Chapter 109

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*Suzanna's P.O.V*

I currently had a small collection of swords around me. Orion was watching me so I was trying to figure out how to sneak one of the swords into my nightgown. They were kind of long so it wasn't like I could just stick them down my nightgown. I had tried and the cold metal had made me very uncomfortable.

Now I was trying to figure out how to sneak them in a way that wasn't uncomfortable. I thought about cutting off the end of my nightgown and using the fabric to wrap them up but I think it would be very obvious what I was doing if I did that.

I move to go look at the tiny swords. I think they're actually called daggers but tiny swords are much more fun to say. In my opinion which was the only right one! My thumb slips into my mouth as I study the tiny swords. Sucking my thumb always helped me concentrate on stuff. It didn't make much sense but most things never made sense to me.

"Suzanna, can you hand me the keys that are in there?" Orion asks, making me glance down to see that there were in fact a bunch of keys on the ground. They were all on a key ring, one I quickly picked up.

"No thanks you. Finders keeps," I say as I stick my tongue out at him.

"It's finders keepers, not finders keeps," Orion informs me, making me pout. He thought he was so much smarter than me and he wasn't smarter than me at all.

"Suzanna has keys, 'rion doesn't," I inform as I walk closer to the gate, shaking the keys in his face since he can't grab them.

"Give them to me now," Orion snaps, making me pout. He was using such a mean tone, there was no way that I was going to give him the keys now.

"Want candy," I inform him, putting my hands on my hips. There was no way that he could deny my request. I had all the weapons and all the keys. His pointless denying my requests meant I could just ask for more ridiculous stuff. Maybe I could get a pony...or even several ponies.

"Come on Suzanna before I wake up Seraphina and she comes down here to find you in the weapons armory with no supervision after lying and cursing at guards," Orion says. I glance at the tiny swords, wanting to take at least one.

I go back and reach out to grab one of the tiny swords, tucking it into my nightgown. I go back to the door, passing the keys to Orion. Once he unlocks it though, I walk past him. Sure I had been moving slowly just to taunt him about getting a tiny sword but he had moved fast to grab me before I could run away.

"Owie," I whine as I hold my arm, acting like he had hurt me. He was so mean to grab my arm! I would never ever forgive him. Not in a million billion trillion years! He grabs where I had tucked the tiny sword, pulling it out of my nightgown and tossing it back into the weapon pile I had made.

"I did not hurt you. I know that you know better than to run off at this point," Orion says, making me pout. Maybe I did know better but he didn't know that for sure. He was just assuming and when you assumed something that made you an ass.

"I tellin'," I inform him, puffing up slightly when he rolls his eyes. How dare he roll his eyes at me! That was so rude.

"Telling on me for what? Not allowing you to stay locked in a room with weapons? I think I should be telling your mama that you lied to a guard, cursed at one, and ran off in the middle of the night," Orion states, making my eyebrows furrow.

How did he know all that stuff? Who told him about all that? Were secrets not a thing anymore. Apparently no one had the decency to keep secret things secret. I would just have to tell Mama that secrets weren't being kept like they should be.

"Not do that," I say, assured with my knowledge that he wouldn't ever tell my Mama on me. He leads me up the steps of the dungeon, keeping a hold of me as he leads me down the hall. My confidence in the fact that he wouldn't tell started to dwindle the closer we got to Mama's room.

"Not tell!" I repeat, trying to tug my arm away from him. My attempt at getting away is foiled as he just lifts me up and starts carrying me instead. This was such crap! I was just going for a walk. The ghosts of the castle had made me go down the dungeons.

I try to kick and squirm my way out of his hold, squealing when I see Mama's bedroom door. I try to get away, twisting and turning even more. My panic only worsens when Orion actually knocks! He was the worst uncle ever.

"What is going on?" Mama asks as she opens the door, her eyes widening when she sees me. I shrink under her gaze, whining when she holds out her arms. Orion hands me over, something I wish he hadn't done.

"Your daughter has decided that running amok in the halls at 3 in the morning is appropriate behavior," Orion says as Mama bounces me on her hip. I can tell she isn't in the mood to listen to my whining based on the look she gives me so I stay quiet.

"Thank you for bringing her back Orion," Mama says as she adjusts her hold, smiling at Orion until he walks away. "Why would you run off in the middle of the night?" Mama asks me, turning her attention to me. I shrink under her gaze, refusing to talk.

"If I cannot trust you to stay in bed and not run off, I will have to take precautions Suzanna. Since I cannot have them done tonight, you will be sleeping in your crib," Mama says, making me shake my head as I try to squirm out of her hold.

"No! No no no no," I say as I try to kick my way out of her hold. She ignores my protests as she carries me down the hall. It's just right down the hall from her but it's in the opposite direction of my nursery so I have no idea where we are going. She twists the knob, opening the door.

To my surprise, it's another nursery. This one was more purplish than my other one so I already like it much more.

"Mama," I whine as she tries to set me in my crib, clinging to her. She gives me an exasperated look as she pats my bottom, pausing when she doesn't feel my diaper.

"You are just causing Mama as many headaches as you can," Mama informs me as she lifts me back up and carries me over to the changing table. I smile at her as I cling to her, happy to stay in her arms. I would find a way to stay in her arms for the rest of the night, even if I had to throw many many fits!

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