Chapter 65

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*Suzanna's P.O.V*

I held the puppy close as I cooed down at it, gently petting the puppy with a small smile on my lips. I was so happy to have a puppy, it was my first time ever owning a dog. My parents had never allowed me to have one so this was probably one of the best days of my life.

"Should we get her a collar?" Kamili asked. I looked up at her after a moment and nodded my head. The puppy was heavy. It was like a solid twenty pounds but I was pretty sure most of it was fluff. I could tell it was going to be a big dog.

"You're a good girl," I cooed down at the puppy who had flopped onto her back in my arms. She was looking up at me and was panting in the sun. I was using my hair to offer her shade with my hair.

"What color collar do you want me to get her?" Kamili asked.

"Green," I said simply as I rubbed the puppy's stomach. I was going through a list of names in my head, trying to name the puppy. "What shall I name you?" I asked as I lifted the puppy up, holding her in the air. She stared at me, licking her lips as her tail wagged.

"I do not think she can answer you," Kamili said. At one point she had walked away and had come back with a green collar. I took it from her, having to hold the squirming puppy with one arm as I tried to buckle the collar into place. Kamili chuckled as she moved over and grabbed the puppy so I could buckle the collar into place.

"Thank you Kamili," I said once the collar was in place. I took the puppy back and cuddled her close. "What should I name her?" I asked as the puppy licked my face, making me giggle.

"Well she's your dog so what do you want to name her?" Kamili asked. That made me ponder what I wanted to name the puppy. She was a dog and she was almost all white with some splotches of brown so clearly the obvious answer was to name her Phoenix. A giant orange bird was clearly the same as a white and brown puppy.

"Phoenix, I'm calling her Fifi for short though," I stated simply. "I'm done shopping, I want to go home," I said. I froze as I realized I had called the castle home and pouted slightly with a small frown on my lips. The castle was not home and I should not think about it like it was home.

"Okay, if you want to go back now we can," Kamili nodded her head. If she had noticed my sudden pout, she hadn't said anything about it.

"You haven't really bought anything. We don't have to go back if you want to keep shopping," I informed Kamili.

"Darling, I only came out to the market because you wanted to go shopping," Kamili said. That made me pause for a moment. She had only done it because I wanted to go out? That was really nice of her. Seraphina would never have done that but that was probably because she was the queen and was busy a lot.

"Thank you," I whispered with a small smile on my lips. Phoenix was content to lay in my arms as I started the walk back to the castle. Kamili walked with me, the first guard ahead of us and the other two walking behind us. I walked quickly, not caring when one of my shoes slipped off. I heard Kamili chuckle but she didn't say anything.

As soon as we entered the castle gates, I found Pandora since she was outside talking to Orion. I ran over to her and shoved Phoenix into her face.

"Look, it's my puppy," I said with a smile on my lips. Pandora blinked for a moment before raising an eyebrow.

"You got her a dog?" Pandora asked as she looked at Kamili. I turned to glance at her and realized she had grabbed my shoe for me.

"Yeah, I did. She wanted one so she got one," Kamili informed me. I shoved the puppy into Pandora's face again and she sighed as she pet it.

"Yes Suzanna, I see your puppy," she said simply. Phoenix licked her hand and I smiled as I pulled my puppy away from Pandora before showing it to Orion. He took her from me and petted her, ruffling her fur up until she looked like a fluffy little dog.

"Give me back my puppy," I huffed as I took Phoenix away from him, hiding her with my body.

"Why did you get her a puppy?" Pandora asked.

"I've already said why. She wanted one so I got her one," Kamili said.

"Yes but..." Pandora huffed as she rubbed the bridge of her nose, looking stressed out. "Seraphina got her one as well," she muttered. My ears perked up when I heard that and my eyes widened.

"I have another puppy? Where is it?" I asked as I practically teleported over to Pandora with how fast I moved. I looked up at her with wide eyes, holding Phoenix close as I bounced onto my tippy toes.

"It's not here yet. She got it from a friend in the east," Pandora said simply.

"When will it be here?" I demanded to know.

"I don't know, go ask Seraphina," Pandora shrugged. I nodded my head, turning and taking off running. I lost my other shoe in my hurry to Seraphina's office and I didn't bother to knock as I barged in.

Seraphina looked up from her paperwork, raising her eyebrows when she saw me and Phoenix. I shut the door quickly before setting Phoenix down gently.

"Kamili got me a puppy and Pandora said you also got me one and I want to know when it will be here," I said quickly, saying everything in one breath. Seraphina's eyebrows furrowed for a moment as she leaned back in her seat to process what I said.

"Kamili got you a puppy and Pandora told you I got you one?" Seraphina asked. I nodded my head quickly. "I did, it will be here within the next three days," she stated.

I looked down at Phoenix and sat down in front of her, petting her all over. "Fuck yeah, two puppies," I whispered with a smile on my lips.

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