Chapter 3

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*Suzanna's P.O.V*

I only had three days to pack everything that I needed. I wasn't a materialistic person by any means but I still had plenty of things that I needed to bring with me. Dresses that were gifted to me by my numerous extended family members, trinkets from my friends, and all of my writing supplies.

On top of all the packing that I had to do, my nerves were also eating away at my resolve. Every second of every day I grew to regret my decision more and more. My oh so helpful friends decided to worsen my anxiety by telling me stories about Queen Seraphina. Stories about a cruel and mean queen who was unforgiving.

My mind kept going back to the stories even as I packed my belongings. Her reputation was quite intimidating if you really looked into it which I felt the need to do. There were so many interesting things that I started to make a list.

She was only in her late thirties so she was still quite young. She had also married quite young at only sixteen. The most interesting thing about her though was that no one outside her trusted advisors had ever seen her face. That's what all of the papers had said at least.

I drummed my fingers as I studied some of the policies that had passed under her ruling. She seemed quite heavy handed with her rulings. She had complete control of who entered and who left the kingdom which was astonishing. Not even Queen Circe had tried to keep track of that, it was almost impossible to do.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by a hand touching my shoulder. I turned my head, smiling weakly when I saw my Father. We hadn't been on speaking terms much in the past few days. However I would be leaving today so I could see why he wanted to talk.

"Your mother and I are very proud of you," he said softly. I internally rolled my eyes but externally just nodded my head. His words were just a poor attempt at placating me. My parents had never wanted me to write, they had wanted me to pick a career that was proper for a lady. It had caused many fights over the years.

My parents insisted that I needed to start looking for a husband. They had insisted that almost as soon as I turned 18 and I was now 22, almost 23.  I frowned at the realization that in a few months when I turned 23 that I would most likely be celebrating my birthday alone.

"I'm going to miss you Dad," I said as I looked up at him. He smiled softly as he ran a hand through his hair nervously. My father was rarely ever nervous so that definitely caught my attention.

"I wanted to give you something before you left, your grandmother entrusted me with this before she passed," he said as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a jewelry box. He held it out to me and I hesitantly accepted it. I had never gotten to meet my grandmother so it would be nice to have something that she left.

I opened the jewelry box, surprised to see two little teddy bears on bracelets. They were both a soft baby blue color and had clearly been knitted before being put on the bracelets. I took one out, slipping the bracelet on and tightening it so it wouldn't slide off of my wrist.

"They're supposed to bring peace and happiness to the wearer, at least that's what your grandmother told me," my father informed me. "She made two in case you ever wanted to give one to another or if you lost the first one," he stated.

"I love it," I said with a small smile as I carefully closed the jewelry box, giving him a small hug. He returned the hug after a moment before pulling away. I tried to think of something else to say but my thoughts were interrupted by a knock on my bedroom door.

"The carriage is here," my mother said softly from where she was standing in the doorway before she turned and left. We hadn't been speaking for the past few days so it wasn't surprising that she didn't want to say goodbye.

"I'll help you with your trunk," my father said as he smiled slightly. I smiled in thanks as I went to my trunk, opening it quickly and depositing the jewelry box into it. I closed my trunk, latching it shut.

My father and I worked together to carry the trunk downstairs, my mother opening the door. As soon as we were outside, two guards offered to take my trunk and load it for me. I gladly accepted their offer and said my goodbyes to my father. I could see my mother standing at the window of the sitting room, a small frown on her lips.

I sighed softly and my father muttered a small apology before helping me up in the carriage. I was surprised to see Captain Orion sitting inside the carriage. I sat across from him as the carriage door shut behind me.

"It's going to be a long trip back to the kingdom so I suggest you get comfortable," Captain Orion said as he looked up from a book he was reading. I nodded my head as I shifted slightly to sit by the windows, pulling the curtain back to allow more sunlight into the carriage.

I stared out the window as the carriage started moving. I absentmindedly fiddled with the teddy bear on my bracelet, getting lost in my thoughts. The ride to the kingdom was going to be quite long, I had looked it up yesterday to be prepared. From our border to their kingdom it was seven hours and I lived towards the center of our kingdom so it was probably another four hours on top of it.

I hadn't slept well last night so I figured I could use some of the time to catch up on sleep. I curled up in the corner, watching the outside pass by. A small yawn escaped my lips as I rested my head against the warm window.

Captain Orion said nothing about what I was doing so I assumed he wasn't paying attention. My eyes closed after a couple minutes and I started to drift off to sleep. My theory about him not paying attention went out the window when I felt him drape his jacket over me. I smiled contentedly as I fell asleep.

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