Chapter 110

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*Suzanna's P.O.V*

Mama tries to lay me down on the changing table but I refuse to allow myself to be set down. If I let her set me down once then she would think that she could set me down twice! Something I wouldn't let happen.

"Suzanna, let go," Mama says as she pats my bottom warningly, earning a quick shake of my head as I wrap my legs tighter around her waist.

"Suzanna be here," I say as I snuggle into her, tucking my head against her chest so that I don't have to look her in the eyes. Her eyes were so pretty but so so scary at the same time.

"Suzanna is about to earn a trip to the corner for her lack of listening," Mama warns, making me whine as I reluctantly let go of her. I pout at her mean words, refusing to look at her anymore. In fact I turn myself fully away from her.

The changing table is against the wall so now I'm just facing the wall. I think about turning around but then Mama would know that I had failed and that would never be okay with me. She couldn't know that I hadn't realized that there was a wall there.

"Suzanna, you need to lay down," Mama says, tugging on my arm slightly. I shake my head, not even daring to glance back at her.

"Lay down, now," Mama says as she physically turns to me so that I'm not facing the wall. I whine as she makes me lay down, planning on sitting right back up. Instead she's much stronger than I thought and keeps me pushed down. I think I'm going to escape when she lets go but she quickly straps me to the changing table.

"No! No, no, no, no, no!" I exclaim, kicking as I try to wriggle off the changing table. I try to reach down to unstrap myself, letting out a noise of shock when Mama actually smacks my hand away.

"You do not unstrap yourself when I just buckled you. You could fall and hurt yourself, something that I won't allow to happen," Mama states sternly, ignoring the pout I give her. She had never been so stern, why was she being such a meanie now!

"Down. Suzanna down," I say as I try to sit up, the belt not letting me up.

"Suzanna, it is extremely early in the morning. I am tired, I am ready to go back to bed. So let me diaper you so I can put you to bed and then go to bed myself," Mama states, making me frown. I wanted to lay in her bed still, it wasn't fair that she was getting her bed and Mommy all to herself.

"No!" I say, trying to smack her hand away when she tries to push my nightgown up.

"Suzanna, either let me change you or if you have an accident, you will be the one cleaning it up," Mama says sternly. I shake my head, refusing to give into her cruel demands. She wouldn't ever make me clean, that would be such a meanie thing to do! Mama isn't supposed to be a meanie at all.

"Down," I whine, kicking my legs as Mama slides my nightgown up. I try to push her hand away but she uses one hand to hold my nightgown up as she tugs my panties off.

"You're going from this changing table, straight into your crib," Mama states, making me pout. She couldn't do that to me! I was an angel. Her had been a while since she called me cherub.

"Cherub," I say, pouting at her as she gets a diaper out. She unfolds it, ignoring me as I try to wriggle away. The stupid strap over me is keeping me still. I hate it! Uncle Rion should have let me keep my dagger so that I could cut myself free.

"You're not being a cherub right now. I'm pretty sure you're being quite the opposite," Mama says as she lifts my legs up, putting the diaper underneath me. Her words make me frown, right up until she tickles me.

"No! Not fair! Cheatin'," I whine, giggles escaping me. A small yawn escapes me when she stops, my eyes feeling tired. It was just my eyes though! It wasn't even me who was sleepy. Just my silly eyes, who were betraying me.

"I can't cheat silly, I'm your Mama," Mama says as she applies some diaper cream between my legs. I shiver at the feeling, not liking it. She quickly tugs the front of my diaper up, putting the tapes in place. I try to squirm free as she gets a wipe and wipes her hands off with it before unstrapping me.

Mama lifts me up, cooing as she bounces me. I cling to her, fussing as she sits down and sits me on her lap. I furrow my eyebrows, grinning when she tugs her top down. I start to nurse, my eyes fluttering shut as I get comfortable.

"Oh, now you have no complaints?" Mama asks, rubbing my back. I shake my head, continuing to nurse as my stupid sleepy eyes shut. Mama keeps rocking me, her free hand moving to the back of my head. Her nails scratch my scalp, tangling in my hair. I babble in protest when she tries to stop, earning a small laugh from her. It's so different from her other laughs I've heard.

It's light, airy in a way that makes me feel happy. My stupid sleepy eyes make the sleepiness spread to the rest of my body so I don't get to hear her laugh again when I babble again. I'm barely awake when Mama unlatches me, my thumb slipping in my mouth to replace her nipple.

"My baby," Mama murmurs, carrying me. I hear the bars click down as she lays me down, tucking me in before she tugs the bars up again. I don't have enough non sleepiness left in me to protest so instead I curl up with my pillow and blanket.

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