to rephrase what I said, just slightly though. "Please," is what I finally decide to add to it.

"That's better," Seraphina says. I roll my eyes as I rest my head on her shoulder so that she can't see what I am doing. My thumb slips into my mouth since I was starting to feel kind of small. Mama rubs my back as she carries me which makes me relax slightly as I cuddle into her.

"You know, Theron has been asking about you. I think he worries that I will not give you enough attention," Mama says with slight amusement.

"Shall we go see him?" she asks and I shake my head, pushing my face into her neck. I don't really care for the idea of seeing anyone right now. Her nails gently scratch down my back and I sigh at the feeling, my eyes closing.

"Seraphina," Mommy's voice catches my attention and I grin slightly, tilting my head up slightly as I just barely open my eyes. I reach for Mommy when I see her and she smiles at me as she comes down the hall.

"What is it dear?" Mama asks Mommy. I giggle when Mommy stops to kiss my hand that is reaching out for her, a small grin on my lips. Mommy was so great, I was never going to share her with anyone. Well....maybe with Mama but that was it.

"I was just wondering where you had gone," Mommy says as she leans closer and kisses Mama's cheek. I reach up, patting Mommy's face until she pulls away. Kissing was gross, I didn't know why they insisted on doing it. It was so icky.

"What is it darling?" Mama asks as she grabs my hand so I can't keep pushing at Mommy's face.

"No kissing, is icky," I inform the both of them very seriously. Mommy laughs, turning her head away as she covers her mouth.

"Oh is it?" Mama asks.

"'es," I nod my head very seriously. I pull my thumb out of my mouth just to try and show how serious I am.

"Does that mean I can't give you a kiss either?" Mama asks. That makes me pause. I hadn't thought about that part of it.

"Yes, no kisses," I finally say as I nod my head firmly, looking at her.

"Oh," Mama pouts, which makes me giggle. Why was she pouting? She's just being silly! It wasn't my fault that she couldn't give kisses anymore, someone else had made up the rule. Someone who certainly wasn't me.

"Who decided that?" Mommy asks as she smiles at me. I don't like her questioning my rules, she's probably up to something.

"Phoenix," I say, deciding to put the blame on one of my naughty puppies. The one that is most likely to betray me that is.

"Is that so?" Mommy questions and I nod, not understanding why she was asking me that.

"Haven't the puppies been with you all afternoon?" Mama asks Mommy and now I know why Mommy was asking that. They were trying to trick me into admitting my trickery. Well that wasn't nice! I was the trickster, I was supposed to trick them. That was how it was supposed to work!

"She told me that last night," I say, as I nod to, mostly to myself.

"I don't think she was with you last night. I thought she was running around causing trouble," Mommy says and I whine.

"Stop it. You're ruining my whole plan," I huff as I pout. Mommy shakes her head after a moment with a smile.

"I am so sorry my dear. I never intended to ruin your plan," Mommy informs me as she reaches over to touch my arm gently. I pull away from her, cuddling into Mama who pats my bottom.

"Poor baby, I know. I know," she coos at me as she rocks me back and forth.

"Mommy is being mean, ruining my whole plan," I mutter into Mama's shoulder since I have buried my head into her shoulder and refuse to move now. Mama pats my bottom lightly, cooing at me as I nuzzle into her for comfort.

"Poor baby. I don't think Mommy meant to ruin your plan," Mama says. I huff at her words, disagreeing with what she said completely. Mommy clearly had planned to ruin my whole elaborate plan, I just knew it.

"I hope Montague bites both of your hands," I inform them.

"That's not nice to say," Mama scolds and I roll my eyes.

"Is so, I just being honest," I inform her as I lift my head up, sticking my tongue out at her.

"You are being a little brat today huh?" Mama asks and I roll my eyes.

"I not talk to old people, sorry," I say as I squirm until she puts me down and I take off down the hall, hearing Mama laugh.

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