Chapter 117

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*Suzanna's P.O.V*

I furrow my eyebrows as I look around. It should not be this hard to find a group of maids to annoy. Honestly it was like I was playing a big game of hide and seek and I didn't even like hide and seek that much! I cross my arms, pouting as I keep wandering the castle to try and find someone to annoy. It's a lot harder than you would think seeing as the new maids seem to be hiding from me! Which isn't fair at all!

When I do manage to find a maid to annoy, she doesn't seem like one that I want to annoy right away. So instead I take the time to study her and hope that I can learn more about her. She has dark brown skin and jet black hair. Streaks of her hair have been dyed with a silverish color. I quite like how the color looks. I also notice that she has piercings. Her nose is pierced as are her ears. Except she has quite a few ear piercings. It makes me kind of want to put in earrings of my own. Maybe Seraphina would let me pierce my ears.

The woman glances at me, making me smile weakly. I felt weird about having just been watching her while she cleaned but I wasn't that great at introducing myself to strangers. I mean now that she had seen me it was even more awkward and I felt like a fool. What was I supposed to say now? 'Sorry I was just watching you like a weirdo, by the way, my name is Suzanna'? No, that didn't sound right.

"Hi," I clear my throat before continuing to speak. "My name is Suzanna," I say, deciding to skip the apology unless she mentions my staring. I sure hope she doesn't mention it. That would be quite awkward.

"Hello," the woman says, smiling only just slightly. I can tell that she's not used to talking to people, or at least not ones that stare at her. I mean I wouldn't want to talk to anyone that was staring at me either so I guess it was fair. She seems to remember something as she speaks again.

"I'm Kavita," she says, making me think of the name before I light up as I remember something.

"That means poem right?" I ask, making her nod.

"Yeah, it does," Kavita says as she nods her head. "Let me guess, you're the scribe who really likes writing?" she asks, making my cheeks burn at the fact she already knew that.

"Does everyone speak of me like that?" I ask after a moment, making Kavita nod.

"Yes, the head maid warned me about you. She said you would either try to annoy me or you would interrogate me if you found out that I wrote," Kavita says.

"So you do write?" I ask, bouncing up on my tippy toes in just the slightest bit of excitement at that news which makes her chuckle.

"Sometimes. Not much. And despite my name, I do not like writing poetry. It is difficult to make things rhyme and I have the tendency to ramble on when writing so it looks nothing like a poem by the end of me writing," Kavita says.

"Poems are easy, I just make all of mine nonsensical so that people question what's going on in my mind," I say with a tiny smirk. I had purposefully left some of my poems lying around my room just so Seraphina and Pandora would find them. So far they hadn't asked me about anything that I had written so either they hadn't fallen for my plan or they just didn't care. I think it was the first one though because they always cared about my business way too much.

"Do you want to slack off on your work? Because if you do, you can just come hangout with me. That way you can avoid getting in trouble with Seraphina and the pain in the ass that is Pandora," I inform Kavita. Her lips together press slightly and I can see her fighting back a laugh which makes me guess as to why she is laughing.

"Is she behind me?" I ask, making Kavita nod. I spin around, looking at Pandora who has her hands on her hips.

"A pain in the ass?" Pandora asks as she raises an eyebrow, making me smile nervously.

"It's a term of endearment," I say simply as I take a few steps back so that she can't grab me.

"Mhmm, and telling a maid to skip her duties?" Pandora questions as she taps her foot slightly. I press my lips together as I think about an answer for her question.

"That was making friends. Which I'm sure Seraphina would want me to do," I state with a smile.

"I was going to skip doing them anyways, head maid is kind of a bitch and gave me more than she should have," Kavita says, making Pandora's eyes flicker to her. I watch Pandora look her over and I grin slightly when Pandora frowns.

"I assure you that the head maid is not a bitch," Pandora states simply, making Kavita snort before she covers her mouth.

"Okay miss, if you say so," Kavita says with a toothy grin, seeming to find Pandora's works amusing.

"I feel like I should instruct my sister to keep you two away from each other...I've heard of your antics Kavita," Pandora states, making Kavita step closer so that she can look Pandora in the eyes.

"I like when you say my name," Kavita says as she grins, looking Pandora up and down in amusement before spinning around and flouncing off. I glance after her before looking at Pandora with an excited grin!

"I like her," I say with a grin, making Pandora huff as she tries to grab my arm. I dodge her, trying to copy Kavita with her flouncing but I'm not nearly as good as she is so I kind of stumble. In the end I give up on copying her and just chase after, catching up to her rather quickly.

"You're fun," I inform her, making her grin slightly.

"No, I'm not. I'm a nuisance," Kavita corrects simply. I don't care about her correction, she's definitely fun and my new best friend.

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