Chapter 119

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*Suzanna's P.O.V*

Seraphina tries to be sneaky about regressing me but she's not good at being sneaky like I am. Like it's very obvious that she is trying to regress me as she keeps calling herself mama. It doesn't work though, I'm definitely not regressing...not even a little bit.

I wriggle slightly as Ma-Seraphina raises an eyebrow, rocking me slightly as she sits down in a rocking chair. She had tried to help me change into a diaper and onesie but I wasn't going to let her do that. That would only make her think I was regressing and I wasn't. She had picked me up and I had let her but that didn't mean anything at all.

"What had gotten you so riled up? You don't want to be my babyyyy," Ma-Seraphina says as her thumb strokes my cheek, making me glare at her as a small yawn tries to force it's way out of my mouth but I keep my mouth tightly shut.

"Not a baby," I argue, making her raise an eyebrow as she looks down at me.

"Are you sure about that?" Ma-Seraphina asks as she smirks at me. I nod my head firmly as she glances around the nursery with a small sigh escaping her.

"I don't know, this certainly seems like a place for my little baby," she coos, making me shake my head. I wasn't a baby and she had no right to call me one or act like I was one. I was a big girl, a very big girl who didn't need to be babied at all, especially by her.

"Not," I disagree, making her hum.

"So I guess I'm in this nursery with my big girl, my big girl who certainly doesn't need diapers, or a onesie, or a paci, or to nurse," Mama lists, making me glare at her with a frown. There was no way she was serious about me not nursing, that was my milk! Mine!

"Mine," I say as I put my hand on top of her breast, giving her an angry look at the thought of not being able to nurse. She raises an eyebrow, seeming amused by my response.

"But you're not a baby and only babies need to nurse," Mama says, making me frown. I force my lower lip to quiver and she furrows her brows, seeming confused by my sudden upsetness.

"Mine," I burst into tears, genuinely upset that she wasn't going to let me have my milk. She hushes me, bouncing her leg slightly as I look at her with teary eyes. My face has tears running down it and she gently wipes them away with a small frown.

"Oh darling, I was only using your logic against you," Mama sighs, humming softly as she pulls me close and presses a kiss to my forehead.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were too little to understand what I meant. You can still nurse all you want my darling girl," she reassures me, making me sniffle. My nose is clogged up and I hate the feeling but I don't know how to make it go away.

"'ilk," I whisper sadly as I tug at her top, whining when she doesn't automatically lower it. Her hand rests over mine and I look up at her, surprised when she presses a kiss to my forehead. I giggle slightly, leaning back as I look at her.

"No 'isses," I say, squeaking when she pulls me close and covers my face in them. I whine, pushing at her chest as I try to wriggle away from her. I couldn't believe she would be so icky and try to give me kisses, I didn't like icky kisses.

"Oh my poor baby, you don't want mama's affections. You just want to use me for my milk," Mama says as she leans back, carefully tugging her top down. I practically lunge only to be stopped by her stupid bra. I glare at it, a whine of frustration escaping me as I spit the fabric out.

"Slow down, you will not be making yourself sick because you suckle too fast," Mama scolds lightly as she slowly pulls her bra down, making me huff but hesitantly lean forward and latch on. It takes me a bit to get a deep latch but Mama is patient enough with me, helping me when I struggle.

"There we go," Mama sighs when I finally latch on correctly and she leans back in the chair, rocking me slowly. Her thumb strokes my cheek, slowly moving to stroke the bridge of my nose.  I settle down, drinking happily as she hums.

"You're mama's girl aren't you?" Mama asks, making me nod my head slightly. My eyes are already halfway closed but I don't close them all the way, at least not yet. I enjoy looking up at her, my fingers moving to tangle with her veil which she had pulled up and out of the way as soon as we got into the nursery. I tug on it, pulling it off of her head with a sudden pull.

Mama winces, making me freeze. I hadn't meant to hurt her, I didn't realize she had it attached to her hair. Instead of scolding me though, she takes my hand and brings it to her lips. She presses a kiss, making me relax.

"Next time ask," she says gently, making me nod. She hums slightly as I unlatch, snuggling into her. She rocks me, patting my bottom as she fixes her bra with her free hand.

"Do you want a diaper or a pullup darling?" Mama asks, making me furrow my eyebrows. Neither of those sounded great but if Mama was going to force me to choose then I would do so, just very slowly.

"Di....pu...di..." I alternate back and forth, making Mama raise an eyebrow. I can tell she doesn't find me amusing but she didn't say I had to choose right away.

"I'll go get Mommy and tell her to pick," Mama threatens, which is more than enough to make me choose as Mommy could not know that I was a baby.

"Pullup," I say quickly, making her chuckle as she stands up. She rests me on her hip, letting me cling to her as she pats my bottom and starts to get me ready for my nap.

Figured a nice slow chapter would be a good preparation for the next one which is all just chaos and angst

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