Chapter 44

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*Suzanna's P.O.V*

I decided that Grandma was my new favorite person at the moment. She just held me instead of setting me down like Mama was trying to get her to do. It seemed Mama didn't like sharing which was really funny to me.

"Leave the baby with me Seraphina," Grandma said as she bounced me on her hip. I giggled slightly as she pressed a kiss to the top of my head.

"No, she's my baby," Mama said simply as she sat down on the edge of my bed.

"And I am more experienced plus I out rank you as your mother, out," Grandma said as she pointed to the door.

"You don't technically outrank her, you're just a noble woman and she's the queen," Pandora pointed out. She seemed to shrink back slightly when Grandma turned her head to look at her. "I could always be wrong about that," Pandora said as she edged to the door.

"That's what I thought," Grandma muttered as she rolled her eyes. "Your aunt knows better than to talk back to me," she whispered to me, making me giggle as I saw Pandora stick her tongue out at Grandma before she left.

"Mother I love you but I am not leaving Suzanna with you," Mama said as she walked over, holding out her hands. I leaned towards her and let her take me from Grandma who seemed reluctant to let me go.

"For now," Grandma muttered. "The child will need a nap soon enough and you need one too, Seraphina. Don't even argue that you don't because you stayed up until 4 a.m. and only slept until 7," she stated.

"How do you know what time I went to bed?" Mama asked as she narrowed her eyes.

"I bribe your guards to tell me," Grandma shrugged.

"Should I be concerned that my guards are so easily bribed to tell people these things?" Mama asked as she tilted her head slightly. I was too busy playing with her hair to really pay attention to her.

"No, that's not something to worry about at all. I bribed Orion to tell his guards to listen to me," Grandma asked.

"I think I should get new security," Mama asked as she frowned slightly while looking down at me. "Do you like my hair baby?" she asked softly, making me nod happily.

"I'm your mother, it's my job to make sure you're okay," Grandma said simply as she pulled Mama closer and kissed the top of her head. "Even if you and your sister give me gray hairs in the process," she muttered.

"You were already getting those on your own," Mama said softly, making Grandma roll her eyes as she looked at me.

"The disrespect," she said, making me giggle at the frown on her lips. "Keep an eye on your Mama for me baby," she said as she kissed the top of my head before leaving.

"Your grandma drives me wild," Mama laughed as she bounced me slightly. I giggled softly as I played with the collar of her dress, babbling softly as she carried me back to the nursery.

Mama sat down with me in the corner of the room, showing me a bunch of stuffed animals and wooden blocks. My attention was immediately captured by the wooden blocks. I picked up a colorful block, smacking it against another block. The sound was funny so I did it again.

"I can already tell you are going to be a chaos child," Mama muttered. I giggled at her words as I kept smacking the blocks together. Mama just watched me, smiling softly whenever I looked back at her.

Mama seemed pretty content to just watch me play with my blocks for a while but eventually she pulled me over to her. She hummed softly as she ignored my whines of wanting to go back to the blocks.

"You're giving mama a headache baby, let's try and play quiet," Mama suggested as she sat me in the pile of stuffed animals and gave me some dolls. The dolls were heavy which explained why the floor was carpeted extra thick over in this corner of toys because I did drop the dolls a few times as I tried to hold them.

I didn't know for how long I played before Grandma came back. She pulled Mama up and whispered something in her ear which made her leave. Grandma followed her but came right back with a bottle in her hands.

"Come here baby," Grandma said as she sat down in a rocking chair. I dropped my doll onto the floor and went straight to her, letting her pull me onto her lap. I was thirsty and the bottle of milk looked really good right now. She cradled me as she put the nipple of the bottle into my mouth and I suckled on it.

The milk was nice and refreshing after playing for a while. Grandma was up to something though because she rocked me slowly, her hand rubbed my back. I whined as I started to feel sleepy. What was this witchcraft? I did not want to go to sleep.

"You need a nap before your mama gets up from hers," Grandma said simply as she kept rocking me. I whined softly as I pouted at her, trying to push the bottle out of my mouth. "Shh darling, you know you need one," she said as she brushed a strand of hair out of my face.

I tried to protest but a yawn escaped me. Grandma chuckled at that as she pushed the bottle back into my mouth and I nursed it quietly. I babbled softly once I was done but Grandma simply sat me up, rubbing my back and patting it softly.

Before I knew it, my eyes were closing and my head was resting on her shoulder. A yawn escaped me again as I tried to wake myself up. Grandma simply hummed as she got up, bouncing me just the tiniest bit which only made me sleepier. After a bit of this, once I stopped trying to push myself up, she brought me over to the crib.

She laid me down in it, pulling a blanket up and tucking it around me. Once she was done with that, she found a paci and pushed it into my mouth. I accepted it without a fuss, my eyes staying closed as she rocked the crib slightly. Before I knew it, I was out like a light.

Writing this chapter just made me very tired. Hope you all enjoyed it!

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