Chapter 52

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*Suzanna's P.O.V*

I found out that I was great at balancing in a tilting chair every time Pandora tried to shove the door open. Eventually she seemed to get bored and left. I let out a sigh of relief when I heard her storm off, still staying leaned up against the door. I finally closed my eyes, letting them rest as I stayed in place in case she came back.

I tensed when there was a knock on the door, half expecting to feel Pandora try and shove it open. "Who is it?" I asked, a frown on my lips.

"It's Seraphina," Seraphina's voice made me huff. It wasn't Pandora but it was almost worse.

"You made me get up early, I don't like you," I said simply as I crossed my arms over my chest even though she couldn't see me. I just thought it appropriately expressed my attitude at the moment.

"You were the one who chose to not listen to me," Seraphina said, sounding amused. "May I come in?" she asked.

"No," I retorted. "If I let you in then Pandora might get in and I don't want that," I said simply.

"I promise that Pandora is nowhere near this room right now," Seraphina said softly. "She is currently trying to convince Orion to break down the door to this room," she informed me.

"He wouldn't do that," I stated. "Would he?" I questioned after a second.

"No he would not," Seraphina chuckled. "Please open the door," she said simply. I hesitated for a moment before I got up, moving the chair away from the door. I wanted to keep her locked out but I was also very curious about why she was here so early in the morning.

I opened the door just a little bit to look at her. She was wearing another dark green dress. I didn't know if it was her favorite color but it looked very pretty on her. The first layer was this sort of see through fabric that showed a much darker green under it. The sleeves were sheer and the dress fabric seemed to flow around her body like water.

"What do you want?" I asked when I finally managed to pull myself away from staring. She leaned against the doorway while looking down at me. I hesitantly moved to let her in, pouting a little bit about her not answering my question. I thought I deserved an answer more than she deserved to be in my room.

"Are you going to be my scribe today?" Seraphina asked. Was all that she was going to ask? That was boring, I thought to myself as she shut the door behind her and took her veil off. Her hair had been pulled back in a complicated twisted braid style. It looked so delicate especially with the butterfly hair pins that rested in it. It looked like they had been hand painted to look real.

"Is that all you want to ask?" I questioned. I tried not to whine but I clearly wasn't that good at hiding it based on the way her lips quirked up slightly. She sat her veil down on the chair, stepping towards me as she cupped my face.

"Why? Is there something else you want me to ask you to do?" she questioned as her thumb stroked over my cheek, gently tracing my jawline.

"No," I pouted slightly with a frown on my lips. "Why are you here then?" I asked.

"I want you to have breakfast with me," she said simply.

"No thank you," I said quickly. I didn't like eating around other people, I liked to eat alone. It just felt better that way.

"Well you see, it's not really a request," Seraphina said simply. "You have said some concerning things about your eating habits and it worries me. I would like to keep a closer eye on you," she stated. Her words made me pause and I internally cursed myself for not being more careful with my words.

"I don't have an eating disorder now, I had one when I was younger," I said simply. "I don't need you to keep an eye on me," I stated more firmly, a frown on my lips.

"You may say that but I would like to keep an eye on you," Seraphina said softly. "So you will be joining me for breakfast today," she said simply. I frowned at her words, wishing that I could just disappear.

"Fine," I said simply. "I'll join you in the dining hall then," I stated after a moment.

"We won't be eating there," Seraphina said simply. "We'll be eating in my private garden," she smiled softly. Those words definitely got my attention and she seemed to know that.

"You have a private garden? Where?" I demanded to know.

"You'll have to come with me if you want to find out," she said with a small smile. I groaned at her words for a moment before a sigh escaped me.

"Fine," I said with a dramatic whine. Seraphina seemed amused as she put her veil back on, taking my hand and leading me out of my room. I followed after her, ignoring the looks the guards gave Seraphina before following us.

Seraphina led me down the hallways and I almost regretted agreeing to come with her with how long the walk was. We ended up on the opposite side of the castle and she opened a glass door that led into a beautiful garden. Butterflies seemed to live on the flowers, some flying away at the sound of the door opening.

Seraphina led me to a table that was in the shade of a willow tree and I sat next to her, still looking around in awe. A maid brought a silver tray over before leaving, the glass door having curtains drawn over it so that nobody could see out now.

Seraphina removed her veil before lifting the lid off the tray. On the tray was Puttu and Kadala curry. I smiled softly at the familiar food, letting Seraphina make my plate for me.

"It's been a while since I've had Puttu," I said simply as I savored my first bite of the rice dish.

"It was one of my favorites when I was a young girl," Seraphina said simply, a small smile on her lips.

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