Chapter 92

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*Suzanna's P.O.V*

I whine when it is time to leave, not wanting to leave the garden or the butterflies. Mama has to lift me up to even get me out the door and I whine the whole time, trying to free myself from her horrible hold. How dare she be so strong!

"Mama, you cheat. I not want to leave yet," I whisper loudly into her ear. It's a loud whisper cause I know that will annoy her and make her more likely to do what I say. Or she will lose focus so that I can escape her evil and mean hold.

"I know darling, we've been here for hours though," Mama says as she sets me down, crouching to my level. It hadn't felt like we had been there that long and even though it was later in the day, it wasn't late enough for us to have to leave.

"The butterflies are still awake, they want me to stay," I inform her with a pout on my lips. She has fixed her veil back into place, something that annoys me. I try to grab her veil off her face but she grabs my wrist, stopping me from doing so. I try to tug my arm free, pouting when she holds me in place.

"You have been so well behaved today, do not start throwing a fit now," Mama scolds. I huff as she lifts me up, resting me on her hip. I nuzzle into her, pulling the bottom part of her veil over my head so that I can look up at her face.

"Mean," I whisper, resting my head into the crook of her neck. Seraphina rocks me slightly before she starts moving, holding me close. Her veil is thin enough that I can peek out to look at people even though they can't see me. I watch the guards as I listen to Mama's heart beat, having slid down so that just my eyes and the top half of my face are hidden.

"Sera." Pandora's voice breaks me out of my sleepy haze, watching as the guards part as Pandora stumbles into the circle of guards. Blood coats her hands and dress, her eyes wild in a way I had never seen before.

"Pan, are you okay?" Mama sets me down but I don't mind. Why is Aunty Panda all bloody? She was not supposed to be all bloody. Was she hurt?

"It's not mine," Pandora says as she collapses to her knees, her breathing coming out in pants. "," she manages to get out. Mama's whole body stiffens and I look between Mama and Aunty Panda.

"Where is he?" Mama's voice breaks and it makes me sad. Her voice wasn't supposed to sound like that. Her voice was supposed to be happy, she was always happy.

"Infirmary...just...go...he's hurt," Pandora says. Orion steps closer to her but his eyes are on Mama doesn't say anything, she just takes off towards the castle. Orion runs with her but he is not as fast as Mama surprisingly.

I don't follow, I stay with Pandora. One of the guards stays behind and stays close to me, like he is afraid I will run off. I wouldn't do that though, not right now. I sat next to Pandora even though the ground was muddy.

"So King Theron is alive?" I ask, sort of slipping out of my regression. I didn't really want to regress without Mama... Seraphina, I correct myself.

"Yes," Pandora said. "Fuck, I've never run that fast," she says as she takes deep breaths, putting her hands over her head as she takes slow deep breaths. I nod as I think about the implications of the king being back.

If the King was back, he probably would correct Seraphina's thoughts of me being her daughter. That was what I wanted him to do, right? Then I could have my old room back and go back to having a normal life. No more Seraphina holding me, no more having Pandora be a pain in my ass, no more Draya being my grandma, and no more Kamili coming to talk to me when things were hard.

"Shit," I mutter out loud, turning my head away when Pandora looks at me. I can feel heat gather in my cheeks as I try to ignore the mixture of emotions that are storming in my mind. I shouldn't feel so conflicted about this but damn was it causing my emotions to be a whirlwind. The thoughts of what my life was like before coming to this castle hit me.

What if I had to go all the way home? I couldn't see my parents again, not now that I knew they had given me up so easily. They had been more than happy to let Seraphina have me with minimal thought. What if they did that again?

"Suzanna," I feel Pandora's hands on my face as I try to catch my breath, feeling heart pounding in my chest. I didn't know why this had just hit me but I realize that I have nothing else in my life besides this little family I've grown to have.

The king would probably tell me to leave, tell me that I need to go. That was what I was supposed to want after being held prisoner here. I didn't want that though. Not now, probably not ever again. I feel a sudden pain on my wrist and I realize that Pandora has pinched it.

"Hey," I jerk my arm away as I look at her, noticing that her other hand is resting on my face. I can feel her thumb gently stroking my cheek. My cheeks are wet with tears that I don't even realize are falling until I feel her wiping them away.

"What are you crying for my darling?" Pandora asks as she carefully lifts me up, resting on her hip. Even though I am not regressed at the moment, I don't fuss as she does so. I bury my face into her neck as her hand gently runs through my hair.

"I have never seen you like this," Pandora says, sounding so caring that it almost feels like she can't be the real Pandora. "What has upset you?" she asks but I can not answer. How can I answer that, to say I am scared to lose everything I have? I had a bad feeling about the king being back even if I should be happy Seraphina has her husband again.

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