Chapter 85

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*Suzanna's P.O.V*

I was almost positive that I had spilled more soup on my dress than I had actually eaten. That was okay though, I had only wanted milk and I had gotten what I wanted. It wasn't actually the milk that I had wanted which I was still sulking about. I would get what I wanted one day, even if I had to throw several fits to get my way.

Mama had tried to convince me that I needed to go change. I didn't want to change though, I liked my purple dress. It was my favorite dress in the world and I wouldn't change out of it unless forced. Mama looked like she wanted to force me to change but I threw myself off my stool and took off running.

One of the guards outside the kitchen tried to grab me but I ducked under his arm. He was fast but he was not fast enough to stop me. I took off down the hall and I heard Mama coming after me. She wasn't running or anything, actually she was kind of just walking from the sound of it.

There was no fun in running away if all she was going to do was walk after me. That wasn't how the chase game was played. For it to be the chase game, she had to actually chase me. I sulked as I tried to think of somewhere to go, just walking through the now familiar halls.

I ended up back at the door of my old room and I knocked on the door. No one answered so I opened it and realized it was just how I had left it. The bed still hadn't been made. I had been in my new room for about a month and a half now so it was surprising that it hadn't been cleaned up yet.

I moved to my closet, hiding in it. It was empty without my clothes in it so it wasn't the same. However I pulled my knees up to my chest, resting my head on my knees. The soup was cold and had seeped all the way through my dress. It didn't bother me that much though.

It wasn't long before I heard Mama's heels. I heard the door to the room and I laid down, hiding my face with my dress as I put my back to the closet door. The door was opened and I felt light spill into the closet.

"Go 'way, Suzanna not here," I said as I kept my back to her. If I didn't look at her then she couldn't see me. That was the law I'm pretty sure and queens had to follow laws. Most of the time.

"Is she really not here?" Mama asked, sounding amused. I wanted to look at her but then she would be able to see me and I didn't want her to know I was here. I squealed when her hands tickled over my sides and I squirmed away. I had pressed my body into the corner as I looked at her with wide eyes.

"You meanie," I pouted as I looked at her. Mama shook her head with a small sigh as she held out her arms to me. "How you find me?" I asked quietly. I thought my hiding spot was good and yet she had still found me anyway. That simply wasn't fair at all.

"You left a trail of soup," Mama said, making me whine as I looked past her and saw the small droplets of soup that covered the ground. Now soup would be my worst enemy ever since it had betrayed me.

"Stupid soup and stupid mama," I muttered with a small frown on my lips.

"What have I done to be stupid?" Mama asked as she put her hands on her hips. I shook my head, not wanting to answer. I thought it was pretty obvious but Mama clearly didn't know why. It made me feel good to be smarter than even Mama.

I whined when Mama grabbed my arm when I tried to walk past her. She was so quick but I was quicker. I leaned forward and licked her hand, making her let go of my arm.

"What have I done to be stupid?" Mama questioned again as she wiped her hand off on her dress. There was still soup on it from where I had flung some at her but she didn't have as much as I had on me.

"You not let me have milk and you followed me," I huffed as I stomped my foot while looking at her. I had wanted to be alone. I realized that she had taken her veil back and I had left it at the counter. I stomped my foot again and tried to snatch it out of her hand.

"Are you throwing a fit?" Mama asked. She sounded amused and I looked at her with a small pout on my lips. She moved to pick me up and I tried to kick her away. She was much stronger then she looked and I struggled against her hold.

"Let me go," I whined as I glared at her. Mama sighed as she rested me on her hip while carrying me out of my old room. I continued to struggle as she carried me back to my room, taking me into my nursery room. Mama sat me down and I pouted at her.

"You need to change, it's late and almost bedtime," Mama stated as she looked at me. I shook my head, deciding to spite her by going over to my crib. I climbed over the side of the crib, flopping down in it.

"No change," I stated as I pulled the blanket over my head. Mama shook her head as she walked over to the crib, pulling the blanket off of my head.

"You are a brat," Mama said as she rubbed my back. I whined softly as I tried to scoot away, being trapped in the crib was no fun. What was even worse, I had trapped myself in the crib. I whined dramatically as I smacked my head on the back of the crib. That hurt and I ended up starting to cry.

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