Chapter 4

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*Suzanna's P.O.V*

I managed to get a good nap for about two hours. My face had marks on it from resting against the side of the carriage. I rubbed my eyes as I stretched out slightly, my bones popping. I stared blearily around the carriage as I tried to fully wake up.

"We still have a long way to the kingdom and it's much longer to reach the castle," Captain Orion said as he looked up from his book. He had apparently gotten through a good chunk of it while I was napping. "Are there any questions you have? I'll answer them to the best of my ability," he stated.

"Can you tell me what to expect if I'm working around Queen Seraphina?" I asked as I tried to hand him his jacket back. He simply folded it up once he took it and laid it next to him on the seat.

"I could have once told you what it was like to work around her but I can't say I know what to expect anymore. The loss of both King Theron and Prince Malik definitely had a negative impact on her," Captain Orion sighed. "I'd definitely be wary of her temper, she's always had one but it's only gotten worse since their deaths," he stated.

"Aren't you supposed to say nice things about her? You're the captain of her guard after all," I said in confusion.

"I could say nice things, there's plenty of nice things that I could say. However I'm being honest and I feel like it's only fair to warn you about her temper," Captain Orion shrugged slightly.

"Does she yell at people when she loses her temper? I don't like being yelled at," I muttered as I played with the end of my braid.

"I haven't known her to yell at anyone ever," Captain Orion said simply. "She's always been one to be calm when she's angry," he stated as he ran a hand through his hair. "Besides, I don't think Queen Seraphina would lose her temper with you. Maybe with the people she's talking to but your job just consists of writing down the conversations so I don't see any reason she'd lose her temper with you. She's never lost her temper with Pandora," he shrugged.

"That's good to know," I said with a small smile. The less chance I had of upsetting Queen Seraphina was all the better in my opinion.

"I've been working in the castle for a very long time, I could tell you what it's been like working with Seraphina," Captain Orion offered

"That would be nice," I said with a small grin. Any opportunity to hear more about the woman I would be working with on a daily basis would be greatly appreciated. Captain Orion seemed more than happy to tell me more about her too.

The hours spent in the carriage passed quickly as we swapped stories. Captain Orion told me about working in the castle and I told stories of what it was like growing up as a noble in Queen Circe's kingdom.

The carriage stopped a few times so that we could use the restroom or so that Captain Orion could get out some bread and meat from a shop. I would have just been thankful for the bread at that point as I was starving.

The sun had set by the time we finally managed to make it to the outskirts of the kingdom. Captain Orion got out first, holding out his hand for me to take. I hesitantly took it, stepping out of the carriage.

My legs were asleep from the long journey and I stumbled slightly. Captain Orion caught me, steadying me for a moment before he let me go.

"Not the first time you've got a beautiful woman falling for you huh Captain?" one of the guards asked with a chuckle.

Captain Orion sighed, shaking his head as he moved past the guard. There was a small shack that was set up just outside the gates. He went behind the desk and pulled out a stack of papers from a drawer.

"We have to fill out this paperwork every time someone enters the kingdom," Captain Orion explained as he leafed through the paperwork. "Thankfully since you'll be working in the kingdom, it means we can save most of these forms for tomorrow," he stated.

"That's good," I said with a small nod of agreement. It was clear that he didn't like paperwork in the slightest.

"We only have to do the first few forms and get your fingerprints," he stated as he handed me four forms. I took the quill from him and started filling out the paperwork, my hand moving nimbly and quickly. I was done with it in moments, having read and signed all of the four forms.

"You read and finished all of those already?" he asked in surprise. I flushed as I nodded my head, letting him take the papers back. "Damn, Seraphina was right to hire you. I don't think even Pandora can read and sign stuff that fast," he stated. He filed the papers away before holding out an ink pad for me to press my fingers into.

I carefully dipped my fingers into the inkpad as he put my name on a piece of paper with boxes on it. I carefully aligned my hands so that each box had a fingerprint in the middle of it. Once I was done putting my fingerprints on the paper, he handed me a handkerchief to wipe my hands on. There was only a slight stain on my fingers when I was done.

"You're going to love the castle," Captain Orion said as he put the paper into the file. We made our way to the carriage and he helped me into it. He chose to ride back to the castle with one of the guards on their horses.

I settled down for the ride to the castle, peering out the window of the carriage. The view of the castle took my breath away. It was looming and giant with lights set in the windows of it. The towers of the castle were lit with lanterns. It was beautiful and I couldn't believe that I was going to get to live there.

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